astrmnsia ted by, .A Glenene adrtist, Grac P. Brionî. 7p/'cared recently 1l'eforc'tte'.Con- ference of Clutb PrPesidents apd Pro- !/rIV111Cliairînen, iiîiq iatalk on <idvinierlinCS11 /aintin<,. Artist G4veS Program aef Club Conference !jrace P. Brion of 'Glenicoc, gav-e a, nost unutisual talk on "The Adventure of a Paiteri," before the Conferenc.e of Club Presidents 'and .Program Chairmnen at.Fullerton hall ini the Art institute. on Thursday, February -.Hier talk ivas. illustrated bv lber own paîntîngs. M rs. Brion lias painted ini rarelv lovcv placeê; fromn the Atlantic to the Pacific, but slhe bas a -philosopliy that beauty lies ail around us if WC cati but see 'it. Quoting a'portion 'of lier speech, she said, "I bave a kev that itnlocks al doors froin the finest mnansion Io the lowliest cottage. It mnlocks garden gates and places that %vould be inaccessable otberwise" Witb that she bheid up a'paitit brush She related two ýof bier m ost thrilliing uxperieniccs,, illustrating hoQW thle so- i called povertv-stric.ken flaces 'beconie a scene oPf intelnse draina anid picture- esqencssuch las- Maxwell street, the open air mfarket in the Ghietto in Chicago. Tbe other extreine wias rued Whe1uii. ill Diii lit;fiL, a2 fiL-2fl MME. LYRA and. ARTIST MODEL FO UN DýATIO.N These new foundations have caefully considèed, the Par- sil- houette and bave adapted themselves, so that every figure May, be p repared for the interesting new fashions for Spring Here Art- à Few of the Models: For the Talf A beautiful silver fleck- ed peach brooede with flrm hand-knit elastie, Iightly.boxied and with new conptour bust lIme. (1) For the Toil, Full Figure, $7.50 This garment is lined and boned for fin» sup- Mannequins ~ifode1 T/aese Will Gar. I 2 3 y Brthday Dnner Dorotby Starr, daugbiter >of Mr. andl Mrs. James, Ralpb Starr, 320 Raleigbi road, Kenilwortb, gave a dinner party at bier home Wednesday evening for a group of ber friends, in celebrationp of h.ertwelfthb birthday. contour bui Third Floor-Evanston Store Also Fiftli Floor-Chicago Store 1 for s