At the morning worishilp service at Il o'clock thé pastor will »r'eac-h oI the theme. "Guarding the Citadel of the 1eart," the next ln the series ef Lenten sermons. We invite y.u to worshli> with The musical progerari fer themonn servi1ce, arranged by Miss Ermia Rounds. djirector, wll be, as flos.pro1udt& 'Ncocturne," Grieg; antheri, 'Gud Is Love," 'Shelley . solo, * Ti My Father*s House Are Many Manslin,',' Ma"Dicrnid. Edward Otis; postlude, "Alla Mrl. The pastor's Confirmation lass .il1l meet at 9 :30 o'clock., The Sunday séhool, session is bel.-I at 9 :30. o'clock, in ail departnients The Aduit.-Bible lass meet.i for t4tud'y a t 10 o'clock. Junior church, ln c harge of NIrs. Stan- ley Peteren,, cares for, the ehildr-eï dur- Ing the morniflg worship service. The men. of the church will nicet at 2:30 o'clock- Sundayý afternoon at the cbrhto irecelve Information regardig the Every Memnber Canva. SThe Tluxis lub will meet at 6':313 'loek at the ýehirch. The tople for diseur,- sionw wili be, "Should Americit Revise Its Sabbath Observance ?"' led by, Miss Doris Hargis. AIl the young p-eolple of hlgh school age are Inviteil. Refresli- Pieuts are served. On Tuesday evening Spoke No. 1 of t he Woman's society will enterftin with a -showlng of pictures on ÀMexico. Gje.,rge C. Lowell recently returned fromn a trip to Mexico, where he spent i, few weeks specially ln the taklng of pictures. These wiii be shown, wlth )thei-s on other. trip$. Chai-les Keller, who tüccoiii.-nned hlm, wlll show some colored enlarge- m.*nt+q of Mxiancn 'DflO t Mr. R W . On Wednesday. we will havea Lenten Ser-vice, at 8 o'cleck, led by -the aster. The theme et the address Will be, "ýWhat Cruclfied Jesus.--Pleasure-Loviii4 Irre- sýponmibihity.". WeInvite you te, jein us, ln this seie. The Boy Scout treel) will meet Mon- day evening. The êlirl Scout .treep-wil meet Satur-ý day afternbon. The choir will rehearse Friday eviEning. Tht The Preparatory Membership lass for Juniors wfll nieet Sunday atternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Mr. Robert Baldridge ln carge. The preparatory Memibership class for IntermediateA.and lilgh sehool students: wili be held Sunday afternooni at 141 o'cioc.k, under the Ieadership, cf Truman W. Potter. The choir meets for rehearsal tonight (Thursday) at. 8 eo'clock under the di-, rection >oôt.Miss MIarile Briel.. Any mmn-, ber unable to attend; any rehearsal> or servlice between now and Easter Is. asked te notify the church'office (r the director. The Womfan's Misslenary society Ils meeting today. (Thursday). at 1 :30 o'celock nt the church. Devotions: Mrs. L. W. Jones. Second study of "Women Under the Southern Cross", Mrs. A. L. Christy. Ail women are Invited. The March meeting of the board, of managers of Northwestern Branch, W. F. M. S., willbe held Friday, March 13, at 1 30 o'clock at 740 Rush, street, Chicago. The Fifth. division .will have a -bake sale this 8aturday, Mareh,14, at t.he National Tea Store, 1107 Central avenue". There wlll be deliclous homie-m-ade ar- ticles of ail kinds. The Second andFourth divisions willI have a Rummiage sale.March 26 and 27. They will appreciate the cooperation «f e,%eryene and wiil gladiy eall for articles. For further Information, eall Mrs. H. E. *Poronte, (1877) or Mrs. WiIlard Thayer (1083). The Second division will mneet Fridayý, March 20, at 10 :30 o'eock at the home of Mrs. L. E. Penberthy, 1524 Wilmtte Th e Flfth division will have a Run-i- miage Sale 'April 23 and 24. New niembers wil be received into the fellowship ef this church on Palm Sunday, April 5. Infantsvvill be baýptized on thaL-date. The Third division wlll have a Bakery sale this Saturday, March- 14, at Van Deusen's Grocery. 'The sale ot home- made cakes, pies, bread, etc., will begin at 9 o'clock. Y Yw 9 Ir ls.oý ave. Rnglish Lutheran S4eventh stréet at Greenleaf ",A House of Worship"ý Trhe IRev. David R. Kabele, pamtel' Chu rch school ........ 9 -45 a. m. Mo ring worship... il.a. in. 1uther league ........ 5.30 P. in. ~Il-WEKLENTEN SERVICE WednesdaY evenlng.>..... ....... .8 p i The music foir the service- cf, wership next Sund1ay mornin g is as fellows: Organ Prelude - "Andante," Symphonie Gothique...........Widor Anthéem-Tlhe . Siflent Sea..Neidinger The Senior Choir Solo-The Prayer Perfect ...Stensen Jerome Nevins Postlýude-"Amsterd'ai".... -..Demarest Church schlooil convenes at 9:-45 o'clock. We Invite yen te attend our Church sehoel ahýjndy morning and receive a therough religieus education. Theref are classes for ail. The sermon topie for, the Servic . e o Worship next Sunday mornlng Is "Why i Believe in Prayer."1 We invite y'ou te worshlp wlth us>. The Confirmation class wilY meet on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clocek. Senior choir rehearsal, Frlday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Junior choir rehearsal, Saturday miorn- ing at 10 o'clock. of Mrs. J. H. I-opp, 1616Lake avenue, The Men's club wil meet at. the church Thursday evening, March 19, at 8 o'cloek. The Rev. J. S. Dalîmanli, superintendent et our Jewish Lutheran work at Zion seciety te Israel, Chicago, wiil explain and demenstrate the Jewish Passever. Attend church regularly. St. A uguistine's> Dr. Hubert Carleton. recter - Dr. Herbert L. Willett, ministe'r - Dr% Willett's subject for nay 1%1Mardi 15 will be "The' Prodigal Mind.' The church service lq at i1o1lok The Women*iS guild- will rneet XM'ndav nm1rninig, 'March 16; at 10, o'cloe'<. The work o! the' guild i; for the.benéfi.t <f good causes in which the wo 1men of the céhurch and the comniunity art> inter- ested. ,AUl, wemen of Kenilwvorth net otherwise -engaged .on MGndays .1re e.ordially invited te share in this %vork. The Sunday school will, meet at 9-:45 a. m. There are classes for cildren'frin the klnclergarten through, the high school. Vistors are welcome. Beginning Sunday, March,15. Dr. Wil- lett will conduct a series 0f talks ln the Senior department. His subjeet will ht- "iCharacter.", Fst Congregioa The Rev. John G. Hindfey, mmîqster .'Màste ring -the Hâvoc Maker. s" , tilbe. the> Minier's sermon theme -iext Sun- day morning at il o'clo ck in the chiýntrch serie. The Leniten music will be the followiig: Prelude-Andantiflo.Cestr Fraîièlk Solo -- "The Trumipet Shah Sotnd" (Messiah).............Handel By-%fr, Ga1.rman Learn Qurttte-le."ed Jesu ...Dvorak Postlude-Finale........ý..Mndelsso>hi Miss Emifly Robert s-0Orga nist D)irector. YOUNG PEOPLE'S GROUIP- The Young People-'- group wihI heold itN regular meeting nt 5 :30 1..nm. in thc' chureh parler. Refreshnients and récreai- tion feleow. W031ANIS GU'ILfl Formier presidents of the guild i n'to i be the guests of the gtuild at the 'lunch- eon and meeting, Friday, March 1:', :t Ilo'elock. Among those te whomi invitations hv been sent are Mrs. F. L. Joy, Mrs. E._ Scheidenhelm-, Mrs. F. Scheidenhebun, Mrs. H. G. Drury, Mrs. A. Côburn, Mrs. H. B. Gates, Mr-S. F. Bowes, Mi-$. Wil- fiant Matin, Mrs. L. Bush, Mrs. B. F. Blynmyer, Mrs. A. E. Klunder, Mrs. J. W. Fisher, Jr., and Mrs. W. A. Richardson. . Mrs. Joy. will read a historyV of -the guild. Mrs. James C. Crossleywill havé' charge of the devotionals. A book review on . Christopher *MorleY's "Hlasta -la Vi-Sta" will be given by Mrs. Richardson. 'the 1%eighborhood circle will meet at the home of Mrs. W. F. Ayer, 633 ForeNt aivenue, Tuesday, March 17. Mrs. Jamýes C.. Crossiey. Mrs. Herbert LaRey, and MIS. A. H. Howard will be the aisssting the month of March. Tliese services are Prelude-Andante favori........ Mozart In Lent, beglnning Ft'iday atternoon, ers.'" " ~ S" held ln the sanctuary. All those whe Ànthem-"Beautlful Savior" ..........- March 20, at 4 p. ni., and that evening March 22-"The 'frue Size et a Man.- wish are cordiallW invited te phare In the ............ Arranged by Christiansen at S. These pictures are being shown .Aprll 5 - "The Guilding Patterai.". service kext Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. Offertory-Allegretto......... Shubert net as an ordlnary motion picture at- (1Palm Sunday). - . .The Sermon-"Christ Our Compassienate traction, but more as a religieus service April 12 - "The Bounds of Lýite."- Mr. Harold Xhrensperger will be the High Prlest" ......... Hebrews 4:15716 in Lent, the atm ef whlch le te teach (Easter Sunday). spiiaker at a. joint meeting of Theta postlude--March .......... C. M. Weber oui' beys and girls the storiés of the Upeilon Rhô and the. Uigh Sehool beague- Bible, beginnlng with the Creation. The UINSRIE Sunda.y. evenibÏg st 6:30 o'clock. ThetaI The fourth in the series of! Lenten cost of these pictures, which is heavy, -March 22-Congregational cbUrch---Di-. Upsilon Rho -witl have Its fellowshipj services will be held Wednesday at 8 la being defrayed by some generous Hubert Carleton.