10 shake oft the, speil of winter anda gel back at the grand old pastime. 'l'le famous Hill Top course over whicb Ibis e vent is played is a chal- lenge to theý skill of any golfer and each year aI this, seaso.n finds, several biundred Cbicagoland golfers getting sel for tbe annual Midwest tourna- ment. Rkeservations are 1 be made with Midwest Golf er, 14 E. Jackson boulevard, Cbicago, Telephone Hiar'- rison 1480. POSTPONE BANQUET The wbich muary Trier poned utothier and d4augbter banquet Iwas tobave been, given Feb- 12, by the; Girls club at New Higb school bas been post- mitil spring. Frank Speaight to Give Dicken's Recital1 Monday The, Loyola Cominunity The~atre for its eighth entertainme nt of thle season WilI bring to iChicago hie celebrated actor, Franîk Speaigbî ini bis brilliant dramnatic recital, "An Evcning, with Dickens," -10 be pre- sented at the communaty playhiousc, 13) Loyola. avenue, Monda% 'even- ing, February 24, at 8:30 o'cloc,. In! keceping w,îlî the current revival of~ Dickens in Amerca, as evidenced by tbe recent inasterpietes of tbe motion picture industry, Mr. Speaight 'will present.a varied and novel entertain- ment of characterizations, as well as lecture on 'tbe imimortal pýeople cre- atéeJ. by Dickens. Christian.Science Churcest w~as irie uI me i.vs- Admirai kichard~-fyrd and kis msen wosidd teel right ot honte, t/sce days as Wili ette 'harbor îc*cre N C.E. HoweilI, lew off icer j»i charge ga at. t/ée V. S. Coa.st: Guard std(ioli, sniap>ped:theçe tinely jfctsres., At tise left, Bo.o, amiable and. fait/t l mascot, has his cors perked li> for thte rcttiri. of hdly, thte imois/hja w/sich he "eWisted" with the coo.st g*ards foilowisg thte deoth of their mnajestic collie, Chietf, w/to was qiven a deep sea bsrial last spring. No >erch an glers are sees: jstte snowv view at thte right, whess C. I. Hou'- elI points his camera ,,orthcast fromt ite lookout tower. SURtVEY ACCIDENTS Bill Knepper, Bob Henderson and [ary NMay Crawford bave been dele- -ated by the building and grounds mimittee of the studenl council 10, epare a montbly report covering ccidents at New Trier HLighi scbool. £. L. GrinnelI of tbe commerce de- artment is the adviser ini Ibis îroject. Miss F. E. Packer,. dean of girls at New Trier Higbi school, lias been attending the national meeting. of deans of wonien aI St. L.ouis Ibis. week. Milss Mlary Helen Paul.* of t Il foreigti language deparîmient at New Trier Highi school. bas beeti coîifined to the hospital this past weck. YOU'H Blas sProud of CoUd Mi COLD MEDAL mhou 'love the Lord thy Uod witfl ait thy heart, and with ail îhy soul, and witb ail thy mind'? This command in- cludes much, even the surrender of ail merely material sensation, affec- tion, and worship. This is the El Do- rado of Cbristianity",(p. 9)..L PHONE ENTE NO TOLL1 W. Are!, 5500