and convenienëces.. t com- hsDcl fO V5 len of one these roilafltic unlnown. Qule by of the wild west unies Uns, -hde naine and address of the cuber, flotý àssssaridy for pubictionbut for ofà fies. Smbh material quta l a e. editor by Toesday -Ioon .t. b. in tinDe for te. ciment issue. A% COMMUNITY OFFICE Thanks to the Wilmette Home Owners associ- ation,: Wilmette at last has a central office for community service. Perhaps not a fulfilinent of the dréains ,-) those forward-looking citizens who have long advocated -a com munity housé wýhere_ could*b carried on the social and cultural activi- tics of the village, but at least providing somne of- the features of a more ambitious c en ter. Upon deciding an office from which to operate its. own. business, -the thought was suggested, and adoptéd, that it go beyond its own requiremnents in space .and eq uipme nt andI furnishings; and provide quarters that might be used by its mein- bers and ot her citizens as à central point wherie f riend might meet friend, committees froni churches and other, organizations convene for conferences, and in other ways utilize its. con-. veniences. This new office, located at -1155 Wilmette aveý- nue, was opened te the public by means of recep- tiens field Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunday afternoon. It is handsomely furnishied and completely .equipped, and is presented to the neoffle of the villagee for their use .without obli- wilI be used by the citizens for tne purposes. intended. SIt is gratifying to note that the association is making a healthy growth. Organized to oppose undesirable real estate developments, the en- croachments of large apartmnt huildnL-'s. or depreciation of home properties by business or .induistrial enterprises, it hasa definite. duty 10o perform, and should wield a tremendous influence. in deciding the direction which the assured future' growth of the village is to take. Its splendid pub-. lic spirit in offering its beautiful homie for use of our citizens calis for congratiulatioiis aiid fuîll al)7 preciation.. *of homes that are being buiît, and the quality of construction and materials entering imb thein. They are solid, substantial, durable homes, of which any town or city might bc proud. Ranging in cost from. approximately $9,000 to $50,000 and upwyard, they are, of types which will bc a distinct change must be considered. Familles do not re- îina'n the saine. Children grow up. get miarried and establish homes. of their own. Rempovals :to other Parts of the country necessitate.disposing of the home once thought to bc permanent. Wi'sdonî dictates, therefore, that the home bc. not, extreme in 'as architecture and floor, plans, or include the owner's ideas to the point.of eccen- triciîty. Couservatismn should be the guide, and thatappears to be the controlling factor. in mostof the new homes now 'planned or actually under construction. Building costs are now, probably at the lowest Po int. that ivill be reached for several years. Prices are certain to rise. Therefore there should bce no delay on the part of those seeking. sites upon which to build. To these the north shore extends a cordial invitation to "look us overt" before. ma king- a dec ision. The advantages and beilefits offered here are not surpassed if, iudeed, thev can be matched, an'ywhere'in the countrv. HEALTHY DISCUSSION' WViÎ'-e'r'rELiFF is gratified at the amnount of, healthyv discussion now going on throughout the village relating,.to the future developmnent of the commercial areas and adjacent properties in resi- dential sections. These problems hav-e been dis- cussed by individuals and groups in wvhispers, a practice that. can neyer bring 'about a decision or lead to a solution. It was for the purpose of bringing.the subject into the open, .and affordiing opportunity for the expression of opinion, that this paper gave space to an article and an editorial. on the subjec . In neither of these was a solution advocated, or any line of development suggested. it does, however, believe that it. is necessary to flnd a satisfactory solution very soon, if the growt'h.of the village is tô follow désirable lines ten. liteein or twenty years hence. Lu other words,, some plan:.should be adopted, now that -Will guard the destruction of thehome atuiosphere 1of the village, protect residential properties in their home, character, and forever preclude the possibility of huge apartment buildings overrun- The january census of the unemployed totaled 12,626,000, an increase of 1,229,000 over Iast De- cm r.What would it have been if the New Dealers had not overcome the depressin Congressrnen and senators are hiaving a tougII time of it just now. General Hagood is a. ghost that will not remairi laid. The raising of taxes to pay for the big financial drunk is to them a pain -in the neck. The Black, committee, known as the Americaii-pt-oloype of the Co9simunist OGPU of Russia, is gettiug itself and the whole administration 'nto hot water. And election corn- ing in. Novemiber. No wouder they have the jitters aud see things under the bed. What' a wonderfuI difference a littie sunshine inakes.. Emerging f romn the snow and ice 'of a couple of weeks ýago. Mr. and Mrs. Householder have resurrected the hoe, the rake and the, spading fork froin the dark-recesses of t he basement,1 and are busily en- gaged in massaging and beau- tifying the lawn and garden. ~ Rubhers, of course. are nieces- sary, but "time is the essence . of the. contract." and the crocuses, tulips and other' eryspring plants will not l wait.- Already they.are push- f >.the ir headls upward in In arch of light and air, and ',ery soon wilI reveal their colorful blossoms to admiring- humans. The sparrows,î hardy little survivors of a rigorous iinter, are nesting. The .sweet song -of -the robin breaks the mornin 1g silence, and ail natuîre is preparing for the animal awakening. Who vwould want' 10 live in a land of perpetual summer and miss the glorious rebirth of vegetation, natural or cultivated? Not uîs. "Why strain at Wrecks Ttîgwell and HankI Wallace preaching Commniisni," asks David >arec in The U'nited. States News, "anrd swallow the. samne practice by, Presidefit Roose-, velt ? We11i bite. Why? ThéE uropean dogs of war are straining at the leash, and unless there is a change of policy on the part of affecteci goveruments,. will breakloose -A fle10 A .11I;, A boost in Illinois' relief cost, is predicted as the WPA totters toward its finish. Howe ' er, any change at ail in relief methods brings a boost in cost. THx PHANTOm Rx RTR. re