silverware. OId ornew,,patterns. J e can match any -pattern în has returné-id to wravenue, college for his junior year. 1rank Suttl Williaw! l1 FMr S. R. A. -ISewvard. Mrs. George Walk, .armnaduke, Mrs. C. j D, . I In -case you happen to have an old pattern we can match it now. at no extra cost. Sflverware repalred, repliated..and e.nse utlike new. Reason- euySo 51Pr D.Kn3532 PAGLIAIRULO e.are Famus 15C for iIkShao Saturday, and Sunday ~CiQuart Brick cf Ice Cream -Ralph 'o WlLMETE JJ -as 4 ~ SPORT JACKETS' SUEOonly selected ikins are by Clinton ýB; Cochran, backed by ten supervisors,. each havýing'seven workers.. The supervisors for,:"Bold Venture". are Police C(hief C. C. McGuire, *Leo, J. ,Hassenauer. ,Robert Forster, .%Irs.,George Scherzer, Mrs. C. Mlouldfing. Herbert Le O'ICnnel. ,Mrs. C. B. Cochran, Mrs. H. >. N., Sutherland, A. Storms, Mrs.'. Fred: H, Strayer. "TheComniunity Cbest bas nearly 400 workers lined, up for. the cam-. paign this year. The interest manifested b)y our village in these pre-, Iiniinaries gives us ail courage to b)eleve we are actually going. to Win. ont this year. Surehy %ve wili' if otw citizens Who are not working show niuch interest nii giving as those who are enlisted to work," Henry *Fowler, president, reported to the Executive Committee in its meeting Iast night. Grand Opening BoId, Venture 1sponsored "Bld \Teliture" At its meeting on, September 17 the Wilmctte Playgrou.nd and Recreat ion board received f rom Daniel M. Davis. director of recreation, an interesting report showing the scope of the activities during the summer, and the extent to which 'the facilities: provided' have ,been used by both aduits. and children. In.,this report Mr. Davis give 1smuchi credit to thé handymren provrided bv. WPA, stating that they hav'e-done. the splendid work. at the village greeu and 'other 'recreational. groun.ds. Agreat, amount of repair Work las been done, he points onut, %vhich ini former years was neglected due to. Iack .of helpý. The ten.1nis courts havé been in. bette' condition than everbefore, and th1e 'enclosures. have. been painted. IIuch'assisfiince, be states, has becu given the Park board. W-PA wvorkcr.., tsh elter. house! have painted the nlew at Vattman park, vhere a watchmani ha's been provided until 9 o'clock ea-h' tiight. These workers have kept th(. grounds dlean, and the beach workers have aclopted the hoard's swimiming program intact. One man eaclb has been furnished, to Central and Howard schools during the summner. Recreational Worlcers usecd in these féine jackets, in bi-swng, cossack or blouse styles. $8.00 to $10.50 Mr. Davis stated that the intenitl(i to use WPA recreational workers is Open"Grand the Admission to school hours and on Saturdavs., after ing" of thie Community Chest derby until alout November 1, to assist iii race wvill be by ticket only. Tickets the wclî,k at the, village green, Vainare to be issued to those who are k newest tali shades. $2.95 to $6.00 POLO SIIIRTS-,ith long sieeves, smart for fali. wéar ......... 51.35 BURNS TOCCERY The Wilmette Store for Men the equlipnient reqtured. * Dr. Preston Bradley of the People's Church. Chicago, wiIl fireý the "gun'-f6r the. start of the big race, iith one of bis "keyniote" speechbes. Special mnusic is also being arranged for the occasion. was a great success,.according to -.Ir. Davis. It was operated froni the last of January until the first wveek in June, and attracted a total atttendance of 18,995. This, he states, is conclusive proof of. tbe value and importance of, the prograrn to Wilmctte, and strongly urges that the building be reopenicd next winter and conducted along the samee unes. It is pointed out that this wiIl rcý- Phone 588 Mr. *and Mrs. H, 0' Crews of 522 The -Misses Mary and Louise LoveForest avenue returned to Wilmette dl,422 Kenilworth avenue, Kenillast week from a ten-day trip to worth, returned last week f rom White Sulphur springs in West Vir- Crysta'l lake, Mich., where -they spent two.montbs. "Miss McMaFion