-yard Lively, and Babbett Urmsby These swimmiers, together w i t h Claudia F.ckert, national champion. of f;Ïncy diving and national champion in the '100-yardfree-style swim, willi aiso represent Shawnee in the Central A. A. U.. cb4mpionship meet to be held in 'Burnhamn park in Chicago1 on Saturday. The eventsin which the boys will participate on Sunday include: 25free style, 50-yard free ityle, 25yard back. stroke, 25-yard breast stroke, 100- yard relay witb each.boy, swimmniing 25 yards, and fanicy diving in which each 'boy will inake five dives. ýThere will be the samie eventsfor :the girls. "Soul" was the subject of the lesson-sermon iail Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, August 16. The golden text ws "Bless the al Lord, O0niy seul, and forget not thine ail forgiveth Who benefits: his iniquities; who bealeth ail thy dis-t eases" (Psalms 103:2,3)..f Among the citations which coni prised the lesson-seruion was the following from the Bible: "o or 0 m abracles, amiable are t even yea, longeth, seul My of hosts! fainteth for the courts of the Lord: m3y heart and in flesh crieth out for the living God. Blessed are they that dwell in thy bouse: they will be still praising thee" (Psalms 84:1 2, 4). Telesson-serm flalso icue the following pssages fom the Christian Science textbook, "Science~ and Health witb ]Key te the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy : "The evi dence of th eexistence of Spirit, sense, and is net, apparent te the niaterial senses, which cognize only that which is the opposite, of Spirit" (P. 359). _________ A IN NORTHI WOODS. Roger Palti1ce, Hu~bert PeIott, and .4ngus Stevens, of Wilmette, Idt o.oi~M~nay by moçtor in scarch of a 51uftable spot sopmewer~e in ottherin C.,whocas hig to set Minns otas Holand a Miss a classm ateof lo eiôe ;ol nEvntn.e