5 30 Davis St., Evanston 127A-LTN21..lte Gréenleaf 1080 FedralHom "Agencies which cooperated.,in the LOANS ON NORTH S HORE HOMES,. Michigan avenue and Roosevelt road RENSCH Borrow up to 60% of value. Conven- 521 Main Street WAREHIOUSE building in Of the home - have as their Wilthette the heart of the Chica'go' business lent:monthlyr repayrnient plan over 5 to çLN7f district,ý was offitcially opened to the' business keeping pace, with the lat-, 15years. Deal wlth a local Institution. Pull details'by inquiry at First Federai public oni September .27. It was buiît, est trends' in ail phases of, home con FRIGIDAIR Savings and Loan Association 0f wiîý- Used hlgh grade electrie, E refrlg. ln per- under- the auspices of, the Federal struction," continued mette. Mr. Clifton, Secretary.,1126 CenMr. Peabody, fect cond. New moter. Will price for Hjou.sing. Administration. tral Avenue, Wlmette 863. quick sale. Winnetka 1683.. "as well as equipping and furnishing 127A-LTN1O-tfe 2LN1lî homes. Thus w*e are able to'present Hot Point Automatic For, the next. FOR SALE-HOIJBÉHOLD G0005 three months, the ini the-New American Home the very BLECTRIC RANGE home wil be open to the'public. G1tANDFATHERS It Iat.est.of ail home featureës." L OC K,. PERF. Like new. Reasonable.. cond., .$75; secretary, desk,, $35; maris designed, equipped anid, furnished Cail, HOllycourt 0621 ble bust and pedestal, $50; Sheraton 129LTN21-ltip to inspire, home builders. desk, $20; old wa.bby bed, $16.50; s PC. 1BRFST. ROM -SE-r, VERY antique cherry bedside, table, $12 ; paintIMPERSONATES Its sponsors and the cooperating -goodcniin logr' esa Ings; small Oriental rugs; mise. tems.ondbitieo;aso ir 14.Pe i-,;à agencies which joined with the FedHerbert 'RawIinson, star of the siFor appt. tel. Mrs. -George, Van Fleet, mette 2969. 19T2-t eral Housing Administration to buil lent days, impersonates the famous Winn. 2067. 129LTiN21l-ltc UHOLTEING LARE SAMLENORGE ICE BOX. USEb 16 MONTHS. the' new, home, -havekept foremost Sid Grauman, theatrical- impresario, the idea that the home wili. serve> ae -in--P2çamount's d'Hollywood Boulesquares_ bargains. Davenport, $12.00, bY eilot '59' ei eyresn 192,t baby carrnage; 3 -newly refinished xclet'odiit. an inspiration for -thousands of home vard," star-stitdded sceen, play dealseated eariy Amferican chairs; old secreWANTED TO UUY-tfUHLD. GOODS ing with the "inside" stories of Hlotbuilders ini ail sections of the City. tary, $3.00. Larly American val,' commode; Throughout the home, there .is an !ywood hf e. Ridge Rd: esichairs, k $.0.CASH FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE, 419 llige Rd.129LTN21-Jtp modern or antique, and other house- opportunitv for home lo ers to obh rticesu. A1~t'T~ P1~TL1~ l ~OPt.Will ed also accept your furniture on ccn- tain ideas for theïr own dwellingsI. ,willi viiainmattress anid box s ~gnment irns basis.. The six-rooms and two baths of the pair w-al. love seats, Vic. desk, pair inlald CROST FURNITURE STORE îut<*i u 'o. panels, Linffiall's, SOR Oak. hoîie are eqiiipped and furnished with Established 1898 Stret, 145 vlnfetk 12LTN2-'t 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston Uni. 0189 the latest products of American 3 >(.TIDRSET, DRESSER -WITH 130LTN43-tfe maîiufacturers. These include an large mnirror, înah. lib! table and cab~- *W~ANTED TEASTER OR CANOPY all-electric kitchen, electnic laundry, inet, wieenainol kitchen cabinet, cherry table, and chairs. Phonle *Willette unique utility room, ultra-modern >< 1774. 19T2-t bathroom fixtures, and new radial I)1EIE T r, >. < I1A\T 11 , VA Nwiring. 130L2-Il itý< and dr*s*.er, Zfenith radfio, l Modern Color Schemes caie.mirrý)rs, e 2;hth , single îs. of drapes, bird cage anid itn,192,RUGS, Color sçhemes ini the various rooms STOVS, MEN'S & WOMEN'S et(-. ('aIli I ene, 1711;i. 12hrN2: 1W ,'Incthinz. shni', lf p orr Lons WarhuePis eos re Deferred Payments may be arranged The niew home, which is located at, CALL GREENLEAF 0934 \XE BLTY FURNITURE ELEC. 'MANGLE; EZ WA.R 'MAchine; ý2 chairs; end tables; gateleg. talble: ruffled curttains: offee table; (1olonial secretary;> men'~s shirts, 15'42; G'len. . 12'9LT21-Itp SOLID MAHOGANY SPINET DESK and chair. Also high back, hand carved walnut.needlepoint chair. Both very reasonable. î,68 Lincoln Avvnue, WVin- )utting on talking Picture shows. Wij selI nvy talking pic. proj. for~ $250 cash. 1Cost $C20 newv. Write A-163. Box 60, Wilipette,*I11. 131ITN2I..îtp TWIN MAPLE BED, BOX SPRINCG and mattress good condition, $20; odd the thirongs oi visitors %vhoinspectedl h hm hels twdYsacring to Stuyvesant. Peabodv, chairWTD. TO BUY-MISCELLANEOUU j 5 cPiIr 10%a Wilmette's OnIy Fireproof Storage Warehouse Off ers netka. chines $5. FOR PORTABLE SINGE('.R ELIFCTRIC reasý.,,%i 2152, 415 Washington Ave. sewlng machines $29.50; Western 131LTNL-214ltp Electric portables $19.50, treadie iMa- GRL FINI--WINTER 0OT, 12 YR'S,, 129L21-1lp tables, dress4es size 16, shoes, etc. very Uni. 0990. new $$ $OLD CLOTHES $ $$ 1114 Davis St. 1T-T S ALE, 129LTýN20-4tip Frerich renaissartce commode, 'TcT n ts-bC .DS ort, mirror. other pices princess style, fur tnîmmned; dvn davinette Martin's Clothing Store. 742 unster, Evanston Uni. 2220 SUITS-SHOES-OVERCOATS FRCASPOP EVC 1 GEORGE CLARK STOVE, VERY GOOD COND. FOR SALE C}TEAP. PJFIONE WILMETTE1961.129LrI21-1tp) hl'-udo CidsOudo WANTED: ld ld PHJONE GLENCOE 618 LARGE IVORY CRIB, INNER SPRING 132LT21-ltp. Cail Excellent condition. mnattress. Winnetka 1472. . 129LTN21-ltP 2 TH-REE-QIJARTBR METAL BEDS Best. prices for books. mag, furn. Ragre FOR-SALE CHIEAP.. 218 ýTENTH $1.00 per 100 Pounid,. Winnetk.Ë 1522 ST.i, WILMETTEM. 129L21-ltp, MaL'rN19-4tp North Shore Junk Dealer Cali WîImff. 1200 107 GreenIaf A. WUm.ft.