* . Party in,October Lace Belonging to Grandmother Trims Miss"Stolp's-Gown. Clusters of whiitelt>tton chirvsantheuumsdecorated. the peNVS aiorig the aisie of the Keiiilworthi Uniion cçhurclh for the cdigof M1iss lKatherine Stolp and PÈohlert Deane Dodsori), son of MAr. al Mr Ernest.-Dodson of,,tvanstonl. Wcdlles(lav ev'ening of this' week. WVhite Ani event annually of significaiice iui1,N'îlette,, is the partY gi ven 1 h hlnhoydepartrnent oftu Womian's Club of Wilniiette. "Iiis season the event takes place WedesdvOctober 281- at the cliffi)ouse. The conrnmittee f or the heneit lias, for its chairman. Mrs. Roger 1El. Williais. of he leartient sponsoringth par tv is Mrs. G. E. \VaIk, Meinber of the coinfittee arec es dames Edwin Burbott, Frederic.E>l The chairmanl Walter 0. Haas. Frank C. 1-Wiiffan, D)avid Kabele. L. Byvroîi Nash. U1rucio P. Owens, Herbert B. Mulford, Wf liain A. Richardson, Willard Thaver. Scott Smiith, Lloyd Yost, Knight Alvini Blanchard. Edwili S.s. Beirtnes, 0. MW. Clifton. Francis J. Daveinport. James Eider. Harry GrigsCrowell. Carbon P. Dubbs. *Miss J. F. Duncan, Mesdamcs Earl' by, Nelson V. Joyce. WVallace Miller, ing, Charles P. Evans, S. B., H a 1ev, Sauel E. Moist, Albert Nystroni, George Putnani, Misdna Trile. and * NMrs. H-. O. Von der Hoff. fiowèrs, green leaves alid ltap)e-s, é(ornleted the backgrounid far tile cýerernon.v whichwa efrndt 8 :30 o'clock', a reception foli1ouing at the homue ofAthebrdsjL1 ns.Dr. andi lrs Rfius H. Stolp1 (f -3.3(. Warwick roadý. Knlnti lue bride W'as ini a weddin.lg gmvîi of white satin rnadc oi prinicvliw anid trinimed wltth rosepioint lacc iwlonging to fier paterial graidmloth er. ain tlle She wore a face veil. and a véil whichi covered the traini of the Nvcdding dress, and carric(l a IO1I of white buttoln chrvsaitlicniumis*. Mrs. Otis I., Heath c)fHubr XVoods, the bride',; sister and oiidv\ attendant, worc sal)l)h ir-e lluesai and carric ellowchirvsantli emmnisý Se.Ic Rumi-nge for Infant Welfore Benefil Sale After October 15 and 16, homes of illembers and friends of the Wilmette Center of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago will be miuch less crovded dite to countless donation,, which are being mnade for the big rummnage sale to be lheld ôn those two days at 1112 Davis street ini Ev- Otns L -iea.th andt Rutssel bcth of Winf etka. Mattilnas. Marie K. Gibbons, at the right, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Gibbons of 602 Rarlstou, road, .Kcilzeorth, has gone east to begin her freshnan yearý t Wlese ole H er sister, Dorothy, iPictured zteitli ber apid their dog, Gra.1 Dalcn.1is.a sesior 0, ut Neu, Trier this Jul. Dessert Wrifes nctka. They are motoring to New York and Washington, D. C., on their wedding trip, and upoti their return ini ten days wiIl be at home with the bride's parents until the ieu.~~ house. is completed. 'Mrs. I)odsou and his bride are building a house on Sun set Ridge road, west of Willow road il \in Peck. John McKeighan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. McKeighan, 1025 Greenleaf avenue, arr-ived in Wil-, bmette Monday from a trip to Honolulu. Mn. and Mrs. J. -C. McQuide of 731 Elmwood avenue returned to WilMrs. Millard Kennedy and Mrs. Leon wecmesclay evening, Uctober emette on Tuesday froni a 'week's land Johnson are in charge of tea. The ceremony wiIl take place att home of the bride's cousins, Mr., a J trip east visitingk relatives 'in Troy, Mrs. Vernon Lotucki and Mrs. Walter. Mrs..Henry Pope, Jr., in Glenco.. N.Y., and Staniford ini the Catskills. Davis are co-chairmen of the benefit. e.