iary of 'Chicago Maternitv cen- ter, at the Casino Saturday nighit of this week. .Serving cocktails to their groups of friends, wilI be: Mr. and Mrs. Uilliani Col%e1, Jr., who are having, twenty- çight guests,. Mes. ColweIll. is - co- chairnian of the ticket committe forý the benefit; Mr. and Mfs. J. Mac- G regor Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Hiofgren, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King. Mr. and, Mrs. Foster McGaw,, M\,ri and Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, the latter the president of,-thç auxiliary;Mr and Mrs. Purcell Smith, whose guests will be Mr. and Mrs. joseph Elîif., Mr. and Mrs.. Lewis B. Ermeiing, 'Mr. and Mrs. John,*Evers, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gordon, Mr. andiMrs. William E. Montrose. One group of men and women are1 organizing a.Dutch treat party before the bail: Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Bal, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Canning, N 1r. and Mms Tim Lowry, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sarle,, and Mr. and Mrs.i Drennan Slater. 1Hosts and hostesses at dinner par- ties before the bail begins %,%-Il be Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Blackburn. %vlo h.ave .invited as their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ,Bersbac.'h and Mr. and Mr. awrence, Ely.; Dr.ad rs Charles:E..Galloway, who ,are en1ter- taiing Mr. and Mrs. HiI Blackett, Mr. -and Mrs. John R. Nicholson, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wesh: r and Mrs. Jason F. Whitney, whose guests will be Mr., and Mrs. Albert Appleton, Baron and Baroness X\ran- geil, and Paul McMahon. Mrs. Stuart Fox and Mrs. Williami ColwveIl, Jr., chairman .and co-chair- man of the ticket committee, gave :a1 tea Wednesday at'the. home of Mrs.1 Fox for al. its m enbers. Added this week to.the-long list ofi patrons an d patroriesses for the bal are the names of Mr. and Mrs., Julian Norris, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Dili Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Jason Whitney, Mr. and' Mrs.. Albert Appleton, Mr. a nd Mrs. Louis> Leverone, 'and, Mr. and Mrs. George Paddock.t The purpose of the bail is to aid theJ twr of theîfaternitv rjenter wb.hihsj zSir. Mveinuers of , te cast in- clude Mrs. Seifert, Mrs. H. E. Nilles, Mrs, J. McLean, Mrs. H. A. Mor- rison, Mrs. K. G. Knobel, and George Cramer, Dr. M. H. Seifert, K. G. Knobel, H. E. Nilles, and John Mc,- Lean. Ann.Winscott Wins North Shore Smith Club ScholIarship IThe, Snith.College freshrnani scholarship of $500, awarded.an- nually by the Evanston-North Shore Smnith College club to a 1 north shore girl, was voted last week, for the comning year to Miss Alni Winscott. ýMiss Win- scQtt. is a senior at New Trier High school and the daughter of lr s. Frances J. Winscott, 902 Spruce: street, Winnetka. The winner was chosen f rom a field of fifteen. candidates, eight of. whom were approved by the, scholar- ship board of the collège. These eight, g irls and the local scholarship committee met for luncheon, Satur- day. at the home of the chairman, Mrs. John R. Nicholson, 599 Washi- ington avenue, Glencoe, aiter which a final decision was reached. Miss Winscott ranked twenty-third lin. a class of 479 students at the end of ber junior year, and lias Ibeen an honor student throughout her high, school couirse. This year she is editor- in-,chief of.the Echoes, the New Trier High school year book, and is, the .first girl to holdthis office without a She was advertisîing manager for the New Trier News*i in her sopho- more year and was both business and advertising manager during ber junior vear. She was aiso one of six iuiors~ £Uua< -. - Ç- . 5 ql lSilè; O ffippn the au.tomobile and going by train, depencling upon weather conditions. Saturday they sail from New York on the Vukcania, wbich is making a Mediterranean cruise, and will leave the boat at Sicily. From there they will proceed through Italy, té Vienna and Budapest in AU'stria, tbrough southern Germany and into Holland. Tbey sail for home around the first of June. To Go on Cruise Mrs. J. E. Lut;, 320* Cumberland avenue, Keni lwort h, accompanied by * ber niece, Miss ýHelen, Parsons, 518 -Hawthorn lane, Winnetka, will leave Monday night for San Francisco pre- paratory to'sailing on the Grace liner, Santa Paulo, for a cruise through. the Panama canal and to South Ameni- can ports. Gives Slumbe.r Party Miss Virginia Dowdle, 550 Lake, avenue, gave a slumber partyTus day evening for five of',her friends from the Marywood school. They are Betty Wý,'ilthoft, ýEileen Upton, june Ttirner,, Janice -Eckert*. and Georgana Grignon., MARSHALL CH1CACPO fNWYORK BANK( STOCKS, Em Yart.-Vas Camp &Feils lc. 39 S. LA SALLE ST. ANDover 2424 LINENS-- and Authentic European :Hand Embroideries, Monogramns, etc., -direct from the Hand of Skilled, Homeworkers of the Old World grandeur -to, your home - at half the ýprice youý woulId ordinarily pay. COM PLETE TROUSSEAUX No Obligation for Display Cali LAKEVIEW 3152 Paul Wichelhaus 548 Roscoe Street,, Chicago,Ililinois M F I ELD center to study) and to raise the Sunday Supper standard in the United States. Dr. Charles E. Galloway, Dr. Mrs. Herbert Taylor, 631 Abbots~- Philip H. Smith and Dr. William C. ford road, Kenilworth, entertained a Danfort are among the north shore doctors. on the staff of Maternity group of friends *at. Sun day' nigbt center. supper atber home this week. tion and revitalize your sca healthy, lustrous look to your they restore, the COMPANY THE EVANSTON STOREý annoMuces SPECIALS FOR FE Beoufy Salon, Third Floor, Evonit.a.Store