IN OUR CHAPEL The Oldeat Esablishe4 Undertelers' on the Immediate North Slwre. SUPElUOR AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Lady Asistant BBWARB 0F FALSE BARGAINS, pDEOPLE are. often trapped by misleadiig offers of "cheap" funerals. They are lied to believe thigt bargain funerals may b. had from cetain funeral directors Who advertise scemingly, low prices. This is a false view. A legitimato funeral director asks reasonable prices for al types of services, dependng upon the, wishes and ineans of his clientele. "Bargains" exist only Wheré, service. is àlighted and, the cheapest kind of merchandise provided. We will glaidly explain ini detail. our prices and the services we f urnish. They1 wil be found as economical as those -of any irai meeting the,-same exacting standards. WILMBTTB 111 GRENLAFAVENUE Ph... Wiahnec654 WINNBTKA 554 CENTER STREET Phone, Winmet&a 404 A Tvalaload or 011 to With cold weather cornes increased dema~nd for heating' oil service. Trainloads of oil, large storage capacity, and a large fleet, of trucks -al ,combine -to assure Braun F1111. H. UMAIJK Hoat 'North Shore Houmes! Bros. customers a continuous fuel supply, in spite of unprece- dented demand. Pictured above is one of three train loads of oil received in one day by, Braun Bros. S. F»OPEL CARL L. BRAUN "For Fuel7-Use Oil" Wiiimcfte Ceai &Matelriai Yard I 1301 Lake Avenue , , Wilmette 4200