St. Luke's m. -%d 1 fo St art Year Thle North Shore Çatholic Womian's league will open its calendar for the new year onTuesday,. OctolPer 13, at 2 o'clock, at quarters iii the Winnetka Community, House. The openinig reception-will be a greeting, by the new president, Mrs. B. T. McOivern, to the officers and members of the league;' Heads Announced Be Honor Ouests at Alumnae Te.a MNrs. Mlark, W. Cresap, Woodley ro ad, Winet-ka, wvil1 open lier homieWeédnesday afternoon, Octot>er 21, from ý3 until,5 vop'dock, for the tea wvhich EalutuNorýth,.Sqhore and anstoni nae of Kappa Alpha Theta give each fali for the Theta pledges at Northwvestern univrsitv.ý This year theTheta Miother's club) is joining with the alfunînae associa* tion iii :gi.ving the tea, and imothers ofthe pledges. have been çspeciallv invited. MNrs.: D. Bligh Grasett ,of NViinuetka, reccntîy elecied grand président of Kappa Alpha ,Thecta, %wilI be guest of hionor. Mrs. Grasett wvas Thieta president Miilher senior year at Northw~estern, bas been president of the C.,anstoni aluminae, and served as evd ttecoeo Te0ilb A large committee: is ini charge the event, onîe of -the !higgest -each faîl theprgam, the hostesses including * in the soiciety life of Chicago, which .Mrs. Sidney >Beech, Mrs. Williami and Mrs. spreads, in interest ail along the north Dillon, Mrs. Harry. Milis., f St. The WToa' Luke's 'hospital lias plan.s ,well under %wayfor. its Tenth Annual Fashion showr to be- given this fq Il n the, Girand hlirooni of the by Ani Stevens oelo the afternoonA very. delightful, program. president's Oc- Birk Kuper will follow the and evening of Wednesdaýyshow-. greetiflg. Miss Kuper willgive Theafrno .21. tober interpretation ofis "Victoria drâmatic iii iht. :0ocok isat2 an*artist costume, She eina," in shore. north the alorig known well lIng served. The evening shlow wvomwitb popular extremely is and and dinner dance is at ý7 :30 en 's g roups for lier dramatic recado *clock. ofings and interprétations. shore. . Mrs. John W. Gary of Glencoe, president of the board for many years, is general chairman ind treastirer. Mrs. Walter Wolf is chairman of the fashion review; 'Mrs. Frank Hubbard, chairmail of the special feature, to be announced later. Mrs. John L. Cochran is chairman of the stage; Mrs. A. Watson Armour, chairmanl of exhibitors; Mrs. Kersey Coates Read andMrs. Georgee A. Ranney,. chair- plete and interesting program for the coming season. Mrs. William V. Hill of Winnietka is the new programn MattheW Efi'ig. The club has arranged a most com- chairmail, and the followiflg members are chairmen of the varjous departments: Mrs. Frederick G. Murbach, public welfare; Mrs. Raymond G. Real, art and literature; Mrs-. Harry W\7.Roberts, lectures and tours; 1%rs. Sheahen. social;, and Llovd1W. grand '-ears. treasuirer for a iiumber of Xorthwestrn, is a Theta pledge. président of the Carlos Photo MNrs. Grasett is also of Nortlhvcsterti alumnac Associate ýIIimi of ni roadi,' KeaL, man on her comnmittee.Mrs. Robert McCormick Adamns and Mrs. Gordon Lang are ini charge of publicity; Mrs. John A. Stevenson ýWindsor D. B.E. Plans and Mrs. H-untington B Henry, Mrs. 1. Newton Perry and Mrs. Edward tL. Annuel Benoeit, Perty, *Ryerson, Jr., are chairmen of boxes. The Windso r chapter, UDB.E. of Mrs. Sterling Morton is chairmfan of and hold its annual card Pitcher C. tickets. Mrs. John Mrs. Beach Clow are in charge, of the sale of progranis; Mrs. Walter Field sémi-popidlar son gs. She singszthe wit/ orchestra and piano bettzuéèù numibers of the regular entertainMent. Miss Whitman is the daughtcr of the Roland D. Whitnaits. Willarci T. Grimm, Mrs. presinent, cot the .1.: Charles aiunaechapter, Mother's Scri.pps, president of the club, Vernon C. Beebe, Mrs. Gordon E. Taylor, Mrs. Jesse D). Trump, Mrs. Marcus H. Hobart, and. Mrs. George -G. Taylor., MeIhodisi Church to PeterC. Bohnens to m 1 1 1 lm-at the business meeting. Plans were tonI au Alpha Theta on Wednesday made at that time for a tea to -be KCappa October 28, at the Kenilgiven Noveniber 9, in célébration of afternoon, Mrs. William C. Henclub. worth the sixty-second anniversary of the. comniittee and Miss the lead will ning event> The founding of thé sorority. be ticket chairwill Sargent will take place at the home of')Mrs. Helen man. K. Fox in Wilmette. So C The And Ami The next regular meeting of the Francis household, Order of St. u in the fun,. Martha,. will be held at the home of *pongý ves, your pocket- Mn. William 'Barron, 817 Linden avenue on Monday, October 12. Mrs. Andrew Maguire isthe your friends olong. -contributed ess. 0. of M. Meeting Stuart