Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1936, p. 48

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counsel of Chicago, addressed 150 entlhusiastic Democratic women.. The teers. It will, be one of the largest' occasion was also a joint rally of al meetings on the north shore during. the Demnocratic groups in. New Trier, the presidentialcapi. township, .C hau n c ey McCormnick, national "The great presidenits of the United chairinan of The Volunteers 'and one Stts"Mr. O'Brien said, ."bave iever of. the earliest and most forceful foes. failedto"1 of the, New Deal,. wilI beà the prin-, Cite Second Tenu cipal speaker. Other: speakers of naHe cited the instances of the second tiônal renown are being arranged for.* tern of office held by Washington, Mrs. John P. Hooker of Winnetka lefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Cleveland', is chairman of The Volunlteers Ini Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow, New Trier. -In addition to co--chair- Wilson. In Mr, O'Brieit's opiniion, the mnen and.assistants*previously named, Republiczati party, will neyer again George R. Harbaugh,,Paul C. Langý elect a prlesidentof the United States. and Herbert B..Mulford, ail of WilThe speaker thçn pointed: to PresiHead- dent Roosevelt's leadership iii the mette,. have been. added. quart ers ini Wilm ette are at 1151 banking cri-sis in which lie fotndtlîe Wilniette avenue; ini Winnetka at country paralyzed when lhe* took office 742 Elmi street, and ini Glencoe at 346 iii March, 1933. Park a venue. Mrs. -Mary Verrall is "He lifted the co untrv out of the assttng Mrs. Hacoker inGfrncee. despair of its patalýsis, even a-asite 1ad~ The Volunteers is an independent 'ifted bis own paralyzed body from non-partisan organization of citizens, disease," Mr. O'Brien. said. "Thiis. banded together "to save the Amer- was accomplished by calling ini the ican form of goversnment throughi the g1roup of internationally known batikers appointed byv Mr. HQýover to studyIN election of Landon and Knox." the' finanicial situation abroad, and wîth their advice, the following 'tiioroughly Anericanl' principles were laid. down: Patriotic Principles "I. As longn as foreiçtn lans arc candies for sale. oea iame or norneiI-laue CaKeS R5l Womnen's Demnocratic. club of Winnetka will bc addressed at 2:30 by Mrs. L..Robert Melon, delegate to, the national, Democratic .convention, at Philadeiphia,' and membel>r.of the carpaign comrtnittee for Governor Hor- The regular meeting of the ner. The purpose of this meeting, it is-ex-. plained, is to inform mýîembers ini regard to ocal issues. The larger issues of the presideintial-qcamnpaign are to bc discussed by Prof. Augustus Raymond Hatton, of Northwestern univýersity, at a ".Doubters'Mig" the following .MondaY.. The public. is cordially 'InvitO&T64attend hoth the white elephant' sale and thîe "Doubters' Meeting." Donations for the sale may be brcîughtto the comi'nittec, treaded-by 'Mrs. Roland D). Whitman, at Demnocr'atic headquarters. at alny time this Saturday. burne, candidcate for, states attorney of Cook cou.nty. They will be supported by a number of other candi dates. A. committee comPosed lof Paul C. Lang, Wilmette;P W. M. Washburn. and Robert Wienecke of Glencoe, has been appointe-t complete details of the meeting. This commrittee mnet with a committee from the Ith District Young M en's club at a dinner.meetinig at the Shawnee Country club on .Monday evening, to consider'plans, for the affair. The purpose is to make tlîis the big. local, political affair of the campaign. I t Democratic. Women WilI, Meet Friday Afternoon A meeting of the. Newv Trier \Xomaiî's Democratic club will be held this Friday, at 2:30 o'clock at Winnetka Democratic headquarters. 'Miss render a group of vocal selections. There wi.ll also be a speaker. Tea will be served at 3:30. Repu.blican Group Hears Smith; Sends Women Repu blicans Endorse G. O.P. Sia te; HearAttack onNew Deal s.1 1tl and farseeing XVe want no further Confer-3, After the business was completed, the group listened to the campaiIgn ence., uttil th.e atmnosphtZre is cleared, speeches of Col. Frank Knox, Presi- and the Iîext con1ferenice ill be hield dent Roosevelt and Alfred E. Smith. ithe United States. At their conclusion the following tele"Hone.Lt Dollar" grams were sent to Mr. Smith: "The. administration then established a soutid, holnest, fift-inte-cett dollar 'and stoppect the flow of gold "2. As long as foreigii governmnents mitteeman 'Henry 'A.. Gardner pre- fait to join iii disariùamnent agrec- afternioo, Octobet 2. , Mrs. Edward "The irst basic principie, that matsided. Also joining in the session was nwints, the.y cati float noLmore bonds B. Hall, president of the organizà- ters of national concern shall be adthe 1th District Young men's club. iii the United States. tion. introduced MNrs. Hill Blackett, ministered from tbe National capital miemb.ershi.p chairnian, who announc- and that mnatters of local concern ed that the membership now is 824-. should be adminisered by local of the candidates' com-[ ernments responsive to local will, is mittee recomrnended the endorsemenit the essence of the American systeni of the entire Republican ticket. Thisý of goverimnent," hie said. report was unanumiously accepted by Not New Philosophy the niembers. It was stated tha t Mr. Appel indicated that the philosopliv of lawv and govertnuient. sub- the puiblic is invi procured at Demos on Elm street, zrnoCUflienvry i'.n-1 ij I rri naqu Att',rney Thomas J.1 ever held on the iiorth shore, accord- Winnetka, or froi anymeniber 'of the eprincipal speakers. ing to District Leader Thomas J. various Democra corganizatiops. " r al;c >icl %Il.% lily asid K4rtney r f is a liberal when histori velt will be Tory since kings." ie last of the Stuart swriten, **,%r. iRoosetdown -s the greatest

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