Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1936, p. 10

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in speed raes, stunft coffpetitions iicluding parachute leaps anid other feature events designed to show the prôficiency of *the sex at the throtle, of flying machines. Ten events are. on the card and more than 20 entriés are, listed for the program which Wîil start-at 2 1). M. andcontinue for two hours. The, mecet, is sanictioned by the N. A. A. and "the. Ninetv,-Nineèrs." a national organization of women flyers organiized in 1927 by Amelia Earhart Putinarn. ivili be'beid under the ausl)ices -of the Chicago Girls Flying club. GeneralManager One of the contestants wil be NMiss anle Ray who is a licensed pilot. She is, general manager of the meet anîd is the only state woman aviatinliispector. commnissioned bv Illinois Aeronautical commission. MNiss Ray ~f the Illinoi-, chpter of is elilirn c "The Ninety- Niniers" anid president of the Chicago Girls Flying club. Others who will conipete are Miss Alice Ademec, Cicero: MXiss Loretta Breen, La Grange: Mrs. A. F. Budwash, Harvey; Mrs. Art Chester, Northbrook; M1iss Heleni Colton. Chiicago: Miss Violet Crosbie, Chicago«, Miss Eleanor A. Domnack, Chicago: Misjune H. Kraft, Evanston: Miss waukee avenue and Palatine roadil in a meet sponsored by the Central Gas Model Airplane club. ýDelayed until ýaftçrnoon by un.. favorable winds, the 30. con testants were given opportunity to make a num ber of ..test. flîeihs.before .the competition. MetnHili,. whose model 'remed ini the air for six inutes and five seconds, was the, winner of first,.place, the prize for which was a trophy donated by the'Av-iationi post of the American Legion. Henry Miller was second with a time of five minutes and 23 seconds, while Joe Trefney, whose model remained in the -air for four minutes, and 33 seconds, -%vas third. To 'second and third place -winners were given cups contributed byl American Airlint. Hubert Bodinet w-as fourth and Sterling Harper, fifth, the fornier's time being recorded as one minute 57 seconds and the latter's as 55 seconds. To these two went cups also, through the courtesy of United Airlines. Both Mr. Harper anid Mr. HilI l be given 20 minutes of, instruction flying time, in the form of special prizes, offered by Clif Condit, mani- U aspr-There is Funi n GeOmetry. Walter--Geneties. Culbertson-ContraCt Brýidge Complé.te.' Humnphrey-Green Mountains to Sierra. Stern-Monogrami. Cushing-From'a Surgeon's. Journal.. Silth-Gaspe, the Romnantlc.. Vincenit Van Gogh The 1tortured personality of Vincent VanGogh bas becomie common knowledge1 througb Irving Stone's novelized biogrà~phy,, "The Lust. for Uife."! The Art insitute bas taken advantage of this great interest and isý bringing here' a retrospectîve. ex-, hibit of, his work, and. for a. month hbeginniing August 26 alI who are interested may sec bis magnificent. use of, color, bis emotiotnal and decorative pictUres. The best biographv of Van.Gg is 'Meier Graefe's. -It wilIl live as literature as a re-creation of a life. Pierard's "Tragic , Lfe ,-of Vincent, V'an Gogh" is briefer, and the briefest study is. T. W. Earp's "Van Gogh."t These books mav be borrowed fromn the WVilmette Public library. Spain The Spanish revolution is engrossing ail of us now. If you would know more about Spain and the Spaniards read somte of the following UUdigreed dlogs, it' was announced, 111 l be divided, into three classes. Ini w the puppy class will be dogs over six months and under 12 months old. The novice class will- be for any dog over . six months who has néver.won a l)lue ribbon. The Amierican-bred class wil be for over six months who was born in Ameçrica. WoII Known Judges Several well known judges will 1sele ct wbat, they, conisider the . lnest dogs. Among the judges are: *E. T. Adair of Pittsbùrgh,,R. Blakesleyof Nules Center, L.ý W. Browne 'of, De,Kalb, R.ý R. Hughes of Harvey, R. T. Winn of, Elgin, E. J. Woodward of. f Libertyville,; Mrs. M. Plankers of V.inneapdlis,. A.. R. Mardis -of'Elmhurst, R. L,. Davies of Anderson, mnd., G. V. Glebe of Bryn Athyn, Pa., and. A. Creaney of Glenview. The Iist :of entries will include cocker spaniels, German shepherds. Irish and Scottish terriers, chows, IBôston terriers, bii¶clogs, fox terriers and others. Much ihterest is being sbownl in the .competition in the children's class. The quality of the dogs receives no corisideration in this class, the judging being based entirely upon the way ini which thé children show their )ets.ý Silver trophies will be awarded to the winners. and a box of candy to al conipetitors. Sprague, 1000 Michigan.' Ave., Wilmette; and Mrs. Mabel Wilsoni, Schiller Park. The meet will not be for profit. The proceeds to be devoted to a campaign to interest the govertiment in establishing air bases with instructors to teach wornen the art of flying. "It is Ôur Two officers of the ariy'%s aviation service were guests at Curtiss-ReynLieutenant oids *fielId last Nveek. Skinner, making. an inspection tour, arrived on Saturday, while Lieutenant Ashman, of 'March field, Los Angeles, stopped on his way to Green' Mr. and Mrs. Armand H. Peycke, 240 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, and their daughter Jane are leaving this week-end for Sioux City, Iowa, where they will attend the marriage of Miss Helen Huif of that citv to Thomas Hughes of Boston, Mfass. 1 - Ka venueh, wtflobe. U111gLUS5 tc R. Cosyn of Chicago is planned for September 26, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Ferdinand Klepp of 419 Linden avenue and Miss Faye Matous of 503 Monroe street, on August 5 at tie, home of Mrs. Klepp. I Bay. AI Sn)raiue. Jr., accompanied by FIRST ON THIE NEWCOURTS point. tiss-1Reynolds airport. AnA. H. Kunath, manager of Sky country contest wiIl start flying field, circle over Harbor airport, Dundee road, was and return to starting scheduled to return early'this week ng other events wiil be a from a business trip to Detroit. courts are4 of. a special netc prelaratio;i especiaj iT cf Spencer avenue. u iifen thte eastern end ilable for a street, sinall at f4?e, and are inade' designed for tennis. i

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