WILMTTULITE 'r ail tliree papers; VedinI.eay 9 P. M. for WIRNUKÂTALK .&M, Thuradar à P. K. or GlýUNCOEID ÎWB. T.Iephones: wlimetted. 4WWInntka àUN -(Whmotka 500 atter 8 . . ), Grenlet 400or.Sbeldraki:131-12,. LO" AND FOUND LOST ABOUT 3 WEEKS AGO amall black velvet bag, ItaIaàn cçlasp. .Eye-glasses Inside. $5 reward. Phone Mrs..Walker. Winnetka.494.r 3L41-ltp LOST -'BLACK COCKER SPANIEL., .Female. Ânswers to name "m. e ward. 2011 Thorniwood Ave. Wilmette 3820.3LTN4I-1te SPECTACLES, WHITE GOLD FRAME, lost in Hubbard Woods, east of tracks. .Kenilworth 95. 3LTN41"-ltp AM LEAVIN.G MONDAY, FEBRUARY l7th, for Phoenix,. Arizona.ý Have room for 2 passengers- share expenses. References exchanged., Wilmette 1291 after 6 P. M. 4LTN,4l1tp DUSINESS PERBONAL Teaming and Trucking SLEIGHS I"FCO"R HIRE JOHN FIEGEN 2111 Schiller Wilmette 1659 5LTN41-2tp> GABRIBLEEN PERMCANENT WAVING Speclaize In Chiidreh's Permanents, Shaznpoo, fingerwave, manicure 3 for 75c. Personal Service. Wilmette 2537. 5LTN40-4tp ________ANTIQUES NEWLY OPENED :922 CHIÏCGOAVE., Evanston. Pine, cherry wal., mahog. 6-leg drop eat a.nd smali tables; chairs -Empire, Vict., Windsor; chests ot dra.wers; pattern glass, china, rare old prints, O)gee mirrors, trames, brasses, silver tea sets, desks, lampe. 7LTN41l-1t]; SUILDINS AND REPAIRS. PERRY ROOFING 00D. REPAIRING - REROOFING 104 CicgoINSULATION 104 CicgoAve. _ Davis 1616 CLOCK REPAliNN CLOOX EXPERT, CRIME HALL- AN- .tique edock.,repairing..Learned' trade In Europe. (Fornierly with Tiffny and 1 ield's., Will call. Free estimate.* David Johansson, phone Diversey 2041. 20LTN37-8 LoUis BORCH1ARflT Watch, Clock and 1ewiryRep«.irn Estimates free. We cail for and deliver. 606, Dempster Street Phone Uni. 0824 20LTN41-ý26tp PRIVATE EOCHOOLS DO YOU: ENJOY THZ CHILDREN'S. SHOME WOUK? IF NOT, WHY NOT SEND THEM TO THÉ North ShoreSchool. of Concentration 458 Rdge Ave. W'nnetka 2682 2OA-LTN38-tfe DRESSMAKING MISS BOLAND Designs, makes, coptes and alters gowns, wraps, suits, coats ln your home. PHONE WILMETTE 855 22LTN39-4tp PARU P*ODUCE POFtK SAUSAGE, 28e LB. 9 to ar..L ueg1iners or Aie girls, adulte. Winn. Cc eevery Friday ove., 7: etka 2746.30 iTN41-Itc ISSES OR rnediates, ornmunity ,30 to 9. [TN40-4tp O *84 s aqe s *e Dw - a,.... at. a. machine. Neat, reliable. We use gëood materials. 7 years on North Shore work.; Spëeial ;inter r ates. BRIAGA TE 1061 Paint and Paper Rnî., $3 MP KIT. ]PAINT, $5.00 UP, BATHiRM. ENM1.. $5. SANITA S, CANIVASING, PICTORIAL DEC. BEST REF. Louis \Xilmette'5034 42LTN41-ltp PAINTING, AND DECORATING Firat Clans Work C. W. Anderson PoeWlet 4621 4SLTN36zlQtpý RELIABLEM PAINTING AND Decorating at reasonable prices. Caîl 1Uni. 3055 or Gre. 3055 for estimate. R. J. PETE1PSEN DECORATING 'CO. 42LTNX9-4tp F or SaIe-Springer 'Spaniel 7 mo; old, feniale. House trained.. Fine with children. Winnetka 1679. 44L41-ltp DR. P. C. BUSCHBÔM Diogs and Cats treated at home au weill as at the Hospital. One minute andi on the way. Wllmette 1004, 4 4LTN40-4tp COCKER, SPANIEL IIIPPIES. INOCULATED. PED. REAS. 1504 Sherman Ave., Evaiiston. Gre. PIANO TUN41NO EXPERT PIANO TUNING, 83. IEPAIR work guaranteed. 22 Yeara' Factory experience. H. C. Thomas, 1808 South Prospect, Park Ridge 1477. 4SLTN39-4tp RADIO SERVICX RADIOS MODERNXZBD OR SIERV- .iced by a competént. expert,ý experi- enced with all makes. Esçtimate. given. Always reasonable. Cou Wllmette 1208. 5OLTNq4O-tp COMPJETI wilmette 2171 Pourth &. Linden ()pp. &iL/0Term. Davis 7777 634 Davis Evanaton, 111. O6LTN$-ttc COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS SPRING HOUSECLEANING' and laundry. Care for cblidren ýweek- ends and eves. Best'refs. WNIinnetka 1511.68LTN41-ltp DOM ESTIC HELVP RIELIABLE ]EFFICIENT S-h-a.-y Empi. Agency Established 20, Years Two Offices ln Chicago 109 B. Oak St. 14, W. Washington St. Superior 6608 Central:9800 L8LTN14-tfc EXPERIENCED -HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADEý doinestic help,. al nationalities, No charge. to employers. References in- vestigated. Under State supervision. Reinhart Empi. Agency 748 Elmn St. Winnetka 3399 ____________68LTN28-tfc Good- Help Available TrHQROUGHLY. EXPERIENCED Reference.s c-arefully checked. Lindgren Empi. Agency Established 25 Years .. 799 Elmn St. Winn. 1047 68LTN23-lttc Carlson s E Pl.. Agcncy 818 ELM STREET WINNETKA 3328 Help) carefulyV selected, with special attention to experi - ence, reference, and gen - eral, qualifications needed. PRIVATE ROO'mS FOR INTERVIEWS 68LT1N40-tfe EXPERIENCED SECOND MAID AND resident laundress. German-American. Age 24. Excellent North Shore referenc.es. Reinhart.,Emnpi.Ageticy 748 EIm St. Wînnetka 339(j 68LTN41-lté RFINED WOMiAN. WiqSHES READ-ý er work. Reading aloud to ahut-fîà,ý bllnd, elderly or convalescent person or act as companlon. Excellent reader. Write B-S?, Box 60, Willrette, 111. PAIN, rk. Walls an j urnitu 3387 John A. 1-4tp 37131., >ouse, 17233 Benson Ave., Bs u fteW e 1ë OLORED GII DrL4rt reae et u o heVCKperenced, wl$ ~T 4itpCHILD'S BEAUT. BROWN WOOL time. Phone W]l AND DECOniATiN- coat, Leopard trinifled, size 10, like ANDD-rECORlliG- new. OnIy $12. SITUATRI 'dwork washed; fls. and Red Flamingo ReSale Shop UEPainîn, al ýpairod. and refinished. anigcl erg Deeratlng.Co. Un. 970 Lindon Ave. Wnnetka %067 odd jobs. Relia 42LN41-tp5eLTM41-1te Wilmette, 4916. ÏER WANT S or will do any t1N. s. Ref. ph. 69LTN41-ltp Pla 1 P"s