ton will appear in the leading roles of Mr. and Mrs. Moonlight. Mrs. Butler lias bad mucb experience, not only on tbe amateur stage, but aIso on tbe professional stage and ini radio. Mr. Gbo is one of -tbe best known amateur actors in the Cbicago area. He bhas appemiredl witb every dramatie group on the north shore at DAETrY J'ON'ES CWU" mOu adalta. ldmSad a*d b.giammr SCHOOL 0F OANC IN& 00M b. imw er e ahCicag rbu.. Pedma et B9@4"..àKatz KiddIoe .,...l ait Eewmwl tet. Evyanston ~ 1:3 te 4: pm. 25. Eve, SUD, 11.1 Tiers., Fr1. NFb. 1314 Gina.r Rogems George Broi upera cmany Uat UL a..Wn'~stu From Glencoe the- Players bave secured Kathérine Kirchberg for the part of Edith, Mrs. Moonlight's sis- ter. Mrs. Kircbberg, also, bas bad mucb experience, ber last appearanece being in the Loyola Community Theatér's production of "TbeëCiadt Song!' Winmette bas furnisbed the talents of Victor McKeigban and. Lee Blaylock, both having gained previous expenience in Tbreshold Players' pr7o- ductions in Glencoe. Ada Louise Voss, wbo, played ýthe lead in the recen t production of *'The Curtain Rises" at the Highland Pan1lý Woman 's, club; EtidPbillips, star of many Ravinia Playens'I productions, and Steve Zoricb of tbe Northwestern Scbool of- Speech, camplete .tbe. cast. The show is under the direction of Mns. Max Hoffman, witb Harriette Golden -Harris' assisting.> W innetkan I. JEngaged by Paramount Studios Mr. and -Mrs. Willfred G. Moore of 535 Sheridan road, Winnetka, re- turned bomne recently froni Holly- wood, Calif., wbere Mr. Moore was engaged. by Paramount studios. Mr. Moore and Robert M. Burtt jof Chicago are to cô-authors of the radio show, "The Air Adventunes of jimmy Allen." It will be released This Tbursda patrons will ei Brent deflate; and Friday, Valencia y watching George self-im»ortnt movie It's Valentine season-and Shirley Temple will win your heart this Thursday, Friday and Saturday ;n ,,The Littlest Rebel"' at the Wilmette theater. Neyer did Shirley give a more en- tertaining and talented.performance than as the daugliter of a Confed- erate army, captain, John Boles. Poverty, hardship, and grief' cannet break the spirit of the little girl whom Shirley portrays in . this picture. Scenes you'll neyer forget: Shirley doing a sidewalk dance with Bihl Rob- inson to, raise money for a trip to Washington to plead for* ber father's life; the littie star eating an ap ple with President Lincoln (Frank Mc- Glynn, Sr.). Hlumor will reign triumpbant at the Wilmette theater Sunday and Mon- day when the new comedy, "Theý Per- fect Gentleman," will be on view. Co- starring Frank Morgan and Cicely Courtneidge, who' represent the fun- niest entertainers on two continents, the film is a gale of laughter from tbe opening scene to the last. Frank Mor- ganl, of course, is that irresponsible old wag of other films with the same halting lines and hilarious confusion ini bis noie of a down-at-the-beel army major wbo becomes a theatrical fav- orite. Tutta Roif cbarms in ber Americanl film debut in "Dressed to Thrill,". WiI- A dventur . . . Thuilsi Norman Foster, Victor Jory fIorence Rio in "ESCAPE PROM PEVIL'S SLAND'u r à-. I:-ST- 1-1-411- the World war, and Mr. Burtt was'a meniber of thé British fonces. He is well known on the north shore. Murray McLean, who takes the part of Jimmy Allen in the radio show, also potrays the character of jimmy on the screen. He is a stu- dent at Nortbwestern and a member of Delta Tau Delta. Munray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kendrick of Evanston, fonmenly of Glencoe. and Florence Rice, is the Saturday thrill fane for Valencia patrons. Next Wednesday and Tbursday bring "Mary Burns, Fugitive,?' the powerfully dramatic stony of a girl, unjustly sentenced to prison. Sylvia Sidney plays the titie role. PLAYS MODERN ROLE Marlene Dietrich will step into a tboroughly modern ole for hem .next picture, "I Loved a Soldie," with in Paris when she is the toast of the Continent. Next Tbursday, Friday and Satur- day the colorful showmanship of Buffalo Bill plays a spirited obbligato to the buman love,.stony and healthy bumor of "Annie Oakley," saga of the deadeye gai. (Barbara Stanwyck) who can outShoot Preston Foster. 'world's champion sharpsbooter." She can outshoot him until . . . but y3ou must see for yourself. "Stars Ove r radwa." Po O*Brien Pr'esented by The Theatre GuiId This engage- ment begins Feb. l7th JACK SCHAEPBR andl GEORGE SCHABFER YOqr fitvorte hwaud Mproafy teio . .youalhom.. Phoe BEN !RICKSON wilmtte 4092 Shirley Temple scores a dramatic tr-iumnph in "The Littlest Rebel" at. the Valencia theater Suwday,,Moii- daY and, Tuesday. John. Boles, kare'n Morley and Bill Robinson also rate laureds in, this filin.