Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1936, p. 74

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D 26 cehte a Une. Advertloements riun ln all t h r e e papers, Ra.tes- miNIMUM CHARGE. ONE 1DOLLAR. Average of fOve words to the lhue, No black face type used. 20% qiseonuut on ail cash advertise- mente when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wiimette, or 561. Linicoln Ave., Wlunetka. 10% diseont on aIl advertlsemeuts ru four conàecutlve Issues. Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadittefor nserionO coe up to Tuesday 9 P. M. for WILMETTE LIFE or, al three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETIKA TALK and Tliursday 6 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wllmette- 4300,, Wiuuetka' 2000* (Wiunetka 500 after 6 P., M.), Greenleat 4300 or Sheidrake 1216-1217., ii>« AND' POUND LOST-BROWN CLOTH PURSE withletter ýW.* In village on Lincoln estreet, saturday. February 22. Keep money as. reward., Winnetka 494. 3L45-ltil Brownish-red Pekinese LOST MARCH 3.' NAMED..'LUCKY." 2,years old. -Reward. Winnetka 23. 31A5- LO8T- LA DY'S BLU3E ENAMELED wrist watch in or ,near Central. sehool auditorium lait FrIday eveniiig. Re- ward. Phone GlePbcbe 618. 3LTN45-1tP ACCOWETNe Igay 1 help you on youi' IN<COME TAX rnO 8XU T OR AUD1TliD. MANY YEL&RS EXPER. R. W. Stannad, Acct.-flkpr. Glencoe 115. 6LTN42-4tP ANTIrQUES Ing for small couch. Pair of Sheraton chairs. Fine old Wilton carpet, tan. backgro0und with roses, excel. coud. Sheffield Urn tray, racks. 'Mah. dress- i ng table, clest of drawers. Pattern glass, old china, etc. LITTLE HOUSE OF INTEREST, 813 Chestnut Court Winnetka ALve., BICYCLES_____ Your Bicycle Fixcd LIjKE NEW $1.25 UP New and Rebuit bikesý for sale. 1WB CALL AND DELIVE~R WILMETTE BIYL SPORT SHOP 607 M)ain St. Wilmiette 1404* 14B-LTNL45-1tP ouiLIND MP EW#AIRS TOSETPH KNEIP, BUSINESS SERVICE ÎWCE CWW EL DIN G. -BO3ILER weldlng, automotive machine oép a"d ats Jobbers PAVLIK BROS. PHONE KENILWORTH 280-820 l6LTN32-Igtv) AUTO GLASS - WINDOW G'LASS Re.-ilvering - Glass for AIl Purposes RAY'S GLASS SHO P 11110. DAVIS ST.. GREENLEAF' 8994 16LTX45-2tp, SBASONED PIREPLACE LOGS >*K, $6.75 per ton, dellvered. $13.00 a cord. BIRCH, $11.00 per ton, deliivered., Glencoe 858 1LT43a4tP, GEO. A. THU1tSBY Plastering, atuceo and cernent work. Basemnt made waterproof. t716 Highland Ave. Wilmette 33R7 16LTN45-4tp CLOCK REPAIRINC LOUIS Watch, Clock Estimates free. N 606 Denipster Str 458. Ridg A*Ve. cl]. A 2682 DRESSMAKING COLLTTESQEURS DESIGNERS AND MAKERS Gowus - Wraps - Suite - Coats Original - Copled - Restyled - Altered 833 Elm Street Wlnnetka 1011 22LTN43-4tp Sewlug, for aduits and childreu ASSEMBLINO ............ALTERING R!MODLTYING ........_..MENDING. lems. Ph. Wlrrnetlca 1687. 3ULAb5-1tp ______ LAIJNDRY__ WE TWASH: HRI) OAýN! FAMilY FINISH AT A speialpî~cv.Wilpiette 3687.. __________________ 34LTN45-l1 1Laundry to Take Home, ALSO CURTAINS AND BLAXKEqTiQ by exp. laundress. Call and., deliveér Wilmette 2130. i4LTN44-4tr, WANTED -- LAUNDRY TO DO AT .home using înew Easy Washer. Will, cali for, and deliver., North Shore ref- erences., Phone Winnetka 1447. 34L45ltp CABINET IBAT1IS -Î-DISH >MAS- sage Treatments, reduciug. Infra-red lamp and sun' ray. TECKLA HEALTH & REDUC. BATHS 839 ELM ST. Winnetka. 356, 38LTN42-4tp WANTED ~Us-d Grand piano from private .family. .WiI pay cashi. 6512 N. Clark St.. SI'eld. 5797. 40LTN44-4tp 7 GRAND PIANOS, INCI.. EXQUISITE. L-XV Steinway and A-1 Conover. WilI be sold at once. Storage Mart, Ire- dale W'arehouse, 1-à23 Benson, Evans- ton. 40LTN45-ltp ________NURSING __ MARIfES NURSINCi HOMIE has a va.cancy for someone tlat needs WILMEV'E 5099 .41 LT'N 45 -1lt Sanitas and canvasing work. Rm.. waii-' paper cleaned, 75c; bathroom euamneled $35 up; kitchen painted, $6 up. 5 rms. tirs. washed, varnlshed, $8. Qutside painting, porches, $15. Windows, 50c. qtuel(co finish doue reas. Refs. Free nc~ti~~pq M terilifrnishpd.. Melvin Skolnik WiL. 3413 42LTe45-ltp, Painting & Decorating MODEATEPRICES GOOD W 0 (1< E. HELLSTROM Phone WiI., 4916 42LTN 4.-t PET*_______ RED COCKE.R SPANIEL MALE; l YR. OLD; HOUSE BROKEN< championi stock.' Owner must seil.,321 Meiose Keilwrth2051. 44LTN45-ltc FoR SALiE - 2BEAuTrIFUL PR sian Cats; plaYfui, friendly. %'ery r easonabl( to'goodhos.G EN LEAF 8832. 441.TN4;-)-tp PIANO TIJNINQG EXPEýRT PIANO TUNING, $. EAIR woek, guaranteed.'22 years' Factory experience. H. C. Thomas, 1808. South. Prospect, Park Ridge 1477. 4SLTN43-4te RADIO SERVICE__ gKIllETD ÎIÂAUTO S$ERVICE BYAii- mari exp. with -ail its probiems. Very fan)iliar with a makes. Prompt, expert ,qervice given reasoin&bly and to'ypur satisfaction. Ph., Wilmette 1 208. 5OLTN4.--4tp BEWING MACHINE REPAIRINS BLISS ELECTRIC SERVICE Singer, White, Wllcox, and Glbbm. Vacuum cleaners, radins, chines. Ail househoid appliances. 604 Dempster St. TniverQittv $680 53LTN45-4tp UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRS YOUR DÂVENPORT AND <'HAIR8S re-upholstered, Ounest workmanshlp. Phone and oui' estimator willi ca il wlth complete line of samples. Speclal dis- count thls montb-. Em. BT.JNDWNNTA31 58LrN42-4tP 1,P4IOLSTEIZINC, DONE IN YOUR home, saving one-third. R(-vcvering., Rewebbing. Drapes and curtaine. Wr iteý B-113, Box, 60,, Wilmnette, Illin'ois. DRAPERIES AND SLIP ÇOVERSt DRAPERY CURTAINS, SLIP-COVERS. Ail interior decorative furnishingi; made to order. 8 years on the N. S. GLENCOE 1419 58A-L45-ltp nuelwN» s»Vicg ýLACK SOIL, WELL wORiïED FRESH COME HONEY rtop dreselng or'fiower gai!den, r yd. ln 4-yd. loade. WeIl rotted that miake your rnorning wheat cakes mure, $3 per yd. Good strong a real tréat for the famlly. per ft. for 300 ft. or more. Rub- Delivered to your home by noved aad'geri. trucking. ea- M loyFam ar re*aewood, $8. per ton lie.. E. Hagluud, 849 Elm St. Lake Forest Greenleaf, 0677- Fa 2108. 16LT45-ltb 24LTN45-ltc H. Wpoodruff Ph( RELIAIBLE -PA orating at reasç Uni. 3055 or Gré.1 R. J- PEýTE4ÉSENI North Shore COMýýPETEN1'T COLORED W 0 M A N, GREenleaf 2821 splendid cook; wlshes generai bouse- -42LTN45-ltlp work, or cooking. North Shore, refer- ýNG AND-1FE. ence. DAVis 1867. 68,TN45-ltP le prices. Cail WOMAýN WANTS DAY WORK OR part timeand care of childreni. Refers. "ORATING CO.,Phone Wilmette 5381. 42LTN45-4tpi 68TN ItP moned Cash Wnnue , 1 - J.. :n

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