)Breaking a precedent of ma.ny years, the Winnetica Music club opens its 1936-37 Artist Recital series on a Saturday evenîng. Ail concerts are regularly held on Monday evenings, but for the Opening this year Saturday evening, October 24, has been chosen to present Lauritz Melchior,, leadýeing.ténor of the Metropolitanl's Wagneria'n wing. Born int Denmarlk, son. of a scboolmaster, Melchior was ý.motherless at tbree. months. His' rear-' ing was left to' Froken Kristine- jensen. an author.of cook books whicb -are the standard in Scandin avian countries. Often, when the Melchior nioney was exbausted, it was thb sale of the Jensen cook books that paid for music lesson.. .Young Melchior's fit-st intensive mrusic:trainingq was in the school of the Royal opera in Copen-, hagen.%Here he attracted sucb attention that in 1920 he was invited to sine 'in. Covent Garden, London. bDuring that season.. Melchior. together with the late Dame Nellie Melba, sang on the first transoceanic broadcast front a radio station at Cbolmsford. The rçcPrdijg, of that prograT1, hich remains ini Melchior's possession, is said to be the 'fitst transcription of a wireless proL-ram. With European and South American successes bebind im, Melchior was sig-ned by the 'Metropoltan opera. and durinL, the 192526 season made bis debut. Instantly he becamie an American favorite, and since bas been singing the leading Wagnerian t-oies. Mis greatest role is said to be Tristan, wbich he sings to the Isolde of Kirsten Flagstad, Norwegian diva, who last season opened the Winnetka Leries. Miss Anti Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Charles S. Lewis, 861 Orove street, Glencoe, is the artist of the exçhibition of drawings and paintings banging in the corridor of New Trier High. school for two weeks. The exhibition will close Friday. Nine landscapes and. two costume drawings ýare inchided in tbe collection. the major portion of, Which was dope this summer in the classes of the Evanston, Academy of 1 ine Arts., Last summer. Miss, Lewis, a senior at New Trier. sttied at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. The -publication and release of "The Artists Calendar 1937" wiIl be markerl by an exhibit and tea Wednesday afternoon, October 21, from 3 until 5 o'clock in the Club Woman's bureau on the nintb floor ohMaUndel Brothers. The puhblir willi have an opportuity to view .the 54 oriçgifial signed prints vhich make up the calendar. tn meet the contributîng- artists, and to' se Todros Geller denuonstratýe the; process of woiïbli'ck-rtîtti n t. The Artists Calenidar, published. by the Chicago Society of Artists, as'one of its activities to advance American art to a -vider audience, cof thre-, north shore art.includýs. the work ists. Clara MacGiowan. assistant nrofessor of, art at Nnrthwestern Unv-rsitv. haç contributd"Montana" and ."Stiacial, Rhythms";, Peterpaul Ott,-pro)minent Ea'tnstltr has two studies, 4"Tnrso ofMitn" and "Torso of Woman"; and KarI Gasslander. art critic for the Evanston News-Index, has "Early Mnrniniz, Village Street.", Coverinq Chicago and, vicinitv in interest, there wilI be several north shore women amonz those who will pour at the reception, including Mrs. Ralph C. Jenninpgs, of Vil-. mette, and Mrs. ~Mrs. Arthur H. foettctier, Dlaniel H. Boone Mrs, Edson B. Fowler. Mrs. Carl P. Hubbard, Mrs. Robert W. Millar, and Mrs. joseph Pparsnn, ail of Evanston. Chicago women wii bi- Mr,;. H-rbert Byýfieid, Mrs. Adolph Krock, Mrs. Bertha E. Jacques, Miss Lucy Silke, Mrs. Harold Stark, and Mrs. John H. Wiçýmore. Thtis modern calendir consists of the ,vork of twenty-eizht members of. the Chicago Society of Artists. Each page contains a print and the days of a week at the bottom., t * The butiting place in Chossiwitz, Germany, where the Melchiors go for their brief summer vacations is an estate of feudai prooomtions. It abounds with gante, and Melchior spends mucit of bis tinte in the forests with bis gun and hounds. There is deer hunting, pig sticking and fishing. Melchior bas bagged bis eigbty-eigbth buck, and bis personal arms constitute a smaii arsenal. inat ras~ures. Laurits Meichibr' R. H. Paleruske loIds One-Mran EtchînpShf bound at the top by a The colomed stock. entire calendar is spiral b*nd:nýr, permit-. ting the release of any print for framing. The publication of this work was carried out by the calendar comnmittee, headed by, Beatrice S. Levy, with the assistance of Louis. Weiner, Fritz Brod, and the officers of the .society, Clama MacGowan. pregident, Tociros Geller, vice president, Kathleen Blackshear, secretamy, Florence Arguin, assistant secretamy, and Harold Schultz, treasurer. jcreant ÜIE;art of a Rtose.. Vocal Selecti Ions Eulalie Koer Stade mx the Piano Andantino Nrmoin certo No. M .............. Saint Saens Caroline Ijarnaberger. Eulalie ICober -Stade at the Piano Ernau Akley at the Piano VT I Dorothy PRae Waltz Op. 52 E MaJor ............ Brahms Waltz Op. 15 No. 2............. .... Arensky Juba. Dance.................rtt. Franmes Anerson-Margaret ?uùfts to bear Rudio He received1 appearance -% Carnegie ball. îonc ýcent yin