Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1936, p. 34

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y tJALMTY ROUP WlLOUen'uyTonna 8SCRJPTION:- $2 PER YEAft SINGLE COPIES Ç CENTrS AU communications and cortributiofm inended for publi- codion muet bear the name and addreu ofte author, plot mmmiurilyý for publication, but -for sur fie@. Such material mtrahthe editor by Tuesday noon to be in tînte for dhs current lue., RIGHT TO,;THE PO INT: The Legisiative conmittee of the Illinois Statc ]Parent-Teacher association conducts. a study course for the legisiative chairmen of the local Parent-Teacher organizations. In these studies various subjects. are discussed, the objective being to fully., informn attendants on questions of gov- ernmnent and legislation in which the rank and file "of the. membership may be interested, or should be interested. At a recent session, held ini Chicago three questions pertainitng to . goverin- nient were submnitted. The.answersconstitute.-iii a few words a pretty thorough education in the principleç of ýtIe American forn of~ governnieÎlt. They are as follows: "Question: Why do we have government." "Answer: To do,,those, thinigs that are good for *ail of. us that we, cannotý do as individuals-pro- tection, education, sanitation, highways, careý for. the unifortuniate and handicapped, settiemient of, .disputes. and other things." * "Question: Under the law iii this country upon whom 'does the goverrnewitrest ? "Answer: 'We, the people of the United States, in orderto form,' etc-as set forth iu the preamble to the Constitution of the United States. We-get. the kirid and quality of governmient wve are will ing to accept." ."Question : In our formi of goverumnent does it make any difference whetlter or not citizens understand much or littie about government? "Answer: Ours is the one formn of governmùent where an informed citizenry is absolutely in- dispensable to its SUCCESSFUL, operation." If Parent-Te.acher. associations can: impres-s upon ail school. children the. sound ýprinciples of: representative goverumnent coutainied in the- above. no one need worry about the kind of citizens into whieh they will develop. of those wbo seek to profit.through th judgment of others, over-confidence ini ow', sense of values, or the common misfo of life that opens the window through whic tunes flv for so large a proportion of people It is true that mnany people, lack the' tof ,naking or saviug mouey, or of sýafely it to yield -a compe)tence for advanciing agc while. those who have reached the point, pendence today mustbe, provided for, it the part of wisdom to inaugurate .s ome- by which those 'not too far advanced ini might be given assistance, in pr 1eparing tc irare of themselves when their earninç, ci over. There is nlo dearth of evideâce that( tion 'and direction ini financial, matters is j needed by a great proportion of youngj just comingteang age. Ne ithçr is ther Iark of money-uiinded men. and womeri capa.ble of giving sound.advice in the, n; saving and investing of mionÇy., In soi a positive.genius., If sonie plan. bie devised whe reby those in need o f fin direction could receive'it fromn those most cý of giving it, there wouid *be Iess nieed for curity legisl'atioi" less hopeless approacl the period of retirement, less heartbreal those,.no longer able to work. Social. security legisiation makes flot ,e start toWard a solution of the problein.5 ing people how to avoid the need for it hé a real accomplishment, a real conitril to the welfare of this and future generation TimE CHANGE The approach of Mardi 1, when Chicag( environ il o on Eastern Standard time, Interstate Commerce commission *does nol an order iuvalidating the action of the Ch City counicil, will give added interest to the f( ing, information concerniing the time standar( "Illiois,, lncluding Chicago, is on Cen Standard time. A certain group- iu Chýi wlshes to change to Eastern Standard Urne,* thereby hiangsa a tale. The earth, aî you. kr for aàtiýrnomical purposes la dlvide4 into 360 greeso f longitude. Meridians of 'longitude north and south and are theorétleally drawn i pole to pole. The zero meridian runs throug little town In England called Greenwich. As travel west fromn Greenwich You deduct froni he bad itheir ortunes ,h for- faculty. vestiflg le. And of de- seents ,sys te m iyears :o take great l v people mVLj. uenI. 'j oFIIn a Ao(Ij'u'.pirit *' AiI movy to build permanent ba rracks for United States soldiers, testified before the house appropriations conimittee: "Lt is harder for mue to get fivecents for a lead pencil than to gét a thousand dollars to teach hobbies to CCC boys. CCC hobbies are exempted 'front the controler's. decisions. Thev do not 'have to corne up to governmheut Specifica- tions. One man-can be taught to collect.postage stamps, while another fiau can he encouraged to t.ake an interest in butterfiies. Under' the WPA I can get $200 to build a gravel walk to the garden bouse, but I cannot get $10 to Irepair a broken steani pipe." WPA sending,, he added, is like *'pouring *moniey in a rat hole." Sounds. like the Maj. Gen. is peeved.5 ýre1 any The niost,,iintselyv interesting bit of news iii ifully ýthi s comrnunity is the weather, 'and: the nost iaking. al)used man. we know' the weathe.rfore- :me it caster. But much. he cares 1. could about that ' for he. is naturally m" nanlcial a cheerio . After telling us a pable that from January 22 to Feb- social ruary 10 there have been six-2 ies to teen subzero days, with a kcs for mean (mean is right) temipera- ture of 3.8 above,. he smnilingly K yen a :designates it, as "brisk and .Show- bracing winter weather," .'aud would -that there is more hl.-ution .-of the sarne coming. That ris. will lie good inews to thos'e who I-à.veý suffered frozen ,e'ar,;. nippüd noses, frostbitten- tocs and ail the otlycr annioyaànces andl discomforts of 16 beloiv zerô., Even L.ake Michigan lias failed in teimpeninig thc Yo and winds to the shorn lambs of the niorth shore., What if the, we want to know, Mr. Weather Mati. is, wheil t isue you are gôing to get. back to nornialcy. as M.r. *sse Hardinîg once said. If ,,ou have lost vour hear- ýhicago., in gs.,or .-one comiplete ly lerzerk,. ifsý just t(x) OlOW ad. and tve are sorry, but doni't you think>yoir ,ds: should resign . and giv oîoecIcacac- >tra someone who wvould, guarantee mnilder tetnîpera-' and turcs, and make good? :now, de- run fromn gh a ithe 1 ,SECURIT-Y And now the Suprenie court lias started iiito. mnvalidate Hutey, Long legislatioîî in poor 01(1 Lousiana, which feullihard-for, Huey. One by one the court is knocicing the props froni beneath- the radicals. A Minneapolis grand jury avers that an organ- ized group of criminals is running things in that fair city. Responsibilitv for the assassnztin oLf public agency. Iftta staremern e true, and we are inclined to doubt it, then meamures beyond those reqtîired for support are indicated, in order that in'future years tie percentage of depend- ents may be measureably reduced. Why are 53' out of every 100 persons unable to, provide for * thele~ t6 years of a ge, or asongas life At, Cleveland, Ohio, around next Julie 91 the next président of the Onited.States will be nom- inated. The public is always interested ini happy familY parties. Recent papers showed a picture of John Barrymiore with Elaine Bardie and her mnother at a theater, So she finally caught UP with him! * *THE xPHANTom ReýPORTVIR.

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