Assisting Mrs. Kerr w~ill1whe Mrs. R. Douglas Cooper a.nd Mrs. Carter E. Phillips of Etvanstoln. The Wedniesday follo>winig thie tea. a business meeting. wiIl be heid witli dessert, served at 1 :30 o'clock,. at, the home of Mrs. Cooper iii Evanston. At. tliatý time comfplete plans1 for -the benefit to he hbeld in October wiIl be discussed and also the -league's'Participation lu center activitv by the givinig of One 'fuli day' a week to pre-natal aiid,Post-nlatal clnlic %work. Two members will attend the, mortiiing.two. the'afternon iciic Toloff Photo as costumed to impersonate ýEleanor olm Jarrett, the -Olym.pic- swimmner. Patronize Our Aduertisers- Eveaision Bride Is Fefed on North' Shore. Air. Fai F:Ferry,391 .Sheridan road,:tWinuietka,'is oPcinzg her home for. *a sietes of six books f0 be given under frague- auspi ccm Somne of 'the entertaining i onr o'cIock in the nornùznj. 3rs. Carl of Nfiss. Margaret, Huxley, auhtrJohusen of IWinnetka is to givle fthc of M.Nr.>and *Mrs. i-enry M. I-uxîev * readings. (if Eývanston, who is to be marricd tQ**o the Rev. Car1 Range, rector of Christ church in Ottawa, Ill., Septemnber 30, has been donc in villages nord-i of ber mother, M.\rs.. Harry Edmonds Ef-vanistoni. Wednesdav August 26, in Winnetka. Friday, September 25, Mrs. Porter Allen of Winnetka and M rs. E. Horace Cook w'il be hostess MNrs. Oliver Babcock gave a closet at a paper shower at the home of ber shover and tea at the Allen home. mother, Mrs. Carey Orr, in Wilniette. M.Nrs. William A. Fraser of Evanston That same evening, Mr. and Mrs. is-giving a luncheon and bathroom Warren Searle of Winnetka are havshower September 23,at the home of, inga bookshower andsupper. Oir code ,of diîstinction *xpressed 1In w o o I For tkose who seek the distinguished in furniture, we offer this exquisite CHIPPEINDALE .SOFA* Decorating Sèrv.'ce Wthout Obligat4o.n 620 Ghurch Street Evanston AT,EVANSTON 709 Church Street I