110 moneynsaving 'values . theý messages of OUR ,ADVERTISER's ADVERTISER PAGE ADVERTISER Darpy's....rd .......... 4 B 1ismmrck Hotl. ......... 31 Bonnem,,The Tailor.........4 BqnnîWell, Miss Bunice ...... 6 Boulevard Drug Store. 6,1 10 B reuchSibeSh....3 Bran" 13s. OsitCo. ..Cover IV Burns Toggery............. 4 Chicago Oit Heat Committee. .29. Chief Wash o ........23 Golby Furniture Store....25 Gommunty Theater ...... ...43 Cook, Thos. & Son .......... 3 Co-Op, The............... 22 Pavis Furnture CraOtsmen .. .33 DeNelda Beauty Salon ....... 4 Erickson, Ben ............ 2 First Chureh of Christ. Scientiat-.. ..... ...... 8, 27 Firet Managemnenit Corp. ..29 Glesscraft Mf . Go.......2 Great Atlantic Pacifieo Co.. ... . . 14, 15 Shops..10 .North Shore. Refrigermtion PAG Oil Well, The ........... 6 Pagliarulo, D............... 4 Pauling, E. G. & Co........ 33 Peacock, C. D.......2 Peaeock IeCem.. Personal Finance C.....6 Pool & Piper....... .... 27 Public Service Go........ 10, 12 Quinlan & Tyson ........... 38 Reed, Elizabeth ........... .31 Rensch Warehouse....... ...47 Schloesser's ................ 9 Scott, Wm.-.:........ Coer,.IV Shawnee Tpilors ............6 Skinner, Cornelia 0dm ....... 42 Smnart &Gole.............38 Snider.CazeI Drug Go.... i Sp encer Petroleurh. 1...... ..24 Stevens, Edgar A., Imc.....31 Teatro del Lago ............ 43 Tri-Ship Boys' Club......... 42 San oil Durner cai t 417 Linden ave by fire- resulted. SRETURN FROM WEST Mr. and, Mrs, T.,G. Cooke, 355 Ken- ilworthavenue, Kenilwortb, returned. lait' Thursday from'a three iweeksW trip to Cal ifornia, where they were called'by the illness, of Mr. Cooke's sister. When they arrived they found her condiion much 'imnproved' so re- miained -for a visit and, did'conisider- able touring. They were in Altadena, Pâsadena, San Francisco0, and Sacra- mente. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson, 627 Eleyenth :street,: announce the.:.birth, of a daugb ter, Lea, February 14, at the Evanston hospital. -This is the Fergusonu's first child. Mr. Ferguson is the proprietor of the. Wilmette Cafe. 1181 Wilmette avenue. GO EAST Mr.J. Nornman Ingerle ovf High- iand Park, who was treasurer of the Evanston and North Shore Delta. Gamma Alumnae association. and province secretary, left with Mri; In- gerle a couple of weeks ago for Phil- adeiphia, whiere they will reside. ASSOCIATE CONDUCTRESS At the reçzular meeting of the Wil- CARS COLLIDE Last.Saturday evening as Howard, JHickey, 350 Oak cîrcle, was diving West on Gregory avenue, bis car wa s struck at Broadway by the machine of H. J. Webber, 4908 N. California avenue, Chicago. Only slight damage to the cars resulted. REPORDT ON COiNTAGIONS. The lecturer spoke in part as fol- lows: Christian Science teaches that God, Spirit, thé- supreme cause and creator, self-existent Being, cannot be finite or personal. Wberever thougbt cati re ach, t here. at that moment God can be found. God's government is instantly available to redress wrong, no, matter how long establishbed a wrong may hiave seemed to be. It is instantly available to avert danger, no. matter'how formidable a danger ayseeni.. Because God, Spirit, is divine Principle, it follows of course that-His creation must be mental'or spiritual to be perceived only through: spiritual1 seiîse. Christian Science teaches that if 'you will, allow thoughts wbich are Godlike, that is, unselfish and spiritual, to take pos- session of your consciousnegs,, they will govern your experience, because tbey partake of the immiutable quality of the infinite self-enfôrcing Principle, which tbey reflect. It makes clear tliit yôu have but to entertain men- tally, to reason with, these Godlike. thoughts, and they will give you emi- ploymnent; they will heal you of sick- ness and sin; they will supply vour needs abundantly; tbey will e'i.rich and beautify- your life; they wvîlIlift you above fear They will prove to you that to acknowledge and conforni to the government of God, the divine Principle of aIl real being, is to place, yourself where nothing unlike God place ot the *mst nin naiiaa under the shadow of the Alniighty." 'Now silice this is true, and Chnis- tian Science teaches that it can be proved, then ail which appears to contradic t or oppose God',s govern- pue nnt in national, collectiveý, or indi- vidual affairs must, be the, resuit of a mistaken view' of God'snature and, power. Proportionately as God's spir- itual government is understood and conformed to, . lumnan governmiients Marshall Field & Go.......8,21 MeU.Dnog & Strand ........4 Melledy Ferms Dairy........ 22 Mrow ........ ..... 23, 27 Zelda Beauty Salon ......... Zo-NoDrops.............. Krress. Mrs. J. C. McQuide returned on1 Sunday to her home, 731 Elpiwood avenue, from Troy, N. Y., where she had been for a month's visit' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Van Zandt. John A. Schreiber of 544 F.arlstofl road, Kepilworth, has returned f rom the hospital and is recovering satis- factorily f rom a recent throat opera- tion.