ofMoney Ready for Home Loans Dovenmuehle, hIc., the eighty-one year old mortgage 'banking bouse wvhôse activities have been identi-, fied with the de- velopment and groWth of the> north shore during P Most of that time,' reports a large volume of mnoney available for north, shore residentiali anid business prop- erties at 1lo wer rates than at any timne ini its 'long history. T. A. Buenger "ýThe residential Atwell Photo suburbs along -tbe nortb shore are considered amnong the finest home-communities in tbe en- tire country," sad Theodore A. Buen- ger of Winnetka, president of Doven- muehle, Imc., "and the owners of the choicest properties in Wilmettee, Ken- ilworth, . Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, Glencoe and the other nortb shore towns can now secure construction and refinancing loans at 4¼/ per cent interest, for terms ranging f rom S5 to 15 years. There is also a large amnount of money now seeking investmnent in good north shore loans att5. per cent interest, both from institutional lend- ers, and from qualified mortgagees 'Under Title II of the FHA. 't>ovenmuehle, hIc, bas both types of money available, beng the loan correspondent of several large insur- * ance companies and also the first pri- -vate-mortgage banking firmn to be ap- proved as" a qualified iencler under Titie Il of theé FJA. In ddition,< several of. our investors are interested in. mak- *ing mortgages on whicb no 432 .per cent'or 5 per cent money can be obtained, eitber' because of the age or unusual cbaracter of the propert\. at rates ranging uip to 6 per cent. FHM rti.w e Poou a .5.. bb te. 1-- P $AFE ifA& ~1u ~M Rep'riinted fro,» Ncw Orlcans Tiimès-Picay.unie-Keith Temple, arlist. LOOKING AHEAD Puts Pertinent Questionis on Hom.e-Building ÀAft<er~ BY GALE BROOKS rt14 Shore Homnes, m.) the storm of the past caken a liand in.making ,new typesý of. bath tubs and fixtures for bornes., Such firms as General Electricare. perfecting ideal beating plants. One improvemnent bas called for others.. With the humidification provided -by air conditioning las comne a moisture- proof insulation. By reflective, metal- lic sheets bouses are now built like therrnos botties. Edge in Permnits For Past Mont h Kenilworth, smallest of tbe four- New Trier towns, led lier neighbor' villages in. the number' of building permitsissued and in tbe value. of improvements thus autboriz.ed, during the month -of January. Despite the unfavorable ze ro weatb- er the irst montb of the ýnew year openied with. a total of five permits for improvements totaling $68,000, wbicb, even exceeded the splendid montbly average maintained in the village during 1935. Theý* total for January alone this year exceeds by more than one-third the total for 1935, wbicb amoéunted to $167,130. Thr.. New Homes Another grati fying feature of the Ja nuary showing, is the fact that tbree of tbe five permits were for new resi- dences costing- $59,000. The other two were for remodeling jobs, of wbîcb the estimated cost is $9,000. One of tbe residences, costing $26»00, is being erected by Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ladd, at 257 Wood- stock avenue. It is to be two and one-haîf. s tories, stone veneer, with an attacbed two-car garage. Raymond F. Houliban, of Chicago, is the archi- tect and C. A. Hempbill and Asso- ciates, of Evanston, are tbe general contractors. Mrs. William A. Whittier is huild- àb3 berling rod. iTne estimated cost is $20000. The arcbitect is. Homer G. Sailor, of Chicago and the Murray Construction company, builders. Builde on Brier Streft The third permit for. a new res1- dence was taken out by Fred L. Stone, wbo is building at'416 Brier streeC This bouse will be two stories, of brick veneer construction and will cost $13,000. The permit also calîs for a detacbed two-car garage. W. D. Mann is the arcbitect and Everett L. area. H-owever, we are convinced that Winnetka for many years. Mr. this will appear insignificant when we ger lives at 268 Ridge avenue:a will be able to compare it with tbe Dovenmueble at 560 Asb street new construction that will occur dur- are therefore thorougblyf ig1936. wtb th e. noth shore. market. will De of.grea- owners as i home owners. ons are lue tô a] as pros dence was îssued to iFrank .. who is building a brick veneer Iture witb attacbed two-car gara J30 Linden avenue, costing $ (Continued on Page 54)- resi- Hall,