Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1936, p. 45

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AND BATI-1. WINNETKA 10 71 WANTED-NURSEMAID, wi perienced, for 2 children, ag Stiiy on place. Glencoe 1336. 2 a1u O 1L43ltpi WH'ITE GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GEN- eral housework. 'SmraII famlly. $7.00 pet, week.. Phone Wllmette3<. 71L43-ltp EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR general housework. North Shore ref- f-rences. $9.00 per week. Go *home niglits. Phono Wilmfette 3341. 71LTN43-ltp BOOKKEEP'ER, WITH AUTOMOBILE experience. State age,5experien!ce'and ýzaIary desired.. Write B-67, Box 60, 'wlnmette,_Illinois., 71L'r43-ltp WHITE* GIRL FOR GENERAL HOIJSE- work, lhelp wlth washlng anid cooklng. Mutbe fond of chlldren. WTINNETKA 2355. 71LTN43-ltp. WHITE C.TRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work References required. Stay nights. I'ý-rnianent position. Winnetka 3097. 71LTN43-ltp WAN TEDÉ-A ýWIT'ýE WOMAN 30, TO 40 yrs. old. G"-neral mald and laundl'y. 4 aduits. $1.0. Phone Olencoe 1680. 711,TN4.3-1tc, and assist withl cooking. Good homne and position for neat and willing worlçer. Near train. Wlnnotka 2727. 71L.TN43-ltp WHITE GIRJL FOR (,EN. HSEWK. Small house, nio ehildren. $6. 1401 Gregory Ave., Wilmette..Ph. Wil. 1209. ý71LTN743-ltp WANTED ý-WHITE' WOMAN FOR general housewoýrk. Servlng hy the day. 0rare of chlld eveings.,,Ph. Wîi.* 4858. 71LTNY43-1 tt WIEGIRL-G EN ERAL 1-USE- w-ork. Small famlly. StaY on placé. $6. Phono Wilmette 3761. 71LTN43-ltp HELP WANTEO-MALE IF YOU ARE AN EXPER', RE AL esýtate salesman and desire an ideal sal1es arrangement with mortgage, leas- ing, and insurance privileges, write B-85, Box 60. Wilmette, Ili., giving aIl. your qualifications. 72LTN43-Ite MNAN. WANTED FOR. RAWLEl0GHf Route of 800 familles. Good profits foir hustier. We*, tralhin an help You.,. RaWlelgh Co.. Dept. ILB-. 761-SA2, Freeport, 111. .72L"N43-ltp) HzLp WTD..-IqALE A-ND -FEMALE REGISTER NOW! EXPERIENCED, COUPLES SMiALj..COMU2RTAIA, R k~OOM TO A . business woman, central location, phone Wilmetto 965M.,8L3-t WTD. TO RENT-LT. HSKPG. RMIS YOUNG B3ACHELOR DESIRES ROOM with liglit bousekeeping. .Preferably betwoen Winn. and North Evanston. Phone Wilrnotte 902-M.. 85LT43-ltp BOARD AND R0014 KENILWOIRTH l-INN CLEAN, HOMECLi]KE ROOMS, GOOD meals. Very desirable for people Who want quiet homelike surroundingà. Rea- sonable. .315 Cumnor Road, .Kenilwortb. 549l., 86LTN43-ltc BOARDIN S C H O OL FOR CHIL- dreh, ages 2-6, conducted by gradua te teacher in ber home. Expert guidance and training; speclal attention to diet problenis. Ph. Winnetka 1687. 86LTN43-ltp PouR RENT-ApAtrTmENTrs SUBLEASE - UNUSUAL SUNNY, airy 4 room corner apartment. Larig( living and dlning room. Outside kitelhen. Bedsroonm takes twtn- beds. Eet. refrig. Tile wall bath. The Linden. Crest Bldg. K~ROLL & SMITH AGENTS 424 Linden Avenue' Wilmette 500 R2LTN43-Ite 3 AND 4 ROOM APTS., ALSO MAY 1. Also tile bath wlth shower, breakfast noolç, electrlc refrigeration, reasonablç! rent. A. C. WOLFF BLDG., WiI. 1724. 92LTN43-1tp SMALL, APARTMENT, FTJRNISHED or unfurnlshed. Gas and heat. Private bath. Near transportation. WILMETTE 3082 92LTN43-ltp 6 RQOM APART'.MENT*I WITI{ GARAGE. $40. PHONE WIL- mette 1468. 92LTN42-4tp IMMEDTATE POSSESSION - EAST side. 5 room duplex, newly decorated. Facing Evaiiston Golf Course. Phone Wllmette 3518. 92LTN43-ltp zO rEa,*Nîz;ôURNUSHE£D APT. LIBRATLY PLAZA OFF'ERS: 1, 2, 3-room apartments. Complete hotel service. Modern electrlc litchens. In the heart, of downtown Evanston. LIBRARY PLAZA Orrjngton Ave. et Churcli Street. University 8000 7 rms., 1 bath, Brick bouse on wooded lot, nr. all transp., stoies* and schls., H. W. heat, quick nc- cupancy, $100. Mr. Magili, Gree-n- leaf 1855-Hollycourt 1855. 7 rnis,, 2 baths, woôded lot, 1-car gar. $85. Mr. Maggill, eeef 1855-ýHollycourt 1855. ININHILL CLUB SECTION Modern Engliali Brick, 5 bedrms., Sbath,., solarium, sl'ping peb., oil heat.* $200. Miss Poôwell, Green-~ lenf 1855-Hllycourt 1855. SOUTH -EAST WINNETKA Attractive 8 rm., 2. bath- home, sun and sl'png pch., 2-ear gai. $125. Mr. Piersen, Wlnnetka 2700-Briàr- gate 1855. HUBRARD WOODS DISTRICT, Brick 6 i., 2, bath bouse, oh lit., 2-car gar.- Avail. May 1. $115.* <Can s-how, now., Mr. 'Pletscb, IVin- netka 2700-Briargate 1855. BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. EVANSTON OFFICE-522 DAXVIS ST. Greenleaf 1855 Holl,.,our-t 185;- WIN',NETKA OFFICE-790 ELM.% ST. Wlninetha 2700 BrIargate .1855 97LTN41-i te E XCEPTIONAL VALUES * GLENCOE, 4 att 1ractive liQuses-3-4 bedrms,;, sl pg. pchs,, nr. trans., schl. $75-$85. 3 excellent br; homes--5 bedriiis., 2-." bah~1-2 g;ar.,oni. $110-$125. WrNNTKA 5 br.-fr. homes of 3-4 bedrmns', 1-2 hatbsý. slpg. pcb. Oil-coal. $75-$85. 6 lovely boms-4-5 bedrms., 2-?, bath:. lav., pelis. Oul. $100-$150. Attr-activ-e Wilmnette-Kenilwoùttb Listings.4 SEARS & WITZLEBEN S562 GREEN BAY ROAD Kenilworth' 5545-4790 Wilmette 373~7 97LT.LN43-1t HOME RENTALS East loc., 2 mod. brick Cols., 4 and .bedrms., 31/ batha, sun and slpg.,pcbsý., WiIl decorate. $125., West loc.1, close1 to trans. 4 bedrmEi., studio livý. Large grounds. $100. 'and schl. Mod. rm, gar. att. 2 mcodt Cols. 4 bedrms., 2% batbs, oil. Garage att. $110. South Winn.-Briek Col., 5 bedrms., 1, baths, den, sun and slpg. pelis., coil. Sacre groundes. WIli decorate.$10 WHITE PRAM~E COLQNIAL-4 BED- rooms, 2 family baths and lav. adj. nxaid's room. 011 heat. Att. garage. Irn- niediate or May Ist lease. $110.00 per mo., E. SAWYER SMITH 725 El.întSt., W'lnnetka Ph. Wlnn. 3500 97LTN43-ltc MOST ATTRAC. 5 RM. BUNGALOW wlth heated slplng poli., fine lot and gÈar. Howard*.School district. May !..-$65. OTHER DESIRABLE HOMES 5. 6 AND 7 RMS.-$55, $65 AND UP E ddington & Allen, mcn. End of ý"L" 410 Linden Ave. Wil. 407 97LTN43-îte ;SEE OUR D 1Ir'>L AY AIDVERTISE- ment ýon, page- 43 of this Issue. R. B. WHITAKERCo. 140 Conter St. 'Winnmetka 3250. OPEN WB= DEAYS ý9 TO 9 97LTN43-lte F'OR RENT OR, SALBE-LARGE ROU Swith .7 bedroom, à baths. Located ln good Winnetka. nelghborhood n e & r echool. Can give IMmnediate possession. Apply owner, Wlnnetlka. 7 or 1757, 97LTN86-tle IDEAL EAST HUBBARD WOODS LO- càtiofl. Snil m odern homhe, beauitfu surroundings. 4 bedrins.,.-2 baths, polis., gar. Immediate occupancy. Owner- Wlnnetka. 668. 971A3-ItP 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, LIBRARY, .att.ý gar. Thoroughly modern. Conven. to station and schools. For immediate possession $85. Ph. Winnetka 89. 97LTN43-ltp 5ROOM BUNGALOW, H. W. H., GAR.. Inear school and trans. Winnetka 892. CHARMING 6 R 2 batbs, si'plng.p MRS. LANG FOR RENT-FI FURNISHED 6 Rg roonts 11/2bathý lot. Scr;eened Dolt Glencoe. ýrch, 5 I MAY 15-SEPT. 1E Colonial bouse, 1, block. froi bedroonis, 3 baths, sieep scrieened terrace. 2-car gai No..dealers. Write B-89, 'Bc ift. woodled )rexel Ave., D8LTN4-mltc 15 >mn lake. 4 Dîing borci. nleaf 8788 KR L & LTN43-ltp R L & 424 Linden Avenue PRIVATE NE-AR LAKE AND Ta ýso garage. Colonial. 9 rnis., 2% 8. brkfst. rm., porcli. 2-ca !LTN43-ltp lot. $150 net. WIIj. 3761. 729 llth ST., WILMe brick 2-car gar., H. to N. W. depot. $65.F Ave. Phono Wllmette1 SEVEN OR EIGHT 1 about $100,. for 6 April 1. Unfurniffbed to show bouse for .sal .Uï,- WE-FLL Fl bath. Ki 815 Forest Ave., Wl

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