Tbetween ffhe pioneer chopping tim- ber for hi. new home in the. wildernes. 1ndthe. modem couple .caningt'Lots for Salé" ads, or consulting with architecta. Aft er a home us establihhed, it may grow and, develop with the progressive fortunes of the family it shelters. When the first baby..is born, a family must %move to larger quarterg.. We'd lilce to get out of the. apartment on account of the baby,» ehey say. Step by step heygo vaut range of equipuent that contributes to health, leisure and comfort of th. fanily. For instance, families who have nslled gus heat, and there are thousam4, of Ment in the Chi cago 1usd area, have broughe a new coafort and convenience to their homes which woudd have been almost ,anbelievable a few years ago. Now, more than ever before, a home cai b. shaped to embrace te family's changing- needs. The wide range, and flexibility of te thg ti y. This. diversified ares ffw an almost unUimited aclection for home requksietg, close te the u'ggod earth" but pleutifully ptcwided witli muoderni coin- fortsa-sd excellent transportation. If you are colitemplating a home in te attractive residential ares served by dhii Company, give us a chance to help you in planning for your electric or gas service requirements. W. can also give you pre. liminary estimates-penhaps helpful ides. - on other featuires of moui homes: 1 93 6 FEBRUARY 27j 196. TO BUL D-