..... 6'tor 5l ........ $33-9,5 SHELF 100 ft2 manufacturer w sll for ;,ra s' I ame M SCHOOL BIAG '79c MORRISON FOUNTAIN PEN PEN: and PENCIL SET, 16 Pleces. Water proof. Outside lunch compartment .wlth loose leat binder, filler, 4 Pce. Pop Eye Tablet Set. 7 Pce. Pencil'Box, Fountain Pen.. 60 sheots, 50 enveiop.m>. làarge andl medium mas. ..... Workmanmhlp guaranteed. Made to ssii for $8.50 .............. In g ift box. Two tons point. Made to oeilifor 836 trl-fold sheots $2 GENWINE DECKLE VEWJUM STATIONERY $2for $ CANDY. DEPAR1TMENT SIJNRAY SODA CRACKERS. 2 re ~p~1 puil sise and note ne C SXE STAIOtlERY for $ $ $ CUT-OUT MONOGRAbAbED STATIONERY 24'letter sheets ,or69 DECKLE POIND PAPER 'hotriton 5 .....6? 9Ibo. Andl tue pacokages 0f"enveibpei. Choice or two binés ... 0 . ...... 1,200 pages wlth miapta, Index, etc. Znt new c-raek NEW WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY MONOGRAMAMED PLAYING CARUS> EASTMAN STANDARD. KODAK IFILM . 2 or69e lic OUTT«RWAFERS.Mofa "4 40, slze,3foI PENCILS fore i o.1 3e .. 6os ze 3 No. 2 Wieboldt DeLuxe 4doz s BOND TYPEWRITER PAPER mets..............2 fr89à TY-PÉWRITER RISBON o Standard. R~oyal, Underwood,. 4o R~emington ............ P. or Smach . Reg. 1%P42 . kgs.47 I CRACKER COMBINATION Rogular 75c Value. Stinshhwe Krispy Crachera. Milki and Honey Grahami Craciiers, English St1ylIe NobliIy. FILLED COOCIES. CloverIuve. Hydrata, end Lady 21c p.g.... *~ 54. ' '. c. .- -c-' ~-- --- - E 'b t' i ~ b- ~ 3J m.9 ,Àlk 9 ol 5 wopd -.--. - r or SHOE SAGS SHOE SAGS v.red bangera tln 12 peeketa.. Chinîtz and Batoenl IR nag. Shoe in as- Lb ............... I Rf. 6%e $1s colons........3for For kt orochu $ s' BUTTE TOFFEE. lb. 3 LICORICE. Lb.... 6.45.u Colons tJ for WIth, 12 pockets . Weil made sateen. 2 fr$ for Na.pklns 12boxes . 25c 7777--ýý' ASSORTED NUTS. Ro. 59c. No peagmif. '"10. iPair. 59c I - WIEBOLDT'S - EVAN S TON WJEDO)LDT'S'- EVANSTON Il .ANS. Unsufd.