Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1936, p. 56

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or LernoTfnIc .IUO A profusion of spring flowers intermingled with graceful sil- ver candelabra, adorned the ta:- bles for the annual luncheon of the Wo6man's, CatholieClPub of Wilmette- held at Shawnee Countryclub Wednesday of last week. By 1 o'clock, the beautiful bal-é rom of' the club. was fi lIed. with members and guests. Mrs. Harry, L. Barkcer, president,, greeted the guests and members and' asked, the Rev. Bernard Brady: to asic the blessing. Immediately afterwards, a delicious luncheon was served. Fatb er Brady spoke- to the mem- bers'of the club, expressing bis grati- tude for the cooperation be had re- ceived. He told of the.goodderived fromn the little- Thrif t sbop on Fourth, street where he could send any per- son of any creed to be helpçd. He stressed the point that we must heîp ail as we are aIl of one brotherhood., Father Brady also announced that lie was going to start to build a new church in the village. He feit certain of the club's cooperation. The Rev. James M. Lawler, also of St. Francis parish, gave a short address and told bow interested he had been in the fine arts department. Mrs. Barker, acting hostess, intro- duced Mrs. Herbert V. Weed, presi- dent of the Tenth district, wbo an, nounced to the home cluzb that Mrs. George Beaudin, one of its members, had beèn elected .first vice-president of the Tetith district. Mrs. Baricer then introduc.ed the presidents of, otlher clubs: Mrs. David J.. Davis, of the Woman's Club of Wilmette ; Mrs., J. W. Hogan, of the Bro Wnson circle; Mrs. Edward Fitzmnorris, of the 'Lady of Lourdes Woman's club; Mrs. M. E. Gueroult,' of- the Glenola club; Mrs. J. J. Griffin, of the'Rogers Park Catholic Woman's club; Mrs. J. V. Wormser, of the Edgewater Catho- lic Womnan's club; Mrs. Robert Mark- bat», president of the St. Francis Carlos Photo Mrs. H-owzard J. White, Jr.,. of Wilmtette twili bel i;stailed ai Key correspondenIt at tihe next meéeting of t/he Nort Sttre-Almitaw' ato- ciation of Kappa Kappa Gammiiaoai Wedncsday a.t the home of Miss Cora Kling, 2306 Orri,;gtoiiavie- mie, Evainston, at 1 o'clock. Norfhridge Notes The annual business meeting of the Northridge Woman's club was held on Monday night at the home of Mrs. Jack Mills, 2029 Chestnut ave, nue. Reports of the .year's work by the standing cominittees were. read and approved. The following of- ficers were elected for nexc± year: Mrs. Howard H.. Ingersoll, to con- tueas president; Mrs. Edward Devlin, vice-president; Mrs. William Hughes, secretary; Mrs. Morgan Woodruff, treasurer. Mrs. J. D. Kinnear, chairmnan of the nominating committee, expressed the appreciation of the club for thie ac- complisbments of the outgoing of- ficers and gave a resunié of the origin and purpose of the club. It was de cided to change the hiour of meeting to 1:,30 o'clock, in the ec to prove faultless to thelis- gram the ent min ................ .ChamiadedoeryA straum .........>... Liszt ing" by W o Capreccioso........ Mendelssohn and apprecial ýe were accepted as the favorites. uted. ,er to, 'e aucjie Lette. Mrs. Jake Rittenhouse, a former member of the group, but now livingýin Phi.ladelphia, was a visiting guest. Mrs.' Lewis Ermeling of 1305' Greenwood -avenue, Wilmette,. will be hostess in june. .On May 23, the annual luncheon of the Chicago Alùm~nae chapter will le held, at the Chapter bouse in Evans- ton. The active chapter joins with the alumnae to make this an interest- ing event for the year. Several mem- bers who have, been away for ex- tensive. trips wilI be present at this' time. Among othersý wiII be Mrs. W.' C. Winton- of Indian Hill,- Who bas just returned, fromn a three moinths' .trip to Arizona, and, Mrs. HysMcKinney of WVilme tte, who bas, beeni in California and Arizona. A, large. cro,*wd is expectie(î at tliis 3,eàrlv .reunion. A4t Leglon Auxilictry The regular meeting of the Ameni- cati Legion auxiliary will be- held Mlonday evening, May 1I, at the hionme of Mrs. S. C. Warden, 1001 Linden avenue. Preceding it there will be an exect*tive board meeting at 8 o'clock. Poppy Day plans wîll, be anuiounced by the unit chairman, Mrs. O.,G. Daily, and a musical pro- gram will be presented by _Mrs. Wil- liam J. Benfner. A week's postponenient. of the regu- lar meeting date was made so that members might enjoy the minstrel show, "Land. o' Cotton," given at North Chicago recently, and .repeated last -Monday evening at the, joint f rolic of the legion and auxiliaryý folIlowing thie, post meeting. After listenîing to the melodies and jokes of their fe.llow members, grone "black, face" temporarily, the audience and cast danced to the mnusic îf Jcie Schneider's orchestra. The- Wilmnette. uiiit wvi1I be repre- had put rnuch bis -composition * reeLA~ oine odtors were 1 Ralph Elson, and Each boy showed he time and thought into Fine Arts Meeting The fine arts department of the Womnan's Catholic Club of -Wilmette is presenting an eve- ,ning program Wedrîesdav, Mayv 20,. at 8 o'clock, a t the :Woman's Club. The ýRev. James M. Lawler ivill give the fiftb of a series of lectures on,"The Liturgy of thQ ýMass." Mrs. Muriel Lettard, traveler and lecturer, whio bas just returned% froni â year ini Europe and the British Isles, will give a nost unusual illustrated lecture on- a, motoù ttip througli England andi Scotland. Incidentai music will1 he a part of. the prograni., Tea iÎlI be served during the social hour. .Hogtesses for the evening wiIl be' the. members of the fine arts* com- mnittee. Mrs. Frank X. T 1hale, Mrs. Harry Betti.ngbaàus, Mrg. Charles. Broad, Mrs. Fred M. Clarke, Mrs. E. Kearns Kirchherg_ Mrs. Marsb all V. Kearney, Mrs. Frank Raye. Mrs. '.Michael Morris, Mrs. Alfred Rohol, Mrs. Frank Rothing, Mrs. Henry Schmuidt, Mrs. I-arry Sherwin, Mr-. Walter BermninghaniMs Charles Nyorman. Mrs. George H. Beaudin is chairman of the department.. Memnbers may bring the even ing prôgram for the , usual guest f ee. Eastern Star -Notes Wilmette chapter numbcr 753, Order of the Eastern Star, will con- vene at 7:30 o'clock on Mondav eve- ning, May 18, at thé Wilniette Ma- sonic temple andý will have as its guests later in.'the -evening, Wilmiette Bethel number 44, Order of the Job's, Daughters, who. will exeniplify their, newi work. Mrs. AuÙgust J. Kuelzow is their guardian and our iatro.n., Mrs.> Roy A. HOpns is musical. director. Paul A. Hoffman is a ssoc iate -guard-. ian. Miss Harriet 1. Gleason is queen. Alniembers of Wilmette chapter whose birthdays are in May are ne- quested to be present at tbe birthday The memnbers of Pi Kappa Alpha. fraternity at Nortbwestern university entertained their mothers at a tea Friday at the chapter bous.e., I

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