-irghlights w~il be the awarding of the Silver Beaver to four north shore Scouters, a series of tableaux depict- ing the Scout programf, the presenta- tion of the Teti Vear Program awards, to 35 packs. troops and',ships and ail address by Perry A. L t.cu xc utive of ChicaQ'o council. Officers for' 1936 will be elected and the-report of progress for 1935 presented. BOYSv% LIFE ES 25ý Boys' Life, official publication Of, the' Boy Scouts of America, with its Mfarch issue is celetbrating, its 25th anniversary'. Dr. James F.. W est. chie f Scout executive. is. also editor, of Boys' Life. and the story. of bis strug- gle and his: àchievements is, told bY Walter N. Head., president -of the Boy Scouts of America. ilI11il article, "The Bovhood Ambition That Built Boys' Lie"Dr., M'est was a crippled or- phan who fouglit against great odds to. achie ve great success as head of the BON Scout~s of Atuerica. WINNETKA TROOP 19 (Sposisored liv Winnetka Post o.10. Aiawrican Legion) Scoutxa ster John Henrich cas attention of bis Scouts to the fact that Troop 19 allows a Scout to miss only.3 mne meeting a mnontb. More absences automiaticallv drop hinm from the troop. Although the troop is now filled, pros- pective mnembers are Invited to drop in at Wlnnetka Coniniunity House and place their nanies on the walling list an>* Thursday evening between 7 :30 and 9 o'clock. Troop 19 has. the. cabin at Waion woods February .29. Thies Saturday mnornlag-Scouts wilI leave Roon) 6, Win- netka Community. House, ai 10 o'cIock for their overnigbt stay and return home ln tinie for Sunday dinner. Officers of 'rroop 19: chairmain, Rriland C. Major; commnitteernen,'%W. E. Zlck, E. G. 1{oweiL 0 . H. Sehoenrock, Erneqt Woodruff, Scoutmnaster, John G. Hen- *rîch; assistant Seoutmiaster, 'Dr. Arnold Martin> Thorsen; first aid instructor, John, Ivéeon, Jr.; assistant flrst aid instructors, John, Frankel and sidàney .Craig; senior patrol leader, Leon Drum- mfond; secretary, Steven Rothermel ; quartermaster, Arthur Russo ; roomi COURT 0F #IONOR .. . At th e court of bonor held Mon- day evening, February 17,. thrce Wilniette Sea Scouts were rçwarded for' bard work. and study. .jack Barnard,. Edwin Colegrove and Edgar Goelz were, the boys formally pre- sented. with 'prumotion to, tbe rank of 1ordinary Sea Scout.ý Persons, unfamiliar with Sea Scout requiremen1its may bW surprised to learn of ýthe variet-y of subjects of which. thèse boys are, expected to have definite knowledge in.order to be-worthy of this promotion. A Scout mnust kiiow sea history, nau- ticai nomenclature, knots, sewing, anchors, bow to box tbe compass and explain. relative bearings, the appli- cation of latitude. and longitude-to. navigkation, be1ll time, elementary in- fantry drill, how to swim well, how to build boats, how to rruise. how to abandon sbip. water fowl. Truly a promnotion of this nature represents a real and highly conimendable achieve- ent Also at this court of hionor, Donl Henderson was formiailv inducted ini- to membership in Sea Scout Ship Ouilmette with the rank of apprenitice Sea Scout. ' The balance of the boy s wbo were not quitç prepared for this court 6 April 25.. The iwinners of theý district contests to be conducted throughout the council will compete in a council tournamient early ini April. The \N'au- kegan finals %vill attract the five best< first aid teams. in~ Region Seven. com- prising Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin. This is the first vear in- the history of the Midwest First Aid contest that the finals have been beld outside Chicago. C. G. Speer. Scout wuithi te next iew weeks. RAHAI LECTURE "The Great Resurrection" is the iubject, of the taik to be. gven in Poundation' hall, Baha'u Universal House of Worship, Linden avenue adShe idanrad, Wilmette, Sun- day 9fternoon, March 1, at 3:-30 o'clock. Albert Windust of Chicago îill be the speaker at this time. on ThUrsday evening, of .iast week a group of fifty-five invited guests met at, the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Carl [Jannen. 536, Sheridan road, -for a social'evening. Mrs. Dorothy Baker of, Lima, Ohio was the.guest of honor and during the evening- spoke in- formaliy on the teachings of Baba'u- 'llah, theçir afims and significances. *Mrs. Russell Y. Cooke, 331 Cum- nor road, K.eniIworth, 4atertined 1er knitting club at luncheon, Thursday of last week. CHICAGO I* >,%a x inozz x Tay OUR DAMP WASI We.d.-TI.lrs.-Fri. 15 16s. 75 Moe.-Tues. 20-ibs. 99c FRENCH LAUNDRI M. Deumpter St., Eveastm UNI Po"Wfimmstha 3m 9 E HI E c i E r i = EVANSTON Wr 7 "V"V 13 usberg, wflo 15 a grauuau.v viNe PRACTICE FIRST AID . Trier High school, was elected Scout troops throughout the Northl head of: the Social cômmnittee for the Shore Area council are preparing present semester.ý Enrolled as a first aid teanms in anticipation of the junior in the Schoo of Education, Midwest First 'Aid contest, the finals Miss Osberg is. a member of Kappa of which wiIl be held at Waukegan Delta sorority. Register on the Second Floor, Evanston Store or the Fourtb Floor, Chicago Store £L' OXgiUL.fL XJJ &c COMPANY TOURNAMENT Condcucted by ýLou: Haddad, Nationda Contiract. Championý