1026 Waukegan Rd., <ienview Ph. 81 124LTN22-ltc100x190). Will divide. 2 blocks lake anid barber. $10,000. 67-foot lot. Very deep. Wooded. $3,500, REAL STATE LOANS WE ARE IN TUE MARKET, FOR DE.B0xIM0.Choice location..Close ln. $à,150. sirable building loans -on well-located AND ICEBOX. CHEAP. PHONE WItM1TTE 2889 property. Shore North 129LTN22-ltp 70xl60. Will divide. Close In. $3j150. KITCHEN UTEýNSILS.,MIR5% interest If secur.ity.Warrants. We DISHES, rors, beddinig, treadieý sewing niaHubbard Woods aise have :special ,funda available:. for 9541 Lintden Ave.* curtains, old. Winnetka 1071 IMfmediate 'commitment o6n new or re-. chine,. bookcse, books, 1093 Wlnnetke 1300, Elm St., cherry chest, linens, etc. flnanclng banis. 129LTN22-Itp Winnetka. BEDS, DRESSERS, DININGRcoOm BEAUTIFUL RAVINE GLENCOE4% TO 5%% INTEREST et'and other househeld articles. Reaproperty. overlooking the lake, ln a sonable. Pbone choÔice location surroundéd by fine homes, WILMETTE 2764 1265 feet of trontage is' available for 129LTN22-ltp Over 40 Years of, Dependable Service imediate sale. 630 Davis St., Evanston- Greenleaf 1080 ELDRIDGE R 0 T A R Y PORTABLE If you wish an excellent, setting for the nhew homle you are planning, do flot ýelec. sewing machine comp. with atfail te inVestigate. $15. AiseThor tachments. exicel. tond., $40.Gen edec. mangle, 45 ln., like nw ý129LTN22-ltp 711. AGENTS. *EXCLUSIVE VFFNDS AVAII.ABT.i FOR, PORTABLE SINGER ELECFfTRIC WE HAVE Over 40 Years of Dep>endableý Service . Gre. 1080 conservative loans on. reidences and sewing machines $129.50; Wesoteirn 530 Dgvise St., Evanston fllIénene 13 incoixic pruperty. 4 4-k% tu '3% Iitterub. Electric portables $19.50; treadle ma328, Park Ave., Glencoe Ph. 114LTN224ltc o10 years. Prompt service and* mod- chinée 16. 1114 Davis St. -Uni. 0990,.. ~ erate chages. Construction Loans FULL SIZE.' VERY REASONA3LE. Glencoe 1171 129LTN22-ltp CAS RANGE FRANK A. REID $5,000 AND UP in good. conditi!on. Phone Glencoôe 1200 between 8 A.M., and 5 P.M. 132LT22-lt.> B30OKS We will buy your books. What -have you?' Will cail. Book Exchange. Wil.- 3214. 132LTN20-4tP WANTED) TO BUY. TyPEWRITER $2.00to$20.000 STATEMiENT 0F TRY. OWNERSIIIP, mANA&iitENT, CRU(lATIONg-ETC., TUE ACT 0OF CONItEQUESTElDBY QGIE8e$ 0F AUQIJST>24, 1912. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. FIRST MORTGAGES, McGUIRE & ORR,, mc. 0Of Wilmette Lite ýpupilshed weekly for October.1, 1936. at Wilmette, Iil, S. COUNTY 0F COO STATE 0F ILLINOIS Before me, a'Notary Public l& and for the State and ceuntY. aforesald, personallyý appeared Lloyd Hollister, Who having- been duiy sworh according te Iaiv, deposes and says -that he là -the Business Manager oft Wilmette Lite and that the following ls te the beet et FOILECLOSED MORTGAGE HOLDEn . says sell at once, well located lots, ampile for three biouses. PRICE: $7,600 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Over 40 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080, Wil. 228 114LTN22-ltc, REAL BARGAIN joseph C. Cormack &-Co. *Federal Home Loans 1569 Sherman Avenue University 3353 127A-LTN26-tr. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. LOANS ON~, NORTH SHORE HOMES ,TNý22-ltp' e LARGE Of Other 1t ted on the reverse iand addresses of ýmaflaging editor r are: Hollister Imc. ( ce. Lt ýy ijwl at slignuy more ith~an usea u c PUL -d. 18 tU ln our Large Selected Stock of Fine Furniture R.UGS, CARPETS, LAMPS at -signifent basis. Will also à'ccept your furnIture op' cc-n-. CROST FURNITURE STORE Established 1898 Uni. 0189j 1004-6 Ernersoii St., Evanston 130LTN43-tfC IXT a, Ill. ; Robt. D. Rodenberg, 1158 ver Rd.', Winnetka, Ill.; H. N. ven, 1025 Willow Rd., Winnetka, Ill.; D. Hill, 1005 Westmoor Rd., Winka, Il.; Arthur C. F. Gedge, 1106 1St., Winnetka, Ill.; A. M. Levy_ N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.; 10. C.. lenberg, 1158 Tower Rd., Winnetka, ;C. H. .Scherer, Glenview Rd., Wilta TIi ]REML ESfATE, Warehouse Prices TTV 1VTTRNITUlRE Ralph 77 W.. for, b or ta w..' 1 . 5IUR aU5> I1 quer, Lw.iU JVUs. s j ers. '1008 Oakwood Ave. 19SL22-1tp INfrs. Karsten. Lir Iis sworn n September, bcib 2Sth idy of Rae C. 1 52 .I- (Seai) 9-4tp 1 (My cojmImQionexpiresAI 939.)