The 'New Trier froshi-sophs will play the curtain raiser botb eveninga andI wilI steal the show if they Wvin botil gaines to earn ait undisPuted tic* for the league titie, providingi Morton frosh-sophs win ail the"'rér- :niaitniing ce>ncounters. Should Morton falter, hile -Xew Trier, wins ,both tilts, -the local frosh-sopis wiIl have the clîanpionshîpý ail to themscIves.c Coacli Clyde Grater's'varsity, whïIe enitertai ilng 1o0titie. hopes, wlIIpro- t-ide a real show' if it inaiîîtaiîs the ApaCe %et. in kknocking Morton onot of the lcague Iead. New Trier is really filnding ont whatý it cati do and: il extrt every: wile to run up a ig score to get into psYc11olo9ic trintîx for the regional, tourniey at W\atikc- gYat the firsýt wcek of Mlarch. hast %,car New Trier wonthie re- Twvo sets of broîliers, mcl uding tPar f wjst('r.m hie Frnis pboyo gional at ýVaukcgati and wvas ri. er- awvirded the covcted ranik of Eaylc scout at the aiinuial Pareiits' .Nigî and ul) inithc sectional.. 3v one of tlose jcourt Of H01161-o01TrooP 22, GlC ce cdTusao a i e h t' q ua ks f h rd w o <l fat , X ~ v.1Tr er G en coc U nion cihîech. T he I bos are, fr1 to ril t: th e M rr . t -w ins * B ill a nd wvas eliiniinate( i il the finals of, the orc the Cushuion« brothers, Dick and.Royer; iand Ted Harris.. >ctIial b%- ecrfield .%:hicli it lhad ~ trotinced in the regional tourne. But Sinînîitanleotîs awardiîîg of iagie thei miecs provide that the regional Scouit rating-tlîe iighlest ralnk to which . Oak Park Outscore runhiier-tup. is qualifled to participate a scout nlav a-spire-to twins and twol s7 ini :the sectional nîcet. Weil. I)erficld i bruothers is thouglht to be unprecedented NJew Trier's Vars*t wvas the regioniai runner-up,,ad _o iii Sci)tting history. John 1-'.'il ,! t lue sday afternoon. February. 25:, a --------- pr actice gaine with *Dundee at thie~ Invite P.T.A. Members iXvTrr'vaittrc team bad X(:%% Trier gymi wili featuree the vared but Oak Park had the sity'strainig couse forthememars kng rarleyý edge i n field events-and the resuit of the inîpending regional tourney at Various phases of hioiienakinlg willi was Oak Park 54 and New Trier 4,3 Vai k egan.. be discussec b3' ont "udn speakers in -a dual inidoor nieet last Saturdav ,at the next nontilly =Qilking Coli- at the w est side school's fieldhouse. Rab hlanBgt erence of the Illinois Congress of wsnckaiekco etio RabiSul anBgas Parents and Teachiers whilic will e nearly ail the way, 'Oak Park finaly i Sermon Series Sunday hleki all day Ttzesday lFebruary' 25,1 pulling aliead ini points by domiîiating Rabbi Charles E. Shulmatn of Northî at the heslotel, inthe Boulevard the rutnn ra um n ig Shore Congregation Israel ivill preach roolîn. junîp. urp ndbi the first of a serites of sermions Suni- Dr. JosepiliM, Artmlan, cliaracter r day inonin, Fbruày 2, a 11eductio chirian o tie atiSprinting history was muade when <la înrnigFebuar 23 a Ileduaton.'chirnan0f he çaiofli Snorf, Weil, Barber and Coonley woni o'clock on the ýgenieral subject: "M.\es- Coiigiess of Parenits anid Tevnttîe.fisttie ha siahls o.f the Twèntieth Centuri'." 11éWi%%ll address the nieml>iers ' on -The '!the rela' vn-h irttnet first sermon wilI deal with 'Mussolinîi Need of Chzaater Educatioti in the i New Trier lias ever beaten Oak Park Italian dictator. Hme"Dr., Artman is editor of i narayaeonteatcs as 1110 . tilterice i anoîe Caracter 1Magazine and a former ftrack. Haiifgtoii of New Trier won s .Music at prof essor.s as . ( the mile in 4 :57 and Johnny Coonliey Ado Olin .'sk %-lie1.Briglit, board *hnelo o reezed past Oak Park to a first place Borehu ..... ..... . lish-the 1llnois Conigress of Parents and fo wTierth i4iin:th2. udowries 1hm. Teachiers and one. of the 'pioncers niu flrstfoNeTrrint.lwhde. MTzurich ...oe ..... .........nn parent-teacher %Wýotk, will speak on Jak Fyfe 1topped ail the 0ak Kedusha .. .....Tyler-Landsinan "Social Standards in the Ho u. Xr C rs ii the t)oje vPark- ai mru Irn, rbc%'a iA2s ust reach. Alrs. Sicidali the New Trier lu minaeês ï. -i :30. 4 .30. by Moiiday, February 24. were: Monroe and DeVinny, win- For a. very I<Jw ronthIy fee, .wom- flers of first and second in the 50 en may play any day or every onie of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Matot and yard dasb; Wade, winner in the high the four days of each week. A class Miss Mae Matot of 250 Linden ave- >ump, and Borre, wbo- took the pole of, large proportions bas alreddy en- nue Ieft on Tuesday to spend the valut h9nors. rolled, it is reported. -balance of the winter in Los Angeles. This, Saturday aftenonat2 3ê .and Mirs., Fred Siegel of ýWis- consin Rapids, AVis,, are the parents ôa son, Lcro3, John,, born February 7. Mt. and Mrs. Joseph -Steiner,. Sr., fi Wilmette, are the grandparents. ,gins out of 1100Chc WVe will giVe you a reliable ap - praisal and buY Your discarded i'atclles, Out-of-StYle Jewelry anid tînused silver for c a sb C. D-.PEACOCK JEWELERS SINCE 1837 fate & M4onro. ë Hou>» Cor. Le.. C"ý«Oomn., I TEPENN muruAL LIFE INBUftANCE COMPANY O PHILDLHIA I -the