R..kects Mrs. Frank C. Nason Pr.sidênt; Priz.s Awarded for~ S..dpod Arrangements A ont y -fairwill hold swa in Minmette Wednesdlay, Octoher 14, its uiponsor being the. Wilmette <bapter of theOrder of the rEastcmn Star, Its locale is the Wilmette Mauonîc temple, J .1010 Central îîerfumc, linens, hcnne-coolced foo<ls. -in Old Tirâe CoUttry store, will be$ among, the, attr'actions. SandwicheC%, 'alads, and tea will lbe servied during tIle day, a horne-cooked dinner at 0 a t night, for which reservations arc. jo liemade. Bridge tables will bel. st lup for gaineâ at 2 and at 8, with P'rie chairman ofthe Illitiois Garden -Club SFlower show, and another by 1frs. given for eCach table. Fortune telling____ I.indslecv. who told of her recent Wfli civer: the patrons. rhe.perfnnel for 4theIFair iinclu<ks,,, . The meeting closed with the award:1ILt .11arflaret r,41it, ai ihe le fi, and Mjiss Frances A nderson, ai ' nortli Mrg;. Albert 6,. Ackermann, gentral m 'eeiing ing the opening.-m of prizes by popular votes for the ai /'iun ii:sw/w /il Play a group of tuo-Pianp nwrnbers chairman, with Mrs. Clifton L~ Darbest exhibits of miniatures and seed'f té Vot Shore Musicians club, Tuesday, Ociober 13, at the hiýOre Of ing and, Mr%, J. R, McClnre. t p-/ erojen, 1822?Sheridan road, Evanston. fs.Ai pod arrangements in a small flower <-hairmen. 'rhe gcneral chairman of enitertai1nshow conducted by the niembers. Mkrs. Arthur B. Adair won the first prizes mient is,-Mrs. Hiarry Sinoot, with coinmittets arranging for dancing, bridgc, In the two classifications, both the Iceno, guie,ing gaines, and contests. uet ýmen tol-H atitý seedpods and miniatures. In the: latlold -. Mr.Frank C. N\a>on. was, re-. elected presilent of the KenilWorth Hoime and Garden club at the aànnual lun.cheon and meeting held .Monclay at:lIndian'IF1111 Country.- club. Other oficers elected at the same time are.: Mrs. Richard SJohnston, first vice-president; 'NTrs. idsesecond, VicemArthur J Seelv,' president; NIr.s. Ilerman GC. secretary. and Mrs. John'.Roberts. treasurer.. The program cfinsi,ttd. 0f two lectur'es. one by .,Mrs. O. -W. IDynes, Mrs. John Woodhead and Mrs. Orvilir Jones are in charge of, keno;Anua Ro %c1raith is chairman )fýdai1c- May Invt O et to Fie Art Pro- Cv nulCv ics MeeIi ing N'onen's ter classification she displayed African violets in a sinall square container. Second prize was won by Mrs. John 1.. Olesoii for a fait arrangement in .211d Miss Rebecca Fitch, candy; Mrs, Augu*i Kueliow and Mrs. Irène. Dahncke, bakery; Mrs. E.arl Ornler, country store ; Mrs. Orville W. Joncs, lobster booth; Mrs. Eivangeline Morgati and Miss Buda Ilaas, fortune telling; Joseph Converse, toys; Mrs. Augumi Meyers, chairman of dinner. Boothi for perfuine and powders and for photos will be supplied by ()lt- rail.,, aprons; miss ioroUN1L1It4 %uiz4>w Friday, October 9, at 2 o'clockç, and the iemlbers lhave the privilüge of inviting guests.1 Mrs. Edward Cumîni'skey as chairmnan, lia, arratige(d the prograin on which wilI appear Mrs. F4wanl F. Cn'tmniiske, Jr. (Mary English of Betty Jones Dancing school), promiilient solo (lancer, who, ini addition to i eton gvm- svea nmer arge a4U(iiUJl 111111 oflthe Woman s clui» as the subject will be, CIý vics speaker. at Home lier and in the Hlome." Bly t lh e A k e 1y, cellist, acconiiîanied by her mother, Ernau Akely, will furnish the music. She has chosen for hier numbers, "Sicilienne," by bottle, and M rs. Nason showing a vine with lavender seed pocîs in an- old gin bottle. Fourth prize was won by M.ýrs. .indsley. CAiItUttlIg wieat in a large Hat green Vanl Paradlies, and "Concerto G Ma- jor, Opus 05," allegro, by Goltermani. Mrs. Arthur Von ngberg wiIl have the Devotional. Mrs. IL. B. Burnside. will explain about the division of Wil-' Arranges Found.r's Day D. A. R. Programn Ha v. Rumrn.ge Sae The Mothers' club of St. Johnt's Evaingelical Lutheran church, Wimýette, will have its fait rummage, sale October 15 and 16, tile Iplat, to I>e announced by posters. is underway at the larish flouse, 1140 W'Îiiette avenîue, Wilmette. Mrs. Hiarry B3. Johuistoi of 1320 Greenwood avenue is in charge of the sale.' Clotlinig. lhousehiold goods, and odds andc eiids are available. T he first yearly meeting of Wilmette chapter of P. E. O. will be held at the home of Mrs. Arthur. Mahle, 530 Washington avenue, at 1 :30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, October 13., vvulan's Ll.ubot nilimette on the, vetera ns'. entertaininent committee. She has planned to have a soloist and accompanist and an accordion player on ber prograin. I 4