COUPLES, white and (oMored COMBINATION CHAUFFEURS and HOUSEMEN. MAIDS with North Shore refs. EXCELLENT COOKS. NO CHARGE.TO THE EM1PLOYER ALL REPERENCES 1.NVESTIG.ATÊD Sh ore -Line Ermpi.- Agency 421 Richmond Road Kenilworthj. 5221 70LTN41-lùt GERMAN COUPLE E-p. couple wishes permanent po.. Guod cook. Chauffeur, and houseman. Cali Fei. and Sat. oves. after 5 P: M. Êuck- inglih 1943, Room 208.ý 70LTN41-itp WHITE- COUPLE, EXPE-R., WISHEs permanent 'position. Good cook, chauf- feur,-and houseman. North Shore refs. Wilmette 2283. 7OLTN41-tp H4LPWNT -FML YOUNG, EXPER. WHITEGIRLS FOR general housework. JOHNSONS .EKMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1428 Wilmette Ave. Wil. 4144 _________________ 71LT.~1 It COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANT- ed .with good ref. Apply ln person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663.Vernoni Ave. Glencoe 251 * 71LTN13-tfc rWftiTE OirtL TO -HELP -%VTH HOUSEWIORK. S MA L LFMILY. NO WASHINC. $5-$6 A WEEK. WIN- A NEtKA 450. 71LTN41-Itp WHITE GIRL TO HELP WITIi HOUSEWORK. NO WASHING. j MUST IKE CHILDREÉIN. REFS. WINNETKlA 2981. 71L41-ltp WHNl-ITE G;IRL FOR GEN. HOQ,"SEWK Must be fond of ehildren. Experienve tiot necessary. Own ro(>m and bath. <flencoe 742. 7ILTN41-1tc- WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST WITH- housework. No washing. No cooking. $5 week. Winnetka 2797. 7lL41-ltp COMPETENT WHITE GIRL FOR QEN- eral housework. Good cook. 2 chil1ren in f~amily. Glencoe 626. 71LT41-ltp HfLELP wANIEcD-WALc MAN WANTED FOR RAWLE IC.H Roue of 800 familles., Good profites for bustIer. We train and help you. Write today. Rawleigh Co_, Dept. ILB- 761-SA2, Freeport; Ill, 72LTN'41-ltp __ HtLP AD FMAL REGISTER,.NOW! EXPERIENCED COUPLESl WHITE A ND COLORED EXP. GENERAL MAIDSý -Shore Line Emipi. Agency i 421 Richmond Rd. Kenilworth 5221 73LTN41-11tu I k.> ON 1D '34 Cadillac, 5 sed.....1451 '34 Cadillac t.wi. cpe.. .1 1445 '33 Cadillac 5 sed.... '32',Cadilla V-.12 5 se4. '36 LaýSalle tour. cpe.. '35 LaSalic tour., sed. . 1 '34 LaSaille-5 sed... '34 LaSalle 2-4, cpe. '34 LaSalle, twni. ..d... '31 La'Salle 7 sedan-.. '30 LaSalle tw'n. sed,. '35 Auburn 6 cyl. C. C.. '34 Buick .cl. sed., 61.. '34 Dodge 5 sedan.. '34 Ford ýcpe-. del... '34 Olds 5 s*ed ....... '33 Olds tour. sed .. '32 Packard 5 sd. 900 ser. '32 Packard Club sed. 903 '31 Packard std. 8 cl. sd. '35 Pontiac 2 dr. tr. sed.' 1195 895 1250 1195 895 395 645. 795 385 465 565 595 325 735 I4owest lTerniis-G'.M.A.C,. CADILLAC Môtor Car Company 1810 Ridge Ave. Uni. 8600l 77A-LTN41t-ltc POUR RNT-U*OOUU Furnislied rooni, 1 block - froni Indian Hill Station REASONABLFE WINNETKA 722 82L41-ltp DESIRABLE WELL FURNISHED WARM ROOM7, SOUTH EXPOSURE. 3 BLOCKS TO ELM Sr. TRANSP. 961 SPRUCE ST., WINNETXA. 92LTN41-ltc SUITE 0F 3 ROOM1S, NICELY FURN., 3 exposures..Light housekeeping privi- leges. East side, splendid location. Phone Wilmette 1671. 82LT41-1tp Orrington Ave. at Church Street. University 8000 93LTN19-tfe 4-JIOOM APARTMENT CONVENIENT- ly located ln central W11motte. Steain heat, reasonable price. Also single furu.. rooni. Phono, Wllmette 2399 or WiI- mette 2427. 903LTN4.1-4tp WAtNTeD TO RENT-APAiRmENTM GARAGE, APARTMENT OR >OTHER SMALL APT. Furn. or Unfurnisbed Glencoe 1184, 94LTN41ltp ATTRACTIVE RENTALS W»nnetka COLON.\IAL RED BRICK- *9 rnis., 3 baths, 4lpg. pb. ohl ht., convenient loeation. Mer. Pletsch $150 SPANISH TYPE STUCCO- 6, rns., 2 baths, brkfst. and *sun rm., doh ht., pref. loca- tion, near sehool and transp. * immi1ateoccrniancy. $ 125, 1vflss Gray CO3IFORTABLE - 6 rm.' >stucco, 3 pchs., H. W. H.. eonvenient location. 11ay Ist Yoccupancy. $65, Miss Gray BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. WINNETKA OFFICE. 790 ELM ST. Winnçtka 2700 Briargate 1855 97LTN41-ltc- WILMTTE:Excellent attr. brick house, conv. to ali transi). and schîs. 5 bedrms., 2 baths. Avail. immediately $125 per mo. KENILWORTH: Near'the lake. 7 rm., miodern brick bouse on 100 ft. wood- ,ed lot, nr. sclils. and transp. 4 bedrms.,, 3 batlw, oil ht., att. 2-catr gar., Only $150 per rnonth. Mrs « 746 ECLY REGISTER WITH US for May lst rentais. This willi nsure your .getting consideration as s;oonas available hous- es comne on our list. Fuller & Wm. Pickard M1 STREET WIN'NETKA 360' 97L'N4l -1 t, JUST LISTED KENILWORTH. A LOVELY 8 ROOM, 3 )ATH * TAN brick home.ý Heated, sun rooni, leated breakfast rooni. Decorated In excellent taste. Ideally- located. NORTH IWESTERN REALTY & BUILDING CO. 528 Davis St. UNI. 9500 97LTN41-ltc SEK OUR D ISP L AY ADVIeRTXSE.. Ment on page, 53 of this Issue. R. B. WHITAKIER.CO. 140 Conter St . Wlnnetka 8290 OPEN WUEXDAYS 9 To9 97LTN41-lte 8 RM. NEW BRKC HOUSE. 82-LAR.GE bedrmsià., 2 tule batha on 2nd; à bed- rnis. and ýbath on 3rd; lav.'on. Jet. Porch, brk. nook, grand: kitchen. 011 .ht. 2-car gar. Possession any time. $100. WIn- netka 269. 97LTN41-1t FOR IREN T OR SALE-LARGE H1OUE vieth 7 bedroomns 5 baths. Louatedlha good -Wihetka n ,eighlaoriiood n e a. r schiool' * Ca g v. Imdate pom a.~ APPIY owner, Wlnnetka, 7 or 1767. PILTN36-tfo SUBLEASE - 7 liOOM HOUSE, 1% baths, open fireplace, H. W. heat, gar., beau. rear gardon. Choice location, newr sehool and, tranmp. Leaving state. lient $50. Caîl Glencoe 1778. 97LTN41-ltp 1077 CHERRY ST. FIME 7-RO00K HOME. 2 GLAZED PORCHE. 1 BATH. GARAGE. 100 FrT. ENCLOSUX> GARDEN. TEL. APTER 6, WINNETJCA 2140. O7LTN40-4tp 4 RMf. COTTAGE, H. A. H., WXTII garage. ,$35 Irnmediate occiipanc3r. Wilmetto 3769. 97IsTN41-4tp and medit Clients looklî now or~ May early. LAS ro n y first. for o( your B AU MANN-COOK 553 Lincoln- Avenue Winnetka 3450 99LTN41-ltc. OUR LIST 0F INQUIRIEs FOR .North Shore homes for May 1 ls ln- creaslng daily. If you are thinking of renting, list your home with us now. MILTON E. REID & Co. Wllmette 771, MrA~YÉ 'UICK on St. 77A-LTN41-lte 3 AND 4 ROOM APTS., 'with eshower, breakfast refrigeration. reasonable r GRIF'FIS BUYILDING. Nq I743 ElmSree nas & CO. TS Winnetka 2850 .4TY CORI>. an Avenue, Ev&nston Wflmette 608 111LT941-lte 1909. lCAR Ave., a it of VI VAN"1