Xothing is more coîifising to the1 of 'wties" is set uip. From noon to la,îdsuian than 'the nîethod of rckoni- 4 pl. nm: is the afternoon watch ; from iug tne. aboard sbip. It scenis that 4 p). il. to 6 1). ni. is the first dlog the uihiiier of behis struck is tiever wîatch ; froin 6 p). ni. to 8 p. ni. is thec thi saie as thc numnber of îotir, after seconîd dog watch. (It is to be notèd i welve nooîi or iiinglt. l'le. ý.%ten that the so-called dog %vatches are uinploycd. howe ver vr s:iipe ah only two hours in leigth. It is îwli-ét onc-e the ke.. is pcrcé 1 t h is Metbod that.the cre%,t is ro.- mnlst first be reiniebrcd that the tated around the watchcs so' thai the highie.st numiber of belis ever struck ir ai in r ital ays on the saine cighit. The bells arealways strui.k h. iv atches. This serves to. relieve the * groups of two. Thus six beils- wouid. monotony.). 8 p.. mi tonidniglit is be striîck as follows: diîig-diîig. ding- the first îiight watcb;e froin midnight ding, diîîg-ding; five, beils are struck to 4 a. ni., is the Mid watch; from 4 *ding-ding,' ding-ding, dinig. Eighit a. ni.. to 8 a. ni. is the morning watch; belis are struck at twclvc. four and fromi 8 a. ni.'to noon is, the fnrcnooh eiglit. both a. ni.' and p. in. After watch. and the cycle is complete. Froin the foregoingwc rna- see M IR R O 1 & G LA SS that v bat is 3 p. ni. to the Iandstinan stîio, lels, ni the first dog watch. to ~the sailor; what is 7 a. ii. to the lands- CL > LS R AFT ndn is six beils ini thec îorning watch NPG. ~O.to the sailor. 'Plhie systeni of watches aid. bell Uvans.n -ttinie used aboard ship as above set Cbleg. Ae.,Evantonforth was explained to the apprenl- nom 'tiÉe Sea Scouts Monday eveîîing, Feb-, Norman IL Williams ruary 10, by Edgar Goelz who bas Iicw$b Shore Agent cotmpleted A hi s requiremnents for State Farm Mutual Auto In&. Co.Advancement to the raîîk of ordiriarv Have me t yota how titis continuous policv plmeau Sot cuis jnsurance cOst about 40%. tegilt seve The sanie. evening,,, Jack Barilard Rated A-Plus by Best's. Co2st-to-coasi servlcx and Edwin Colegrove explained the Authorized representation and service. Tel. C.ten,:.'e conmpass- and relative bearings to thle 246--HighBfld Park 147S-.Deerfield aço. aI)prentices. Bartiard and Colegro'e, _____________________________ are also ready for promotioîî 10 the jatik of ordlinaryv Sea cut iii ~ CHANGE-, \Vilnî1ette Scit Scots :irt,:rb SH LL ., oife httliere uwill lu'orLýilý ON THE JOB Right through this coId w.ather with onOeoffthe Iongest protr.ced cold spelsin l, the hilfory of the weatherburau@ wê &eol ail of Our troops. lpacks, stnps and senior troups t'!L., JqJV -, -_ - wvill be aw~arded tlîeir troop charters cently priviieged te hear Alonzo Co- carrying the. seal of the Ten Year burn give a short talk' on the early Prograininl recognition of the fact days of Scouting. Mr. Coburn, who that the units receiving them have was the first assistant Scoutinaster met the requirements of the Ten Year of Troop 1, i 1910, briefiy told of the Program's objectives for local groups ýbeginning of the troop i tle first during fIic. charter year 1935. Because, year of Scoutîng in the United States*. tlîe Nortb Shore Area council met, Wheni the Troop 'becam-e too large. its, 1935. objectives and becauése otber troops were, forined, and lie niany individual units qualified- for iras miade Scoutinaster of Troop 1. the award. the Council Ten Vear ýLater in the meetinîg, M~fr. Coburi, Prograni-. award will beprste as assi.sted by: Kari Yost, made the well. officiai year.ly, inspection of. Troop 2- The nieeting, will also be d2cvoted inî and recommended that the Troop part to -the aninual eélectioni of offi- be awarded an inspection certificate. cers for the year 1936 and tbe pres- The Colman gasolitie lanterui won entation of the annual report of the by the Eagle patrol was tested for coulncil. That part of the meeting tlîe first tume and wvas fou.nd to be ivili constitue but' ab)out five minutes perfect. This lantern %vas awarded of tinie. b%- the troop te the. patrol whicli Perry A. Lit. Scoutexectveo rouglit in the greatest n lmber of * the .Chicago council. iideie uete-members in a récent iniembership only addr.ess of the cvening. Mr. Lit drive. is a speaker of great power. and talks f r. Coburn, told of carly' Sc ot with a friendlinsess anîd ivt that everv- cmsad fby iibstrc.l otieirtl enoy._______that day, lie said, thé os report URGE TO EED IRDS cards were scrutinized by tlîe Scout- URGEO O FEEDBIRDS niaster and advice %%as given .er The serions prohlein confronting needed. birds aiîd otîter fornis of îvild li-e '11 The troôop Îsppaninîg aii overnight forts- states iiillie alleviated byap- bike (-)Ver Februar .22 and( 23, o pioxîniatelvne îiilioî) Boy Scouts wîi ytene l1er 011b se. anid their leaders as a resuit of a hc h e atrwl eur. nation-wvide appeal tîîat irseii.ott:Fred Bird. troop reporter. froin the national office of tlîeliove- - nient iniXi YorL.MK HIGH AWARDS Advised by john H. Bak-er. execu- 'l'lie animal nmeeting and Scout ](ad- tive director of the National Associ- ers' alypreciation dinner to be lheld 'nleetiîig at the First Baptiq c J ahuheewekso uuualcSvr occasion of the presentation of higli Nionda. evenilig. Felruarv N Ii.\vwliter conîditionîs have causcdt real aivaids to, Scouters for exceptional stcad. the Scouts are to ine1et* at the dest-tictioil of bird life an'ti it looks service to bovlioo.d. Trhe aiard of.tbe Wilinette Avenîue North Shore st--tiola if the miortality ràte -will bce <x- silver beai-er, the, local coûtncil coti- at 7:301p.îîî. îvhere auto transportation tricivl heavv heforeý tliîe ivitîter is terpart to the niational cotnneil silver wtil be provided to thte Wilimette ~ie. Dr. James F. \est. the clhief I hffalo. will l>e awarded to four ater works. At tîat place, tîhe scout,; Scout e xecuitive of the Boy Scotits of Ilortlî sho-re 'Scouier4 in .recogniitio f wihI have the opportunitv of sotn .\nraeîtorlo*Souexeu prolonged andlcnpcossrieu on 'the police rifile range. This lias tires iiin the Unîited States to u trge Scouting, and othet fieIds of you-,th ac- beei adeposile w kiperw.c.the Boy Scouts ini their jsîcoîjtiri ty irithin tle North Shore Area Hugginîs through thie couirtcsv of the tgrtleteilteil>r edn council. The names of thie recipieîîts American egion, All Scou aeoperations îmnîediatel%. Frorntlhe e-will fnot 1) .one nilteat lurged to lie tliere. ginîig of Scouting 111 1910. Bày jul oettofpeenaioiISnt - ~ Scouts have made the feed in'gof bidsîorth shore Scoùters have recceived onie of their principal winter activi- the coveted silver beaver since the *Downtown Ford Exhibit ties. iaivard was instittuted a few years Atatt Cooperation of ail, citizens as wel ia. ~Thosemen r -A il,.... North Shore Branci Idhqer à S.. 3630 Lake Av*., Wilm.$f. WU.effe 641 or 642-UNI. .5035 Edmunds, manager of, the Chicago £8"8AU" ..i ine cLuUcare F inv1.Leu W. biran ch of the comfpany. attend. Mrs. Harry E. Weese, 141 Kerni- Earl C. Moss, Jr., who 18 a student worth avenue, Kènilworth, was host- at the University of Illinois, spent ess to ber reading club at luncheon, the weéek-end with. bis family at 316. Tuesday. Cumnor road, Kenilworth. was torced to cancel her prograin because of the illness of her accom- panist. afinounces that the postponed recital will be given at 8-15 o'clock Tuesday evening, ebruary 25, at the Kenilworth club.