NORTI1I SHORE lM'AP or WILWWTTuE ~NVtLVd 1936 flot the only part of New Trier township not contained in one. of the four villages. 1At prese nt there is agitation bet,*ween those whô, believe tha«-No ,Uàa's-Land" 'should be incorporated as a separate municipality and those rwho seek to annex it to. one, of its neighbor commiunities. .Between Wilmette and Kenilworth, too, along' the rail road tracks, is an eight-acre patch of vacant lot which, although surrounded on ail sides by high grade' residential districts, has neyer beç"n annexed. A larEWVeirtion of the sbaded area highly deon.the miap represen ts veloped residential .nigbborhood, protected' front invasion by undesirable, enterprise by provisions in the' deeds to the individual tracts of honitsite. Otb*r jpatches are occupied by the forest preserve district, and are being developed by the national park service and the civilian conservation corps. A so-called tavern occupies aà of one of the shaded sections cor,. at Dundee road and Hohifelder lane, just outside the village of Glencoe, where the owner, one Herbert Smith, is seeking by court action to overturn the referendum of two years ago 4 -'ÔF t v COMPILED I'ROM RECORDS_ =1 -m Richard Jogin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexc S. Joslin, 240 Essex road, ,Kénris, .roweu and Carney -Were outstanding for the yearlings. AT WILLIAMS ilworth, has returned to the University of Michigan for the final 643 Waldén of Howard Hubert Morton 111gh of Cicero *Ull provide semester of bis four and one-haIf at freshman is a Winnetka,. road, *é opposition for both teains this year course there. on Phelps field. Thiswl lwilliamns collegè. 3"dy RETURNS TO PRINCETON Elwood R., Mons,'157 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, who returned from a five weeks' vacation in Hollywood, *Calif., left last Sunday for Princétôn. university to enter hi senior year.,