CAN o QUANTITrY LimýITEDI 40 tg, 50 tiny buttons in ecd ea.Otly accasionally ,Ca ea cffet this big value. 'DOG F00D CANS Pal Brand. Dieta A. 8 and C' 25 ~ 5 Rd He'a4.. - -'-2 Rit, in-Trin's Favorite as ar.d 2. uinerals. LSc Kn-I-rafion 3 cana8 25c S arg MEDIUM NEW PACK!' Y SHIft reat you f amily to t new dish tonight. I 'l MICKELBERRY'S'i FARM" i ILz Trropical, Quar t jar Plain o: Pimento *l5c W WI '~YV U SLU Coltéeo! Chicago': 0w, OCTOBER 8, 1936 (also