Kanberg- Brooks Wedding Ceremony A edding ceremony of great s4imjlIclt, made effective by the erabence of -al .elaborate de- tail, wvas performed 1ast Friday evening at the Alfred. Kanhcr9 resdene,120 Dupee place, XViI- mette, when Ruth Elizabeth Kanberg became the, bride of Ranidolph Brooks, soný of Mr. andi Mrs. MW. Gi .0oos o 1 Hawithorn lane, Winnetka. Be- fore ' ebr of the familiete service was read at 8:30 o'clock, a reception follo'%Ning. Spring fiowers in delicate shades,, against a background of palmse- orated the' large, living room wVhere the bride entered on the arm of ber father. She wôre white mQ.us seline- de-soie, withôut a veil, and carried a small round old-fashion ed bouquet from which hung tiny streamers. The dress was made shirt waist style, tight itting in the bodîice with large' full sleeves and a double row of pleating around the bottom of the skirt. The pleating extended into a short train. * Miss Jean Kanberg, the bride's sis- ter and maid of honor, was ber only attendant. She, - too, wore, white sas. tA spray of Pink -roses com- pleted her costume. Gerard Brooks, the lirother of the bridegroom, served as best nman. Mr. and Airs. Brooks, are, making their, home at 7$41 Kenste avenue, Niles Center. They will flot take t heir wedding trip untilý some time in the. spring, when they ln to go to Bal,-, tim ore. mai~n street cupb( siring to join th( reservations wjth Wakeley of 220 Kenilworth. Oit Jani<ary , Mils Edmuniid WeIsÉ 2tas iwrried to Pàaul Photo. by DuBoii-The Drake Mi-ss Josephinç A vice Pridmoère, datightcr of AMr. and Pr iore 0 lccoe, fùrmerly residéeits.of Wilnette, Rihiard Kitch af Wichita, Kas., where the >will -reside.. uvun at Looley's Mr. Astell and bis bride are staying d and anyone de- with her family until faIl, when they roup is to make plan to ind a home of their own in rs. Tbompson M. Evanston. Their engagement was an- oDodstock alvenue, nounced at a buffet supper party during the Christmas bolidaYS. vvlur worK 'a s îsess exam iner she teaches the girls' to use courage, sin- cerity, and individuality in entertain- ing. She told of the bigness of Girl Scout work, and value of scouting to, girls. Marie Klapperîch Becomnes Bride -of r GCene C. Jackson At a l'eautiful .caidieliglit ccrenlonv ini the homie of her, parents, IMr. and Mrs. Peter J. Kapperich. 412, Cen tral aven lie, Winette, IMarie Klapperich, he- came, the bride 'of Gene C. j ack-- son of Springfield. Thée Rev. Janes. Lawler of St.- Francis Xavier. church -officiaàted at the ceremony which took plaue Sat- urday, February 22,at 5 Ô'elock iii the afternoon. .The. wedding service was perfornied against a background of featherv f ern *s and a buge -ýmantel spray ot spritig. flowers. Thé brideý wore traditional whîite stnan-d a rosepoint veil over tulle. Shé carried a bouquet of' gardelljas and white freesia. Ann Klapperich., the bride's only siste r,.iN-as maid of honor, wearing aquamarine net over mratching taffeta and carrying as ber flowers, yellow freesia. The bride's mother wore blue velvet and a corsage of violets, and tiny spring Blowers. The mother of the bridegroom wore a corsage of Violet s and rainbow freesia with lier purpie dress. John Paul Jones, who is from MNr> Jackson's home town; Dativille, 11. served bimi as best mauî. After the 'ceremionv the guests gathered at Shavvnee Countryv club .wbere dinner was served .~il home ii Spriiîgfield, Ill, , thteir G.D. AllisonslHonored ofSilver Weddingcj Pary A large companY lonored R( and Mrs. George D. All.isn xtI- years of service together. The .cOmmittee in charge included Mr-. and Mrs. George B. Williams, Mr. andi Mrs. Earl Carlson, Mr. and. Mrs. Charles V. Clark, Mrs. George Greèn, Mrs. Alfred Heerens, E. W. ýRoberts, Artliur Scott and Mrs. A. E. Gebert.-Contributed.