type of governiment that would provide. justice and opportunity for the common men, that would provide the maximum of personal -liberty for the exercise of initiative and 'effortL. Ma% Sèeks Freedom Man instinctively seeks' fr.eedom. The developmlent of the, republica n form of governmen t, with intermittent. periods of distress and decay, is essentially the story of, struggles and sacrifices of ý men to gain and attaiiithat -objective. ,lu bas only béeet under. the leadership- of, free mn-e that there hias corne to the.individual, lasting economic and spiritual values. Under republican governments men have enjoyed freedom _ao-f thought,- expression and worship. But today we have beeni witnessing a- decay ain republican governiments. Pressed by distress, thinkidng on¶y of the present and the irnmediate needs, mien seek a change. Men seek a governiment that is swift and strong. Confused and disturbed by economic stagnation, the term "freedom" is considered only an -abstract something. For the concrete gains of the moment men seem willing to sacrifice an entire heritage of moral values. [t is to the present, not to the future iirtr the wisdom and experience of tneir responsibiliy as citizens. It probably accounts. for the fact that the Hebrew Commonwealth existed for five centuries. I o epiublic Fades l109B.C. the'first, republic gave way- té a dictatorsh'ip.. Saul became King. tlistory reveals mnany 'reasons: for the decay of -the Hebrew, Republic. They are somewhat -analogous to the situation today. The significaîa fact is that, after, Saul became Ki ng, the *old vigor and 'for ce of the. people began ta grow'dim. It was during the. period of, the. Hebre .w Republic, which first recognized the common Maù, that'the people made theirlasting contributions. to civilizalion. Once again the republican form of' government is declining. As to wheth~er it wifl l eine in Ajerica -depends upon the enthusiasma with which we keep defending our individual rights under the Constitution and the extent to which we accept aur responsibilities as citizens in a democracy. The new fashions -;n flowers and gowns weùe cisplayed before 50,000 spectators in.a,,unique setting at the Texas. Centennial Exposition. in Dal;-. las,* aécording ta 'Mr.ý Hlavacek. The mnodels paraded acrossa 700-foot runway, bridging the length' of, th.e huge re fl ecting. basin ,of water in the Esplanade of, State at the Exposition. 0L. -Q;:0 Famed Publisher S peaker toHigh Sehool. Pupils SaulSidney McClure, publisher' and founder'of "McClure's, Magazine," and Who publishe d many of, the arliest stories of- Ida Tarbell, Rudyard Kipling, and Robert Louis Stevenson, was the 'speake 'r, Monday* of this week, before an assembly of the junior class of New Trier Township tH4gh schooi, iWho, st-udytifs autobiography as part of their work in English. ELECTED TO GLEE CLUB George. Senseney Maxwell, son of Mr. and' Mrs. *D. H. Maxwell, 1414 Forest avenue, Wilmette, bas been elected to permanent ruembership in the Oberlin Varsity Men's Glee club which is now in its .fifty-seventh SnwWil Soon lie on. mYouur Winteir Cleon Thlngs N@w 4eu's and W@,ns Hots JId Ci.u.u. dmIl the Grouid:... Fait, Winter Styles WiIl Have Distinct Ave. ships throughout the world and the general decline in republictin governmients. European governments have turnied virtually to their old fornis. America still stands as the model Republic. It was-built inew, froni the grou .td up, and its ability to survive depends. upon the manner in which the hidividual citizen accepts his citizenship responsibilities. It depends in large degree upon the extent to ble-aiýso xollow the iashinu onsthe heights. They will be worn high on the shoulders, centered high at the neckline, worni welI up on the hcad. *This up-to-the-minute style information was brought back to the Northi Shore this week by Frank Hlavacek. prominent local fiorist, who attended the 27th. annual convention of the Florîsts' Telegraph Delivery associationt at Dallas, Tex., last week andi iayolie his~toia nere exîs thenatinto long pendants. Th se are fastùed at the throat, alle-wed, to cass e c may eeN his"tôrialiy ko CmmJnvc4ta." oses ~Hebew ca fe downward or spread, sunburst bei said to be the, firýt great leader fashion, across the bosom of the gown. who gave any attention ta the coni"To heighten and broaden thie mon01 nian and who gave the people shoulder liue and provide a mllitary] a rig ht to share: in the government. swing ta the ensemble,. flowers are li -RYC. LYTTON Sherman and Clurci. - EVANSTON- Open Tuesday, Thursday,. Saturday Evenings