contest Wvas held at the park last, Wednesday. Harry Horgisý won the senior contest. A elad onen was second and Bob Henrickson was thirci Sheldon Vance won the Intermnediate class contest whilê Dorothy Nillesý was second and, Don Vance came in tbird. -Moek Olympie Meet Saturday a mock Olympic mneet..was held at 'Vattmaen Park. Trhe events Were: backward 50-yard dash; obstacle race; low hurie race in which the contestants,had toý leap f rog over 3 boys;, volleyball chest throw; broad jumn ideways;- bike race.; higb juipn mock swimming race, crawling on the grass. The -winners were as follows:- GirlsAdélaide Koenen, lIst, Betty Onders'on Zi, Rfeggy Butler 3rd and Katherine Doney 4th. Boys: Dexter Benson Ist, Bud' Schaeffer Znd, Jack Benson 3Md, Lefty Hoffman 4th. Hol1< Croquet T<surmey, A croquet tournament is also underway at Vattman Park. Vattman Park miade a dlean sweep of the inter-park *contests last week. The Senior girls won at softball 24 to 4 and also won 2 out of 3 games of volleyball. The dlay rnodeling contest wvhich lias been _in progress at the Village Green' President H-an Kinn c ongratulatesi leYounig1 ,ef tof right are Ka t een Ten,i ers èf the efficiency a Isittent Ki'ine, Bill Vae rs- grai ted by the Lehie Photo place was won by Mary Lou Scbmitz. hier niodel being a modern ash tray. SLOW PITCHING Bill Morrison modeted a Urni to corne l'ixe Schaeffer A.C's won the Wil.. in 4th. Ribbons were awarded to the luette Playground and Recreation winners. board's slow' pitching league champion'There is also. a Hi Li contest. Alice ship Iast Wednesday when they defeateci Borre holds first place with 1503 ' L ouisev Becker 2nd witb 1069, Margaret Ii -' the Beyrer Electric's 3 to 1 in a fast land 3rd, 960 and Mary Malizio fourth and well played game. Good pitching wIth a model ot an cîcpnalit. Tirdw )pered Krac Ram 'and threateîiing squals called Off the Thursday eveniîig Twilight race Ste, of the Wilmette Harbor Siiipe Fleet.* llace. Point race of Suîîday, August 9. was Gla resailed Suniday nîomning at Il o'clock. lth p Seven Siue took the gun for the sixiV-a Snipe Fleet Races 6:15. 2dl by 'Bill Park. pered by P. Wilson, 47:10., d by P. Hansen, 32rd. *bY> S. Hayes, ne:_ 1. ne. s1 4th ýered by Bai-ber-, 5thl 'ed by E. Jobansen, 4:00. ýdby Ted -Smith, 7th 1 by Chas. Otto, 8th The declaired **No Race" No. 3 plae Rohrêr, 1rn. onMrs. Myers Team standing-s AUgust 10: Won Los t'Pet. Ace Motors ...... 16 T1eam Uînpireis Huck, Rohrer, Wini imentally ini:' ers -favorably. hen posi- ILoren,, and bis wj is accompanied1 lier eldest son,