bdl uneet atrà0e. ~'ImeOMe 5Vs nadui podueirs. Bter- muireul., Adhireus réply ln .e te sales -maager gV gv- Rim&SSte SSp.m 1: 30 yt Sa6: a &Sc Ev., S.., HOL Mtins. Day Tisurs, F.b. 20 dvia Sidney. Molvyn DPougla "9MARY BURNS.. 21 jack Bonn ne Mel*&.I, et 12-:30 P. m. Oene Raymond, Ere DIore n the berie, TImifng Myter 7 KEYS TO, BALDPATE' 6r;fr.i ITom POWIrucoCmed'y to the tact that Bernie was once a professional dancer and bas an un- usual un.derstanding of wbat makes good; ballroom dance, music. Hailed by many as "the -nation's best looking orchestra *leader," Berne Cummins, is' William M. Dewey's -selectîon. for a very.difficult job-that of following He rbie, Kay. Sucb aà task does flot worry Bernie, bowever, as he bhas an excellent orchestra and ary consideal hcgo füllowig of bis 0owi. A particularly fine floor show openi- ig with Cummins' orchestra features the Harriette Smith Girls, one of the most 'beautiful 'and talented choruses . in cafedom. Unusually versatile with musical comedy or ballet routines,'theý Une.- of eight -girls is trained and costumed by Harriette Smith wbo' wê an Albetia Raeeli star and who produced dance extravaganzas for the last' of Ziegfeld's bit shows. Bliss. Lewis and Asb, known as "Sophisti- cates of Rhythm," are two men and a girl froni Hollywood wbo offer- novelty tap .and sof t sboe dances. Tbey were recently featured with Wayne King on his stage tour. MOVIES FOR CHILDREN T'he lameseso ~,n andt Anna LT morning, February 22. Tbe multiple- reel film "Washington, the Boy and the Mani," in wbicb are depicted the principal events in the life of "the father of bis country,": will be sbown in the James Simipson theater of the Museum. There will be two perform- ances, one at 10 o'clovk and one at 11, so that several tbousand childreti may be accoinmodated. Cbildren froin aIl parts of Chicago and suburbs are mnvited to attend, and no tickets are reanired. Greta Garbo ana Freddie Bar- thOloinew Play their roles so coIn- Ipiinciiigly in& "Anaia Kareniii,a filin Version. of the Tolstoy classic, that, ,novie fanis have beec» clamtoring for a returni shozk4ng. T/he Valencia theater yields to, this demand by >resenting -Anita Karenina" Thurs- dg..% of iiext u'eek. inn 1 Baldpate" this Saturday. 1 Suniday aiid Monday britng "Trans- atlantic Tunniel." Richard Dix is the dreaming engineer' in tbis well produced, graphically filmed, .melo- dramia. A newcomer, George Haouston, wî'll wi approval of Valencia fans Tues- day ini "The M.elody Lingers On." Next Wednesday glitters witb Who said Buffalo Billilias gone wvest on bis last long rideý *His colorful sbowmaiishîpi lives again to play a Wild West ohbligato to the human love story and .hcalthy huinor of "*Anniie Oa'kley" right here at the this Thutrs- day, Friday and Saturday. "Aiie Oakley,", is the saga ýof the e(Iade'ye gai, (Barbara, Stan.wyck) who' cari outshoot Preston Foster, 'wmorld's chanmpion sharpshooter." Shc cari outshoot hlm. until .. but you'I sec it al at the Wilmette theater. *This film, is just the dish for Kid- dies, too. And .a. Mickey Moiîse short pertly doesý its part, Io nake the whole programn a pip'pin. Sunday and -Monday, "Java Head," joseph. Hergesheimer's'fanious story, cornes to the Wilmette. screen wvjth Anna May Wong as the uÜhappy princess who dominates the fascinat-' ing picture, with- an inidescribable charmi. Elîiabeth Allani and John Lôder also have Ieading roles. "Winigs Over Mt. Everest" is an added at- traction. Popular demand prompts a. returri showing of "The, Barretts of Wim- pole Street," winner of the Photo-. play gold medal as the best picture of 1934, at the Wilniettc thecater Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Norma Shearer portrays Elizabeth Barrett; Fredric March, Robert Browning; Charles Laugbtoni, the SETS BRISK PACE john Boles is one of the husiest stars in Hollywood. Scarcely hiad be- finisbed bis work in "Rose of the Rancho" before be began putting on fresh makecup for "A "Message t6 Garcia," alo eaturing Barbara, Stani- wyck and Wallace Beery. CANARY LIKES PAY DAY "Buzzie,"- trained canary who draws. New Trier High School Auditorium, Wedaisday, March 4th 8:15 P. M. All Seats Res erved 50o - $1.00- $1,50 Ticket* on Sa at N. T. Higb School-'Chpdler'Is, Evansto w PhoneBIENERICKSON Wimat.4092,