04g CLEL4N NO w FOIR Let our courteous driver eall at your home today and pick-up ail your winter things that you'Ii isoofi be needing. zu52 Central Ave. Wl. 320-360 WINTEJI IN THE HUIOS EVANSTON WOt4UWS SUIQP in thie game, tnus folowing vvalaorx s style of play which emphasizes the development of squad strength. poilent of the . Saturcay" for Thegame indicated that the Purpie Northwestern's .Wildcats who openi- has'. goie -a long way towards deed their conference season.last Satur- veloping players to- replace key meil day, with an 1$, to 7 victory over lost through graduatiîon. This is partictilariy truc at fullback whcre Don The Bisoén5, wbo won ýthe North Geyer and Steve Toth, both former Central conferencechampionship last qtiarterbacksi turned in fine ýjobs of season with an undefeated record, fullbacking. In addition, Toth's kickhave'started off the current campaign. ing was one of the highlijghts of the with .a string of two wins,,haviing de- game.. He avera ges 38 yards per feated' Omaha university,, 18 to 13,* kick. Hv and Concordia, 15 to 0. The* latter ýHveDangerous :' 'Threat, victory was scored last Friday night. Don Heap- and. O.llie. Adelmani,,veteran ,Ieft ltalfbacks, lived up- to exExpect Real 'Battie While the- Wildcats rule strong pectations with a fine brand of bal y alternating this. pair. favorites to turn aside the visitors car rvitng. from the North, West, t hey1 neverthe- the, Wildcats bave a dangerous threat at ail times. - Fred Vanzo,. reserve less expect to éncounter a rge eleven that wiIl provide a real test. fullback last .year, turncd 111 a fine The Bisons fine averages 190 poutnds blocking performance. at cuartcrback whil1ç the baks avrage 180 pounds. while Clarence j{inton and Bernard* H-eaviest mani on the teani is Lyle Jefferson, both negro boys, held down Sturgeon, 260 pound tackle from the right balfback position ini satisMoorhead, Minn. factory mariner. The Wildcats came through theý Strong praise was 'heaped upon the Iowa engagement without inicurring Wildcat line for its impressive first any injuries and by Saturday expect game showving. Two complete lines to be reinforced by several players were used during the Iowa encouniter, who were unable to play against the indicating that the Purple has adeHawks -due to early season injuries. quate reserve strength in the forward These plavers include Babe Benider, wall. Two sophomores, Cleo Diehi, veteranl end, and jack Major, sopho- an end, wbo snared a 30 yard pass, the .year and Bob Voigts. tacle. stairt~Aed SPORTS COATS Just 4rrived! On Mon.day and Tuesday evening, October 12, 13, the Loyola Comrnunity theater wilI present Shaw's "Saint joan," as the initial entertainment of its tenth anniversary season. This extraordinary piece of writing will inaugurate the most extraordinary' program of entertaiinent that the theater lias ever offered, is is pointed Give ".Saint Joan" ce a colony hot shop 1640 Orrington Av.. Bishop of Beauvas ..... George Butzeti Inquisitor......... Bernard 'rownsend ..... !Ve1rett !uiflf Sberamàaimd CI.rçb MI ANSTON evening on th road, Kenilworth,..deParted Monday Vernon R. Loucks of ?34 Sheridan City of San Francisco, for à ten-day business trip to Sap Francisco. àtream-lined train, ~p J