Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1936, p. 77

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8'mn., 2 or 3o vu. nome8111in rvns or North Shore. $150. Occupancy '.%ay 1. Consuit us. W. G. RUGGLES & CO. 517 Davis St. Evanston, 111, tyni. 6886, WiI. 1660) 99UI'N4.5l te WA14TED HOUSES TO RENT, LIST YOIUR HOVSE-S NOW. HAVE several clients, wbo demand bouses nfro n Il6 .te 7 rooms, reith freini $50. to $85. for May Ist xseln COLLENDER & CO. 901 (hicago AVe.,.at Nlain St. (ire. 4060 9TN45-t List Yu ossWith -Us HAV1, CLIENTS WAITING F O R5 bedioons, 2 or 3 batbs, at $125.00 per nio. and 4 bedrooms, 2 bath.g. at $100. or McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over Forty Years of. Dependable Service 328 Park Ave., Glencoe Ph. Glencoe 13 99LTN45-ltc PLEASE CALL US, WINNETKA 89, IF YOU WISH TO RENT1' YOUR HOUSF. R. M. JAEGE R & CO. 99LTN45-ltp MAY 1 5 ROOM APAflTMENT OR SMALL 1 HOUSE IN WINNET1CA. WINNEI'KA 884. AFÉER 5 OCLOCK WINNETKA 2588. 99,45-ltp PRIVATE PARTY WANTS 7 or 9 rooni bouse on North Shore. W %rite details, B-108, Box 60, Wïl- mette, Illinois. 991,TN45-ltp3 In Glencoe preferred, 7 or 8 rooni modern home from May 1, by responsible private party, Address P. 0. Box 121, Glemco, __ 111.99LTN40tfc * WANTED TO UKT-FURId. HOUSES Wl AEAN ,ZADTLT FAMILY 6F 4 who wish to rent lmmediately for 6 nio. a rWicely furnlshed 7 rut, 2 bath< home, Evanston or North. Nice yard * and garden deslred. Consuit us. W. G. RUGGLES & CO. 517 Davis Street Eý'anstin, IM. Vini. 6886 Wml. 1660 1 O1LTN45-ltc YMOsT DESIRABLE: C L I E NT S, 2 aduits, are, lnterested in a furnished house w'lth , least 2 baths, as near lake as possible. Wlnnetka or north. May to Oetober. Call Mrs. Wlnscott, -.C. ODH- REALTY CO. WINN. 115 111LTN45-ltp -6ROOM BRICK VENq-EER BUNGA- Slow. 2-car garage botb rented. Near transportation. Lot 43x240. $7,500. ý830 Park Avenue, Willmette 2590. 1lTlVN45 tc FOR THE MAN -OF EAMILY A lovely bick home, 9 lge. rooms, 2 batbs, H. W. oil beat. Deep wooded' lot, close. to -m(Nliools and trans. Owner wants inmediate sale. Mrs, Dldrik- sen, Greenleaf 1855, Hollyct. 1855. \Vinnetka AX iLAI,;E 7 room,, 2 bath whiteclapboard Colonial. A home of charni and appeal.* Well insulated. Close -to Indian Hilllub and trans. A new opportunity. Caîl Mrs. Dld- riksen for further detail and gppoinitment -to show. Green- leaf 1855), Hollyct. 1855). RENT INVESTMENT, HOME A.lovely Engllsh cottage type, rms., 3 baths,, brick. If you1 like the country, see -this. Only $1#750- down payment. Wln- netka 2700, Btriargate185 Highland Park (>NLY $7,.500 4 bedrmns., 1 bath, on second floor; 2 bedrooms, 1 bath on * irst floor. Near scbools and trans. Modernîzed, only $1,125 down. Balance. .ike, rent. Wn netka 2700, Highland Park 1855, Briargate 1855. A QUALITY HOME Beautiful fleere 'Park. lMotst outstanding of its type on North Shore. Overlooking beautiful ravine. 9 rins., 4 batha, library and -reci'eation room. A very attractive home. Mr. Pietsch. Briargate 1855, Wlnnetlja 2700, Hghland Park 1855. BAIROI & WARNER, hIc. EVANSTON OFFICE 522 DAVIS ST. Greenleaf 1855 Hollycourt 1855 WINNETKA OFFICE 790 ELM ST. %Vinnetka 2700. Briargate 185i) *Highland Park 1855 1111LTN46-ltc WINNqETKA READY TO MOVE IN. CONU perfectly. 9 lovely roon, 3 with shoWiet'q 2-<er zar. ar Realty and Bldg. Co. (iu ilders for Thirty-five Tears) 528 Davis Street University 9500 11llTN45-1te papers. $8,00.No l1055,iRai'$2.,000J cash. (2) VXNNETKA: Owner must seil at once bis beautiful brick house wlth 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, In soutb central locatiofl.'$19,000 If sold rlght away. (3) o r01model-4 bedroom bouse, 2 blocks fron i Wlmette station. 75-foot -. ot. Wonderful Investment If you, have money to make It attractive and wili live ln It for a few years. $7,500. E9asy ternis. (4) GL.ENCOE: Near station. Tinýy house .et ln treesý and fiowers. ' acre. Only 5 roorna and a porch. . $10,000 with $2,000 cash and the balance like rent on a. 20-year plan. House 10 years old and really. a little peach! -5)4 blocks frorn Kenllworth sta tion. A duck of a white brick bouse wlth siate roof. See the model and plan s in ouroffce. 6 roonis, 2 batha, cern- plete lavatory. Large recreation rooni wltb fireplace ln basement. Garage. Air conditioned.,.Heavlly lnsulated. Every- newr gadget! A, "kn ock ouüV' PICKARD HOUSE for $14,800. 20- year plan mortgage.ý RENTALS: (6) 7 rnis., 1 bath, garage ..,...... $ 75.00 6 rnis., stucco, slp. pch., gar... 90.00 7 rnis., brick. 2% baths, gar... 125.00 *10 rnis., % acre, 4 bathe, gar.: 250.00- 6 rnis., brick, 2% bathe, gar... 100.00 *7 rnis., French brick, 3 % baths 160.00 6rins., brick, 2% batbs, gar... 120.00' (7> ýCOUNTRY PLACE: 3 acres - 2% miles west of Winnetka. Elegant. French brick. 8 roonis, sun porch, terrace with a'wnlng. Some carpets. 1 baths. Complete lavatory. 2-car garage. Walking distance of North Shore Electrie station. Good school under Winnetka, system 1/4 Mile away. A lovely place. $175.00. Mrs. Fuller ~& Wmn. Pickard 746 Elmi Street Winnetka 3603 ILTN45-ltC In Heart of HUBBARD WOODS Surrounded by fine emtates, is a, 7-reoni, 21/ bath stucco home wlth garage, on lot 101 x273 ft. which you can buy for value of land alone. $18,000. EVANS REALTY CORP. 1608 Hlnman Ave. Gre. 610.0 il lll.TAF...1tt LOVELY COLONIAL ON WOODED ho 1lot, 4.bedroonis, 3 baths. oil, 2-car at- IFoi' tacbed garage. Make offer. Winnetka 209.I m i111LtN46-ltp -n... pan .c. nase *a..açWno.a a to a home and as -te an lnvest- ment. The lot in 60x14ô beauti- fully w.ooded lna &very nice neigh- borhood. HOZO finanolng allôw the ef this home for leas than $3,000.00 down and. monthly paymenits to complote a price of................$13,250.00 Desire of, the o*ner.te liquidate, his holdings la the reason for.. the price quoted on this elgbt-room bouse of four bedrooeuand-two baths In Wilniette. ÂA spaclouùs living room and generally welI proportioned other roonis make this home very, attractive. The electric refrIgerator and steve are Included, In the price. *There lu a two-car garage and the licat le. o11. The lot 'mise la 50x:180. The surrouinding nelghberhood,. trees and landacaping are additions that enhance. the value et this home. LatelY offered for $22,500.06, we have been authorized to soli this borne for........ $19,000.0o A nicely located piece of vacant 50-XI87 I Winnetka wlll sili for ....................$2,o00.00 In Glencoe ,an excellent vacant parcel 90 .x -140 will mdil for............ >.......$3,600.00 fflinlng a Golf Club. In Glen- cee we -have te offér a piece of vacant l40x245 fo>r . . $10,()(0.00 O]PJN EVEMNNS UNTIL NINE SUNDAYS 10-6 (CUSACK «*,IGN WITjH CUSACK" ________ 11LTN45.,lte EAST WINNETKA One block to lake. English house witlh slate roof, on lot wlth huge trees. Large living nm., with ceil- Ing, butler's pantry and breakfast nook,, toilet and lait., 3 master bedrms., dress- lng .nr., 2 tule baths, maid' rMi. and bath. Recreation rm. with fireplace. Wa Ils b ave attractive- murais. 011 heat and oil. water heater. Incinerator. Humýidifier. 2-car attached gar.. $26,000. 'HIT h. w ek sale ., Torel.l 111LTN45-ltp>

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