Deth or InSerlion ?J11&e avedMeits i' a- wWIlwUTTz TEor ail three pape. . dea,9ýP. M. g>r WI<ET4TALK aa.,nurl=ay6SP. M. for GLUNCON NEW. T.1phuem Wlmtte430,Winet:aSM>W(Wlumetka50atter 8 P. lit), LoUT ^FND FOUND ]LOST-ON E PAIR 0F CHILD'S WHITE gold-rimnied 'gIasses., Saturday b.- tween, North Sh. Electrlc Station and Ash St. REWARD. Phono Peggy Niel- sen. Winn. 1837. 3L42-ltp LosT:- GREYHOUND. MALE, F'AWN 1Colot,; roundbrown harnossa; license No. 73, Wilmette. Reward for Infor-ma- tion leading te recovery. Call Wilmette 3555., 3LTN42-ltp REWARD FOR RETURN 0F BLACK and White. Enlish Setter. Seeû in .Evanston, Saturday. FÈeb. ISt Cal Glencoe 1783. ' 1 LTN42-ltc LOST-FOX TERRIER, TAN COLLAR. Qne black eye. C. A. Willis. Phone PERBONAL ON 'OR ABOUT OCTOBER 6. 1410 A baby girl was born at Chicago Baptist .Hospital. Attending physician, Dr. Henry J. Casedy. The baby *as adopted and foster- mother la now dead. The girl, now grown to womanhood, la wel educated and net in need of financiai as- sistance but eager te locate own meother, who, it la understood, lives on the North Shore. Confidential appointmient, cani be made wlth the publislher of this paper or address B-73, Box 60, Wilmiette, 501SNM PKSSNAL Teamng an~d Truoking, SL1E1GHS FORHIRE~ JOHN FIEGEN 2111 Schiller Wllmette 1659 5LTN41-2tp ENJOY YOUR WINTER EVEN'INGS WITH A SLEIGHRIDE Cali Glencoe 1016. 5LTN42-3tp GABRIELEEN PERMANENT WAVING Specializo in Children's Permanents. Shampoo,, mancure 3 for 75C. Personal Servie. Wilmette 2537. 5LTN40-4tp CLOcK *REPAmalINa CLOCK EXPERT, CHIME-HALL AN- tiue clock rePairing.. Learned, trade lnu Europe- (Formerly witli Tiffany and Field's.) Will.. cal). Fire stimate. David Johansson, phone Dlversey 2041. * 20LTN37-tp, LOUIS BORCHARDT Watèh, Clock and Jeweiry Repairing Estimates f ree. We caîl for and deliver. 606 Dempater Street Phone Uni. 0824 PRIVATE SCHOOLUB DO YOU ENJOY THE CHILDREN'S HOME WORK?. IF' NOT, WHY NOT SeND THEM TO THE North Shore School of Concentration 458 Ridge Ave. Wluuetka 2682 2eA-LTN38-tec DRESMiAKING MME. EMERY, FORMERLY WITH Lord's lias opened dressmaking parler lu -Brown Bldg., Suite 49. Gowns, Coats, Suits, Coats rellned, $3.50. Remed., cutting and fît. Phone Wilmette 927-J. 22LTN42-ltp MISS BOLAND Dosigns, makes, copies a~nd alters gewns, wraps. suits, coats lu your home. PHONE WILMETTE 855 22LTN39-4tp PLAIN 'SEWING FOR SMALL CHIL- dren and .young .womou. 'Reasoxiable prices. At your homue or mine. Phonie Louise Eldredge, Wilmette 2676. 22L'TN42-ltp Sewlng for adults and chidreiV' ASSEMBLING ........ALTERINQ REMODELING ..-ý......... MENDING Mrs. Bartheld, Winnetka 2640. 1 22LTN42-4tp FARM PRODUCE Now Perfected OUR OWN MELLODY FARMS DAIRY COTTAGE CHEESE We'e spent a long tirne developing *a cottage cheese that could bear the Mellody Farina label... MARIE'S NURSIIN has t vacanicy for somi gond food afd loving .HOME > '10 that needs 99 41LTN42-ltp3 PAmuNTiNO AND DECORATINQ Paintiýng-Pperhanging EXTERIOR-INTERIOR WORK. ýOLD Aloors. made 11k. neW th etrie machine., Neat, relimble. We use good 1materlals. 7i years où North Shore work. Special wlnter rates. FRED BROBERG- BRIAGATE 1061 42LTN18-tfc DECORATING CALCIMINE ANY- CEILING $2.50. Wash kitchen, $3. Hang paper 40c, roll -natched 50c. Wlnnetka 3093. 42LTN42-2tp PAI14TIMG AND DECORATING First Clame Work Reasonahie Prices C. W. Anderson Phono Wiluiette 4621 421TN14u-tei RELIABLE PAINTING AND Decoratingat reasonable prices. Cali Uni. 8055 or (hre. 3055 for ëstiniate.. R. J. PETERSEN DECORATING'CO. 42LTNe9-4tp HIGHEST QUALITY DECORATING and painting at 10w prices. Guar. wrk. Best materials used. Cali us for estimate. GQQod refs. J. J. JOHNSON, Gre. 3890. 42LTN42-ltp PETS WANTED BY RESPONSI13LE PARTY -Ped. St. Bernard or Collie dog. Pre- fer. ma~le. ~Must be fond of chidren. Write giving ful partlculars to B-75, Box 60, Wllntte', ii. 44LTN42-ltp DR. P. C.' BUSCHBOM Dogs and Cats troated at home as well as at the Hosptal. One minute and on the way, Wilmetto 5004. 44LTN40-4tp FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL PEDIGREED Red Cocker Spanils, 3 mnonths ehd. Male and Fernale. Reasonable. Phone Kenilworth 4720. 44LTN42-ltp PIANO TUNINQ EXPERT PIANO TUNING, $3. REPAIR work guaranteed. 22 years' Factory oxtperlence. H. C. Thomas, 1808 South Prospect, Park Ridge 1477. 45LTN39-4tp Red Flamingo Resale Shop 970 Linden Ave. Winnetka 2067 59LTN42-ltc EMPLOYMENT ASENCIES Pauline's Emipi. Agencies NO CHARGE 1TO EMPLOYER fficient Service for North Shere Homes WE INVESTIGATE REFERENCES COMPETENT HELP Wiiînette 2171 DaVis 7777 Fiourth & Linden 634, Davis, OPp. ""TeBrini.Evansteri,' 111. 66LTN3-tfe COMP9ITENT WOMAN WANTSW SPRING HOUSECLEANING and laundry. Car. for children week- ends and eves. Best rets. Winnetka 1511. ____8T4-t DOMESTIC HELP. RELIABLE EFFICIENT S-h-a-y Emùpi. Agency Established' 20: Years -Twvo Chicago 109 E..Oak St. 14 W. Washington St. Superior 6608 Central 9800 68LTN14-tfd EXPERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE domestie 'help, ail- nationalitles. No charge te employers.1 References in- vesàtigated. Under State supervision. -Reinhart Empi. Ageincy 748 Elin St. Winnetka 3399 68LTN28-ttc Carlson's Empi. Agency 818 ELM STREET WINNETKA 3328 Help caretully selected, with special attention te experi- once,, refereuce, aud 'gen- eral qu~alifications needed. PRIVATE ROOMS FOR INTERVIEWS 68LTN40-tfc Goo&HEIp Available THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED References carefully ,checked. Lindgren Epi Agency Established 25SVear 799 Elm St. Winn. 1047 6$LT:Ç2-t't EXPERIEN CED, COOK,, HOUSEKEEI'- er wants general ivork in, exchange for~ board for hûsband ernployed. Adult tamuly -prèferred. Private rooni and bath. Write Box 2, Wilmette, Illinfois. 68LT.N42-1tp WANTFED - WORTC BY THEI DA-Y. t, 5IZe Lt It 4044. J!iV. con- E ýustomer will sacrifice for only EXPERIENCED C O L 0 an Furriers, at new location, good cook eau do housewi north of Ehii St., 576 Lincolu position. Phono Atlantip 01 inetka. 9LTN42-ltp EOLLAR 0F MINK ON HIUD-' GENERAL OR SECOND J Coat, size 38. Price $80.' Roôm 'emal faniily, by experie North State St., Chicago. , girl. Cail EduanWi .nnetka P~I 1716 J -dtp ice rasonUaA enco 166., . 65-A,