Wbàt dées it ý Wflat ? Siinply coes it this: i ieatre ete opera pr Pour of the boys ziho have already cntered the hobby show which will be held in connection with thse Fait 'Festival of the First Methodist church ore showm as they displayed their exhibits. Bob Maeser and Bob Matsont are in the rear row, with a ship and a btitterfly collection respectively, w/sile Bill Vaeser anid Tonmy Mou/ding display match box covers and coins. 1~ n charge of. the hobby show is Mrs.1 Staff Photo Thse Teatro del Lago, in: Spantish Court, meana gae by S. K. Meyers, compares favorably iii appointmnents and prograims with fipie Chicaigo T/seaires. The Teatro del Lago, just off Sheridan Road in the heart of Spanish Court 1 Carsf:uiy S.1.ct.d Featur.. Not thlb 1ni n importance~ are Viber j Chpraii Awads:.Ms. * chairmati; Mrs. E. A. Pellers, Miss l"(dna Davidson. * 1ublicity: Mrs. Robert \\. NMaeser,i chairman; Mrs. H. M. Rose, .Mrs. Clinton B. Cochran, andi Miss Ethel Dry-, ian. Mrs. Walter N. Sutherland wXill be in chargof secialexhibts. Jlius Novak, medical director of the of the Teatro ciel Lago, first conceived Chicago Tuberculosis institute, in the idea of a motion picture theatre chiarge.,. in S panisb Court, experienced people The next 1I1nfant Welfare clinic wilshook their heacis dubiously. [t was n unheard of thing to consider openb ec WdedyOtbrafo 2 to 4 o'clock, Dr. Noel Shaw, pedia- ing such an enterprise without rail trician, in charge. transportation. It neyer haci been Tedna ps bu done before. OToherdna clinics will oe bu However, the Teatro diel Lago, the chareo_______________Otobr 1 These clinics are con- first theatre. without rail transportaducteci for the. school. childrén whose tion, has proveci to be a great success . times the refined tastes of north shorle resident. Why the. succesa ne th abem ag etci aagmn i ne heal Mr. Mhey fr seve T earhs.be og n theiadlr sval yars.i opl Iutht d inalanalysiscd this t pûrity ancsucscabetaeiothe outstanding factors: (1) The personof Mr. Meyers, a born showman. ?Plit Mir. andi Mrs. Georgý motored down to Elsah, (lay of last week with ti wvho has entereci Prin, ibis fiall as a freshman. i ama,