the Demiocrats are going to eiect Landon." A north shore divorcée, aged 21 years, shot and killed hier married lover because she wanted to ditch hini for another chap. However, she does tioit belong to our north.-shorè,, but to the north shore, north of our north shore.. For which wve are thankful. An original and very clever expression of ours, ýwhýich" wethought 'of. only 'recently-"iThe poli-ý ticalI pot is boiling"-is particularly applicable justnow. With only two and. a haif weeks remaining ini>os&et which to convince opponients 1'o. of, the error -of their ways, partisans. are rending the. air. with vituperative epithets,' us*ually unmixed with sou'nd ~ ,arguments of anyv kind.' Not ~ that there are no sound argumnents awaiting use, 'but' that the loudest of political debaterg do nît know wht they are. Us, we have been called everything from an* entrenched greeder to an economic' royalist. whatever that is, without even denting our determination to carry the sunflower to victory. On the other hand, we have use.d the miost unansiverable of arguments as to why nobody should vote for the New Deal, without the slightest apparepi inîpression on that peculiar ilk. t'special-v the one at. the adjacent desk, W1o is stili in-der the speil on eo JAY-WALKI1NG "Don't be a. jay-walker, is the nlew safety slogan- at -New,Trier Highý school, wbere the efforts of the ,safety divisio'n.of the, school are being exp>ended toward eliminating this contributing factor to automobile accidents. "Jay-walking," as you probably know, consists in crossing tbe street between intersections, and it 'was applied first to unsopbisticated country cousins wbo, presu mab:ly, did not know enough to protect themsgelves by crossing the street at an initersec-ý tion instead of haîf way between two of theni. It was, or is, a.silly practice, of course;- and bas long since cëased to be confinéd to .our less knowing country friends. In fact, itba spread a:no ng the city bridle-wise until it now constitutes one of theé most serious of traffic hazards, presentîng a real probleni to safety commissions and other agencies devoted to keeping people from getting killed tbrough their own foolishness. One would suppose that so dangersous a habit would be restricted to childreni of pre-discretion age, but unfortunately such is flot the case. Grownup folks credited with better judgnient do exactly that thing, and the resuit is that far too' nlany of themi wind up in the morgue. If you don't helieve it, read the death' notices in the * 1)aigfl. The board contends that the onlyr reason for' its. action in giving 'the order iwas a belief that by numbering the ballots "chain voting". wvould be - eliminated ýand honest elections made, possible. WIhatêver the merits of the plan may be, and. there ,are no, doubt sound arguments for and against, the fact remains that the public wa.s not givén an opiportunity ýto arrive at aàsettled conclusion in rega rd to ît. The board. insists that after*the corning eeto it will continue attempts to convince the voters tihat the plan should be adopted, and this is rfight and proper. But, even thoug h it is-, ultimateély found desirable, to force if throughi for the Nýovemùber election certainly wPould flot have been. ini the, publicinterest. The very' fact of the ballots being 'numbéred .would lave nmade possible' the coercion of many votersthrough the simple statément that their ballot could be checked and how they voted be thils revealed. Henry A. Gardner, New Trier township Republican committ eeman, and chairman of, the Cook County Republican campaign committee, issued a * statement presenting the position of the. Repub)*lican orgaiîization on the matter. He said: "'ihe Republican organization bas neyer opposed and does not now oppose any method by wlîich elections can be made bonest. "The party believes that the proposition of *nimberinz the ballots should be given more an eternity in which. to ponder the fact that. after aIl, there was no particular need for hurrv Better to cooperate With the safety division of the High schooi thian to jay-walk Nyourself into. ailother world. THRitFT Ask yo'urself1 on have been question : "Would the depresire disastrô,ig h2a tnt rn-v nunibered ballot is used, remains where it always lias heen-with the judges and clerks of eleetion %vho nust be inherently honest .be.fore there cati l)e an%- proper conduct of electiôns. 'Our organization did flot oppose the numbered b)allots because wve believed them improper. It wvas sinîply that we felt on the eve of such an important election it, was unwise to place on the ballots any ,device which would niake possible the intimiidation of vot ers. We also felt that the oia IypicaI iirie state-ciUU ot move rt1is i)rci, and we have giveni themi to bur time and tume again. Each time we say to bum: "We know oF five good reasons why you should vote for Governor Landon," hie cornes back withi the question. "What are they?" altbough he knows as well a.-; .we do. But just the---sanie, we always repeat, themi: "Franklin D. Roosevelt. Mrs. Roosevelt. Franklin Roosevelt, Jr. Elliott Roosevelt. James Roosevelt." Then, considering these five reasomis to he sufficient for anybody to vote our ticket, wve refuse to argue any further with the guy. paid out 27 billion dollars more tlîan if took ;ni. Business spent a big part of its'surplus to maintain wages and on tbe4ob during the years wben the aètual. current business income: trum IYJU to IYJ4, inclusive, Amnerican business so funny. wnen a driver accustomeci to "burning up the road" at 50 Ito 75 miles an hour finds that the top speed he can get out, of his classy roadster is, 25 miles per :hour, he will think that the reasonable limits prescribed by Iaw are pretty f ast. A Chicago man wbo "felt the urge to -kili" obeyed it by killing himself. A case of good judgment, we'd say. T HE P nA iTo. REPlORTER