Willam Boyd, now Qppeating in Para. Mou 1nt's "Bar 20. Rides Agan, "bhas good hosa asense.z 'BiH knows that il the, tank o that caris filled with Standard's new dou-. bl.-quickiatcting gasoinqes =du#*aIto go! RIS horseplay .off tying down a car toý keep hî JL fromjumingout froin under you befor e you're ail set, isi quité unneceary, of course* Standard's new gasoline isn't reallthisi lively.> But yonu wii find ht gives you, as lust, the Véry kind'off get-ip-and-go you've aIways wished for ili winter-timie driving4 Evenx wheu dis mercury dives to the bottom off the thermometer, this new Standard Red Cr<>wn. responds to the first spin off the starter, catches hold at once and stays in action. No jerky, baiky goinyg.bia akadL Z.arzn upa.mo, cold motor fuily 35% faster. That means Ions choke-wasted gasoline-and that meais longer mileage, off course. Get some off this new Standard Red Crown.;. and SEE WI*AT -HAPPENS next ime you step on the. starter. Sol4 hy Standard OU Stathons and Dealrs v.ey- Sbearqtathe prirc .fJ regwlae»gaslin Abo-SOLITE wftIh thyI, Staadm«dssupeltive e hlgb.aui-hmocgsaoi5e-di1ghtIy higer inprie*,amid vox& HI*theh. 8awv1oman.