JIn the Joregrou4l of the class arej inorth shore moto moment . ili Iast MAouid«y uight's sessio n of the .Saie Drivipiq school at New Trier High school. arc somse of the test ing apparatus by u'hiclî the ability of stiudents ta drivec is deterrniped. Ieinbers 4oowe 1iditsfriouislv at zvark 4po0» a quiijonnaire. The school. is attractinq widi, attention among. ùts . Lehie Phigto H-lgh-three garneýý-COflg. 2tnd Iilgh--three games-BaptfiS-t" High-single game Coflg. 2nd hlgh-slngle garne -Baptist's Iidlvldal lofor,. High,-thiree games--C>oOk Znd jimgh-thr-eeg arnesý-UgoliIi ýHigh-ifgle gaie--Cook 2rid .hiigh k ngle gamne--(ýit.k 2,6~ei; 982 97:: 58r- 216 KENILWORTH :LEAGUE Standing of Kenilwortil Bowlitng league weeki ending Februaryý 18: *Teamn--Capta.tiI Voii Losut AbingdoÎl's-Warreù - 16 5 Warwick's-Knlop ... I Kent's-Pendetofl 1:1. 8 Biers-Gage 13 's Oxford's--OIin ....11 1 ( Ralih's-Daforth .10. lu Ster1ings-ýCIellenV ..10.s Leis te,=r inTO6 . .......14 Tudor's-Martifl.......... 1 17 Team-high game-WVarwie-k' i 0i High net-t-hre games--Colton 572 High.grois--s-three gamûs-('oItonfl>7 2S Hlgh game-fet- February 18---Gage .22 High game--gTross- 1February 18-Gage. 26 High net-one game- Gage ..... Paxton Clements23 Ellis....... ..... !Cotton*.................. 221l High gross--one garne-7- Gage............. Paxton........ Paidar .8 Ellis 2 7 t Tadividuall ettdeér- 1. Crane16 mu mu u u \flngh-tnree ganles-Lea. m ____ MME2ndhig-three garnes-Litndberýg y 2nd high- ingle gainie-Bassler K. 0F C. LEAGUE ugIw Ter wo tofom NATIONAL TEA BUTCHEF <Bleser Alleys) .I~rs (Wililette Bowling AIleYsq) The following are the Ouîimete Henry Rau of Bleser's ioled a 2671Last -week Tuesday S oda's Council, Knights of Columbus bowl,,iing gaine and highi series of the e en:n won two out of three gaines resuits of Thursdav, Fehruary 20, atit wi 639. Ed Bleser of Bungalow Behioff's and Duster's team Wou Blese's alevs:Tavern chalked up 190, 211 and 207: out of tire e from Beecher's. Blesers allys: .for s.end Ihiah series of 60)8. lolin I 592 581 R s t eamh t rom T h 9. iKeii 10. Clein 1618 lS 15-4~ [y NEW1BO.KS AT THE. LIBRARYý l'le Wihmette Public library lias received many new books, some pur- chased through the State. Library Rc- WVilmette Auto Radiator, while Tenm Stantditigs Schlitz earned a tie for first bv vN%,- M . lO'tPt ning ail three gaines froin Braun 1. Lindberg's . .40 20 . .666 Brthr. uo n.Bng ad 2t BassIers......32. 2S .533 Brohes.Hug ad ino iad %OOdy,.s.....28 32 .467 two out of three-over Edelwveiss, and, 4. Scherzers .... 1l '41 .317 247. He blew a spare iin the eighth and spared in the ninth and tenth .ending with a score of 246. His score of 247 is~ high for the league and that is tied by Fred Lippen of the Ameri- cati Legion for, high score on the Cordell-America Lardner-First ai W\QI fe-Homage .Collier-Scanda] jol'n Aubre y. ot ~iew A .ý Credulitics o-f I