Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1936, p. 42

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4 N.* U. Seti 1show as of Its louise Amne Pope of Evanston,, wno models who Memory Br*lnga te Life Fin+t Hurried exciteinent among the suitable to ones them to fiud grabbed One establishmeut Is Now Annuat -costumes. 'etuWhich Venturetheir showed eveuing' Mrs. Erust Institution 'of the board, Weds C., R. Ostrom .Wednesday Evening Von Ammon, a member piayed thepiano while-the manneWinis A studv in cofttrasts. Mrs. Uni-,. quins. desceuded the stairs in ipetka S first NoÉthwestèrrfl nostStrong's tbroughi .strolled aud home tyl shw ad is versty the ths iving roomnsi music room aud towere roomns All room. bal large, recent editions. Little didtoe and Mrs. Shoemaker and instigators know«v that, their crowded remember ta and hast- Mrs. Charles Strong' over quickly decided Ùpon nie the dollar excited so yarsthey were exibi il that they fast so lu pouring aranedbuisto childreu hogtess', the of* oueý ago would grow to such PrOpOr- called money. the tohold box shoe a tions as it has, as the .1936,ex- get "Now the committee is formed a hibiti on will be at ýSkolcie sehool establish,e ar in advace, with. large, the among Saturday, October 3. places for vying begiunîing this- mentstwelve exhibitors allowed. ProProa verys mail ttueonly veths aneyn annoal music and ninety mndels are as aiud lustaurefessional annul eent the for room until a Iack of standing needed. igest threc years has made it necessary "Soffe of 'the board menibers, bmsity for its sponsors, the Winnetka b~oard now in preparations for this of Northwesterli settiement, to stage engagcd fashion show,, uudoubtedly it in Skokie school this faIL.Since the coming the 'good old days,' but the for sigh first,. he annual exhibit bas become and its great ueed 'for s0 imbedded in the society events of settiement us realize -. we nst do make money the north shore, that just to mention lu our power to lçeep the it is to identify it in the minds of flot everythiug patrons. settîmelit going," Mrs. Coleman cononly north shore but Chicago fact cludes. Its importance is attested by the comnthe for that 15 is not necessfiry mittee to seek exhibitors. ExhbitÎor al9leôfteln h son, son of the Harry, A. Thompsofln that trimmed Miss, sash Satin of Glencoe, includes ýseveral events wdig esCphre' otres..edig along the north shore. In the wed-Fa ofrne seeralresidents, dling patae gown: was matched by her veil gh port shore e of tule. The floor,,length,,gown When the marriage takes plac was mtade.,of eggshell brocade, Saturday, October 17, at 4 î30 o'clock with large. puif sîceves., A tiny in the Glencoe home of. the junior of lilies.'of ýthe valley Henry Popes, cousins of the, bride, wreath fingertip veil to the the Miss Jane McIntosh of Kenilworth held brides-,biesha.11rfoeswr ee The lw wi.I be maid of honor. rd' 4a.,-e Haun' Thompson, Mrs. are maids .gardenias .and hules of the val-, of Glencoe, sister of the bridegroom', ley. Miss Copthorne's marri age, Mrs.' Hollingshead T. Marti.n -of Refnolds Ostrom' of Philadelphia, and. Miss Marion Fer- to Charles was aýn e vent of Wedo Akrn, ris Oio.Mimette Robert Shimmim of, Evanston A. neayvnig serving as best man. William The. bride's three, attendants wore Little, Theodore Tieken, and Richpastel lace gowns* witb matchiug ~ K. Jtiergetns , o ÇChiago wil jackets, and thad thty tulle tubans ard. usher. to match their dresses. AIl carried Mrs. William Ward Davidson, Jr. will entertain at luncheon Friday of this week at the home of ber mother, Mirs. John Law Wilds lu Kenilworth. Saturday, September 19, "Miss Ami Liddle of Winnetka is giviug a luncheon and guest towel shower at Glen View club. Thursday, September 24, Mrs.~ Harold J. Banks of Hubbard Woods is having a magazine sub. scription shower. bouquets of small white chrysanthernums. Mrs. Donald Macdonald (Jane Copthorne); as matron of honor, was iu pink, and the bride's other sister, Louise, wore powder blue. Mfiss Ada Jane Reasuer, of Hubbard Woods, the second bridesmiaid. %vasiii yellow. William Edward Renuolds of \Vilmette served as best manl for his nephéw, and the usbers wcre Clyde But to~ go back to first history as A large silver bowl filled with white vititig ler guests, memneruvi u4 "' ue flc%%,rs was on the altar of 1111d Mrs. Williami Ogden Colemian, pubQuadrangler of North Shore. group Mrs. R al ph Starr, 320 Raleigh road. of the Xinnetka Congrechapel the. licity chairmani for this seasoil's ekof the Univer.sity of Clhi- Kenilworth, will-,be-hostess. to the Alumnae of memiories froni it gational church for the service, read hibit, lias gleaned on the terrace cago, to have luncheon Kenilworth Garden club) on Friday .of 1 those who: heipe-d to produce it. weather the if lake the party. overlooking dinuier a this week. Election of officers. wil "In Mardi of 192, at enterCooke 'Mrs. at the honme of the Robert C. Biddles, were favorable. take place. at a meeting annually. group this Badgetains Hiarve the being the guests rows, the Towner Websters, the George Caîkiins'. the Chartes Strongs. discussion started how the board, present, miembers of which were wn naf, a Board Mmbers Active in Style Show at 8:30 o'clock by Dr. Samuel Harkness. Bowls of flowetrs also decorated the H. Norman Copthorne. home at 1183 Ashury avenue, H-ubiard Woods, where the wedding reception was held. Onie of the. out-of-townî gucsts was t h brid's orr2ndmlit-hr,.NlrsX\Vil- er Jacobson of nvason. S"The tickets were Stijl wet wb.en sold. Mrs. Caikins wired Nýew York for models to be gent at once, and laughed when she told how the' large box È,ontaining dzes f at arrived at the last minute 1and caused. of Nortlzwestern * Tuo of the, activ'e rnernbèrs~of the .Wfnnctka board for thse ninth annual Un,'iversity seutlement arce kecinly3 interested ini plans October 3, in Fashiou show, which, Mhis ç-eason, occur.± Saturday affernoon, Mes. Harold is t lef thse thse mnditorjutu. of Skokic sehool ii» Winnetka. At The. other ,Picttre is of showv. thse .0. Barnies. chairnian of exhibitors for board.: tiIrs. W. W. Darrozc, chairinan of thse Wikiketka Eýastman, JÈ-,son Texas, ot Cnarles J. rast- of mani of Tyler, formerly Wiunetka and Evanston. Mr. Eastmani attended the University of 111inois where he was a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. No daté bas been set for the wedding.

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