Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1936, p. 36

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A'mong the local ninmes appearing on a partial list of ýthe patrons and patronesses of the nwly organized Stage Arts association o'f Chicago are those of Mrs. Horace White Armstrong, IMrs, Mark W. Cresap*, Mr.- and Mrs. Thomas H. Fishand Mrs., James L, er, Mr. 'John iW.Ga, Hoiughteling., The purpose of: the association, founlded along limes.similar to the Phladeiphia Forum .of, sixteeni ye ars duration and the Townl, Hall series of Ne.w York,.,whicb bas been ini existence lorty-two, years, is to sponsor the presentation of leading artists and attra 1ctions in, the >province of -the stage -;musIC, theatre, dance, and lèctures; to aid in the prese ntation cf Chicago artists who are prepared for public appearance, and to, bring greater knowledge and enjoyment to Chicagoans through a varied prograin of events. The association.seeks to'instili a wider, in the stage art s in'general, as well as its. own presentations, and to tbis end a, magazine, entitled Stage Arts, devotedl to. news of music, and the theatre in Chicago, will'be issued. Lawvrence Tibbett will open the series with a conc.ert on Octobr 16. Rosa Ponselle is coamahý to Chicago October 30 to sing in the second concert of the series, and on November 6 the Cleveland orchestra, with Arthur Rodzinski conducting, will be heard. After a piano program by Jose Iturbi on November 20, the English Singers will give a Christmas prograin with lute on December 1. Enid Szanto, the new 'Viennese. contralto, is scheduled for December 11, and the Barrere Lit tle *ymphony for IFebruary 22, Between December Il and February 22 there will be a new prooeram Mrs. Williami H. Barnes, 1510 Forest avenue, JÉvanston, who directed the Draina Club of Evanston through a very successful season last year, is opening another season as presiderit by'calling together at lier home the memfbers of the board Monday' afternoon, Septem ber 21. After formuof plansforth year, the guestswilb lation entertained at tea Officers ected last sprifig to serve ýwith Mrs. Ramnes are:ý Mrs. julian .Anderson, first-,viçepresident; Hope Suniimers of Wilmette, second vice -presiden t; . Mrs. Samuel G. Stephanson,> treasurer; Mrs. Horace Binghami, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Johni F. Dille, recording secretary. The opening imeetinig iilI -be early. iniOctober. On. Tuesday, October 27, the Drama club will unite with-the E.vanston Woman's club in presenting Blanche Yurka, one of Amrerica's mostdramtatic and widely known actresses; 1wtxo starred ini the- role of Madamfe- Defarge 'iný the motion: picture production,.'."A Tale* of Two: Carlos Photo Miss Ma.rme IBlake Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frapnki?. Wdlker»-931 Porest avenue, Glencoe, is ainony. the mosi, prornising of the younger north shore artirts. Si» ce her graduation from the Art Institute her pain lings have been show» iet numerou exhibils in C(hicago and variotes parts of the country. Mrs. Bamies and Mrs. Wesley W. Polk, program chàirrùan, ârie aiso happy-tQ annbounce lhat tbey have been able to secure John Erskine, famed author, musician and playwrigbt, who will speak November 12 on "The Future of the Draina." Mr. Erskine was scheduled to appear before the club last November but was forced 'to cancel the engagement because of a serious automobile accident near Detroit, just one week before the date set for bis programi in Evanston. Recei'ves sent riI. on japan and China, Boal }four," and Edward Tmii and Haiti. A ballet and c month. are also in' prospe v. * L tn oorn, no'I i 1. arter on "1N son on But ice and a p lu preByman of the sAires of the. mhost recent plans include a one-man Show th15. faîl at 'Springfield, Ill., and she is leaving this. week for Springfield to make definite arrangements for the exhîbit. Miss Walker was a student at the Chicago Latin Scbool for Girls and attended' Wellesley' college for two years. She left Wellesley to specialize in art at the Art -institute, where she aurn or, Life of1 "The Iii rvice medal. Hexie 15 est known as an particular for bis books, "The Private le'of Troy," "SoloniQn, My Son,"* and mice of Women and Its Cure!' IDraina'President EL. at the rs wuie on hisrbonne. ober, and the* first be Womulated at r concert in i November preài to Preceae the tea. of the organiation. "r. arnesiii

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