whichi the feet of the chiid have been directed. And so they bave recruited, Thnere is a satisfaction in it, as well *piin e rop into many troops. of this fine organ- -as a pride, and la joy. .00»O ne ization. thousànds of girls,' from shore should The girlsof the north t.Browniie" age to 118, who are being, no.longer be handicapped by theý lacke taught the real purposes of life'atid of leaders. There are women here flarry Kinne, Jr., 1Goes fitted for the duties, responsibilities ini al)undance who are,. capable of: East to Be in Wedding and -uncertainties, that are surie to. be carryingon this work. .They should their's 'hei they bave actually bc-. offer their, services without delay. IJfarry.Kinnie, Jr., son of Mr. and i Mrs. Harry Kinffie, 1324 -Elmwood Cone the women of tomorrow.aeuleft yesterday for East These girls, coming as raw" muaOrng, N. Y., to be the best man iii terial from al sortis of hornes, the ARTICLE It will interest the local Scouters the wedding of a fraternity brother, poor, the well-to-do andthe wealthv,ý Robert Bonfield, .wbich will take to know that Miss Hazel1 Osborti, are, iunder the direction of coMpetent. pl-ace.Saturday. Mr. Bonfid and Mr. d aughter of Mr. and ýMrs.. C.M Osschooled leaders,.,traïined ini their, Kinnie were màembers 'of Delta Uipl)orin of Wilmette, is on thie programi thinking, in -their habits, in their amsilon fraternity at Colgate university. staff of the national ôrganization, and bitions and their desires, to take their Mr. Kinne will, take part in someé of proper places in. home and school lias a very interesting aÉticle in -this thse social activities* preceding thse month's issue, of ",The. Girl Scout and church andy( the affairs .of state. Leader," "Girl Scouting's Relation to wedding and afterxvards will remnain lit this teachin.g these girls ac- Social Group.,Work." for several days to visitwith oither school friends. <luire. the qualities. pi self -relianice, Iii the introduction to hier article courage, adaptabiiity, consideration she says, "One of -the claitus of Gil for the riglits of others, and the facScouting is that it trains girls for CHILD IESCAPES INJURY uty of correct action in enuergencies. .Mrs. F. B. Wreaks, 731 Laurel 'aveOn hlikes and in camnp they are taughit citizenish.ip. The leader who underto take carc of themselves, to utilize stands ever so slightly the many imi- nue, reported to thse police that at inaterials at band for their needs, to plications of citizenship ini the Girl, noon on Friday ber daugister Nancy, Scout programn realizes that she and cooknxeals ini the open, to keep camp lier group of girls are an inseparable 6 years old, ran into thse street from between parked cars in front of St. neatly. They are taughit appreciation working the community, of part Francis Xavier churcis into the side of the beauties' of nature througli a other to shoulder with every shoulder of a car being driven slowly by Mrs. knowledge of its mysteries, love of community.in that force for good C. Torry, 1341 lJmwood avenue. animiais and bird life and how to do Educators used to say 'Education is L. The child was flot injured, and was their part toward conservation of 1Îow taken home by~ Mrs. Torry. education f or life'-progressive thiose iriends which have been pro' the a(Uuit wJii *Iilow 1te patn Rto EDYTH, DIEDRICHS Janus, M~tbofRed"foi, 1700 Central'Street. Evanston>. Janus Building *Phone Davis 2004 i-UPH01LS tERU1 NG BY exclusive upholaterers at ressonable prioes. Our. estimator will oeil with c omplete fine of Fabrics PHONE UNIVfl$ITT 7210 - DAVIS FURNITURI CO. 721-23Main Sfr..f EVANSTON U for the education: and development ,of thecir, girls. Did they. but realize' tlie iacts, manv additional troops woul be required to provide for nlew mnembers. The great need now is for leaders competent tO guide :and instruct these littie.%women in the )rjinciles of, Girl Scout work.- andU %v14LiiaC!VV a inIveoV1Wcny il 15 away. There were about 21 'girls in our troop la st year, and three of them Went into the high scbool troop. We have only three new girls in our troop, but we are. expectiflg somne more next week. We have a new lieutenant to take the plae of Harriet Keith, who has moved away.. U-er jninme is Jean Wolfe. We had. to, elect a new scribe, because the one we year graduated. The new one Is hadilast P3at Crawford. W.e reelected 13eth Myren~ NATIONAL GALLERIES, INC. RARE AUTIQUITIES AND ART OBJECIS NME EMUELLISIIMENTS COMPRISIUO atil Period Furiture, includirig Important Librm~ of Books in IlS - 318 North MkihganmAvnu,, Cheo, MlomI A LARGE AND OUPMENSI VE COLUMCTON 0r and direct their thoughts, studies and actions along the lines of Girl Scoutslip ? What ,could con tribute 'l greater measureý to theý future OfJ "L impsionaD1UI4ie ana .i ,- IHinanan A&P .à6m" -JAwa A- &- . Operated by Phii> 1. Danidlson Ave. and Church St,. Sale Coziducted ly M. EUGENE FREUND uEW YOR~K PARIS CHICAGO