companies. Staff of. traveled experts. No service charge., ,EstàIishéL 1926 NORTH SHýORE. .SERVICE TRAVEL Wlmette EvastnGreenle af soo000so ý5000 STATE CANK BUILDING RYTEX SKETCH lES mnake letter-%Nritinig a matter of seconds . . . Ces. 1The top picture showvs Roger Don it's so easy to speed through your correspondence with thiese gay littie -inform-ais Rae and Bob, O'DelIl, ' their dcual acrobatic prograin, while the Iower photo showsvjoJojacohson ini a high speed number. Others who performed were Milo Burchani, Dick Granere, Hugh Thomasson, CharleE Abel, and son. The opera wiIl be given in the Orrington school auditorium, Evan ston, on three successive nights, November 19, 20, and 21. "Robin Hood" bas been a favorite of American audie.nces for several generatioôns and its famniliar ciaracters, of' Robin Hood, Friar,'Tucék the Sherif of Nottingh-amr,' Alan-A-Dale. andi Maid Marion, have coule tb occupy a prominent position amloug our legendary heroes, Tht arias froîîî 'Robin Hood," such as :"Ohi Promnise Me,", 'Brown. October Aie," and. theý "Armorer's Song". are probablv sung more frequently than thosc of a-u other opera. Pro>mise Outstanding Cast Anioutstanding .cast of.aitateur ,id(l professional talent will carry the di fficuit-leading roles, supportedbiw a chorus of miore thanl fifty îalentçdl young men and womcn who have becix recruited from Evangton church choirs, -choral aid 'utsic schools. The entire production is under thc personal direction of Howard Toolc\. director for the Redpath Lyceluu Circuit, and Radio Station WS Meinh.rship Openi Membersbip in the- Lake Shoru Opera Players is openi to any rcs1(idît of the north shore, who is intvteresîed ini singing or who is qualified t0 )lay in an orchestra, A few more micii and women van be accommiodated iiithechorus, and any with exceptiolial1i-v fine voices or draffiatic talent inl'ay try out for principal parts or iiinderstudies. Neiv members mnay sectire ational Air application blanks fromi thé ember*Staff Photo, ship committee chairman, Miss Florence Holtz, 2211 Forest View,% road. Evanston, phone University 5109. Rchearsals are being hield every ou day and N\edinesday evening-,at 7 :4,5 Funeral services for Charles Fran- lu the Orrington school auditoriumn. The compiete ca-st bias îlot Jencf cis Henning, 55 years old, 909 Sher- selected, but will be announiced vuerv idan road, Glencoe, who was fataIJlv shortly. înjured in an automobile accident ,societies, C. F. Henning FatallyTnjured in Accident Deligbtful for Christmias 'gifts.. indispensable for your own use. LLOYD HOLLISTERt INÇ. 1232 Cenftral Avenue Wilmette Iast week and at bridgn the bostess' hom.e.. Mrs. iA. G. Ackermann was guest of honor. ITuesday of Ifollowing at Dy A.vrs. t..illord Ives O! VViirnette at Iluncheon at Indian Trail. Tea room Jr., of 736 Cummings avenue, Kenilworth, have as their bouse guest this week Mrs. Daia. Latham of Los Angeles. Dr. Otto Marsh of Sani Diego visi ced Mr.. and Mrs.. Zander last] week.. HAVE HOUSE GUEST Mr. and Mrs. Hlenry G. Zander. coe road, Glencoe; and Miss Betty Baker of 212 Center street,- Winnetka, were 'hostesses to eighteen guests at a surprise dinner party ini Miýs Fleming's home last Friday evening in bonor of Miss Mickey Small of .304 Cumnor road, Kenil-. worth, who'celehrated. ber fifteienli birthday anniversary .t hat day. .Miss Janann Fleming of 782 Gleni-