M.. You'iI Be Proud to Own the WHITAKER HOME of the MONTIl Again . R. B. Whitaker Go.. . . is proud to present its Homne of thie Nlonthi' it is every inch a home.. . a home %ouIl be proud to own. .distinpii-h,,d in architecture. construction and designed for modern living1. Buii to spécifications and to mneet vour requiremients in briek or fai constrtion it'includes. an attachied 2-car garage. The first floor lia. its oWl extra lavatory, an open porchi. fireplace in the. liv ing room. li brary, a nd rear staîrwày. 'The *Second flocr has 4 biedrooins. Master be droonm bas dressiingl rooni and fireplace. Three b tls. Youi can pay for this home With excet ionaillv Iow paynients. amort ized i," ê,i as many as 15i vears if desired. If you would like to know more about our Horne of the. Month, come into our office. The comp let. floor plans owait yourispection. No obligation whoteverf ayof Ifhese, CHOICE PROPERTIES would prove IDEAL.SETTINGS for TrHEý HOME OF THE MONTH.. sBEAUTIFUL WESTMQR.E TRAIL Ail ideal settintg for 1tlw NMXIlitaker 1me of the Moli tli hi- clioice -lot in 1the e-tabishledl and permnfefltly restriccd M c>tinire Trail ariea. Il is one of the few remaining,,clioice residenti 1l -ect4mIfl of the north shore.Sndctliuaio jresenî~ts lii ,cpprtuit vto thé buyer with. adesire to lwiil. $6500 per front foot *INDUAN'HItL CLUB SECTION Another preferred hlocation for the, h1ome of, thie. . hnth fol thwe who wotild,,ike thiis sectionl in whith to build.- IJ i nprovemnenfts are in. Aý. pieces, of land in, the Indian Hill C1lb secti.on aie qilite scarce ýthis site of aIrnost an. arr' p)resents ail tînusijal opportuffity at $1 2,0001 140 Ceuter lieuE Estuto Street, W inuetka. Winuetka 32!0ý * BmidinIn rac 59 . WILMETTE LF