Lake Forest cemeter3 Burial was liýer ry. hîm ime. 1 cent Miss Mitriel Meyer, 1142 Gregory avenue, Wilmiette, will, have. a role in- the children's play,. "Troui's Luck," ta be presented by students of thme National College of Educa- tion Saàtirdayl,.Febritarv t1.5- * Other% north shore~ girls to 'apear ini the production are Miss Evelyn Thornpson, 2006 Thornwood avenue, Wileteand Miss Genevieve Johnson (À 773 Prospect avenue, iniietka. -T1rout's luck," directed hy Missý Etta Mount, is ani adaptation by Miss Clara Bell.e Baker of Juliania Hioratis Exving's "Brown1ie-s7 Chiidren's Hour Group Offers Trio of Plays; *Three plays are to be presented under auspices of the. Winnetka Chldren's Hour comimittee Saturday rnorning, February 22, at 10:30 o'clock in Winnetka Cônimunity House., These plays, to be given by' the Little Theater, a project of the Chul- dren's Hour committee, include "'The Goosehierd and the Goblin," "Robin Hood and His Merry Men," aid, "The Puppet.,Prinicess." ART INSTITUTE PLAY The next production of the Chicago Art Institute Meibers' -series at, Weather ,Woui't Junterfere wlth Seiling w ' T E LE 1VE@NE ce. ILLINOIS DELL re-